Dreamfields pasta is a fraud!!!!! Not low carb!



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    FDA gets involved when someone makes drug like claims on a food product...
    They also get involved if the Nutrition Label isn't accurate. This is why the nutritional label says 41 g of carbs and the calories for the non-fiber carbs are all there too. This is mainly what made me think the 5 digestible carbs was nonsense early on.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Moral of the story?

    Nutritionally, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

    I prefer to use Barilla Plus with added protein...I personally think it tastes great, and it boosts your protein level up for the meal. If you eat protein in combination with carbs, it changes the GI of the carb for the better, if you are worried about insulin spikes. (But truth be told, I just eat it cause it tastes good and fits my macros...despite what I just said, lol)
  • Prefessa
    Prefessa Posts: 90
    Moral of the story?

    Nutritionally, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

    I prefer to use Barilla Plus with added protein...I personally think it tastes great, and it boosts your protein level up for the meal. If you eat protein in combination with carbs, it changes the GI of the carb for the better, if you are worried about insulin spikes. (But truth be told, I just eat it cause it tastes good and fits my macros...despite what I just said, lol)

    You are correct...most bodybuilders are not concerned with the GI of individual foods...but will pattern meals such that the overall GI is low. (Combining a lean protein with fiberous and starchy carbs at each meal.)

    Barilla is great...tasty and if you are careful and enjoy al dente' pasta....its fine to enjoy in moderation even if you want to be freakishly lean.

    There was a Dr Bernstein that wrote a book on diabetes and did a talk on PBS...his recomendation was to stay away from bread because its an exploded carbohydrate, but that Pasta cooked al dente' was fine.

    I was always suspicious of the 5 g net carb claim...but my 1 hr post prandial glucometer readings had me believing it. I didn't realize that the curve was so long so overall that means that your just delaying absorption, not "Protecting" the carbs.
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    Which brings me back to: PASTA + no carbs = ding ding?

    Um...yeah. it didn't say "no carbs." Again, you are useless. In fact, let's make this simple...you're a non-factor. Wow...people like you are hilarious.
    Moving on to others with an actual point to make...
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks to everyone that helped!
    Actually, I've since moved on to taking gluten out of the equation :D I just made Spaghetti last night using zucchini "noodles"...AMAZING!!! Julienne Peelers are the BEST! I kept forgetting I wasn't eating real noodles!
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member

    Who cares if it's high or low carb? Just make it fit into your day!

    If you're diabetic you care!

    ^^ I AGREE!!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member

    Who cares if it's high or low carb? Just make it fit into your day!

    If you're diabetic you care!

    ^^ I AGREE!!
    I'm diabetic and I have PCOS. I care. But, then, I didn't need this article to know that Dreamfields isn't good for diabetics, at least not for this diabetic. All I needed was my glucometer. But, I know a lot of diabetics that eat Dreamfields believing that it is safe.
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    Shirataki Noodles are decent if you're looking for a low carb pasta fix. Just make sure you rinse them thoroughly & boil them according to the directions. They smell terrible until rinsed so hold your breath when opening the package.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Spaghetti squash is my go to pasta replacement.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    So the news is:

    Pasta is not low carb?

    Whew, glad we got that figured out.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member

    Spaghetti squash.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Low carb or not...its still pasta, and still has calories. If it fits your macros, eat it. If not...
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Barnum & Bailey is a live and well.:wink:
  • NSange1
    NSange1 Posts: 1
    they no long make those claims re being low carb on the packaging or their website. http://www.dreamfieldsfoods.com/

    -no 5g carbs listed on the label
    -no amt of protected carbs listed on the nutritional label
    -no mention of the patent that protects the carbs (but it is still patented)
    -no mention of the special cooking instructions (ie not to overcook it or store leftovers in fridge, or mix with ingredients during cooking--to prevent breaking down the protective starches)

    now focusing on plant proteins and probiotic fiber
    focuses on being a healthy carb, rather than low carb and an addition to a healhy diet (which imo if your doing the maintenance version of atkins it would be)
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    they no long make those claims re being low carb on the packaging or their website. http://www.dreamfieldsfoods.com/ <snip>
    Yes, because of the class action lawsuits. They paid $7.9 million and had to change the fraudulent labeling. Great bargain for them really -- only $8 million dollars spread out over 10 years and you get to double and triple the price of your product. And after 10 years of advertising I'm sure diabetics and the like are still buying their products and will for years to come. It should be a criminal matter, IMO. Disgraceful.
  • lalang43
    lalang43 Posts: 1
    I am diabetic and I have tested myself before and 2 hours after, on more than one occasion over the years, Dreamfields raised my blood sugar one point. That will not happen with regular pasta. Sorry, I happen to believe in the makers of this food.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So the news is:

    Pasta is not low carb?

    Whew, glad we got that figured out.

    yeah I just...

    is this thread real?

    really? I mean- come on.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Damn. Lots of words.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    If you're low carb for a medical reason, it probably isn't wise to rely on "low carb" pasta, you should probably stop eating pasta all together and find a real replacement.

    Pasta will never be low carb. That's kinda like wanting a steak to fit into your vegan diet.