Hello Everyone! New here...

Hello Everyone! I am just getting my account set up and have started on this journey Jan 1, 2011. I am participating in the Osolean Challenge 2011 and am very excited. Turning 60 has gotten my attention, so I am changing the rest of my life:) I want to be active with my grandchildren and not let it keep slipping away. Anyone relate?


  • papersparrow
    papersparrow Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Marlene, welcome to MFP :) You picked a great join date: 1/1/11! I don't have kids, but I can definitely relate to wanting to make healthy changes! This website is a great tool in helping you reach your goal. I joined in 09, but got more active near the beginning of last year, and I have been loving it. The trackers, tickers and diaries are wonderful, but the best part is the community. Everyone is always so friendly and eager to help.

    I just wanted to wish you welcome to the site, and I wish you luck in your endeavors :)

    Take care!