Vigorous aerobic exercise

So, according to most web sites I've found, vigorous aerobic exercise is when your heart rate is between 70% and 85% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). I have done all the calculations to figure that out and even have an app to help me with that. So, I warm up on the elliptical, stretch, then start a 20 minute preprogrammed workout. While stretching my heart rate will have fallen to well below the 70% of my MHR mark. After about two or three minutes of my exercise my heart rate will be back up to between the 70% to 85% mark. So, because my exercise intensity is the same can I count that whole 20 minutes as vigorous exercise, or can I only count the 17 or so minutes that my heart rate was elevated? Thanks.


  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Are you going to count the time AFTER your 20 min where your heart rate is still elevated?

    IMHO, the percentage of your MHR should be applied as an average for your workout (which you'd meet), rather than on a minute by minute breakdown of it. So, I'd count the full 20 minutes that you're performing at that same intensity, even though it takes the first 2-3 min to get your HR in that range.
  • jameswhayhurst
    jameswhayhurst Posts: 9 Member
    That makes absolute sense. Thank you so much!