n00b question about gym etiquette



  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    Always wear sexy revealing clothing.
    I'll be sure to take a speedo, and nipple tassles to the gym tomorrow :D
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Question for all you lifting folks.

    My gym only has one power cage, two flat bench press and one include bench press. There are no extra Olympic bars for ground work.

    My Workout B consists of squats, OHP and deadlifts. I need the power cage for squats and OHP but I could use the bar from the power cage or one of the benches for deadlifts. Do you guys think its rude to use the only power cage for the entire workout?

    I had similar issues. I usually stole a bar from one of the benches for the OHP, and deadlifts. You just have to learn how to clean the bar properly for the OHP. Good skill to learn anyway.

    Also, let the employees/owner know the gym would be better if it had more bars/power cages. We never got another power cage, but we did get two additional bars for ground work.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Always wear sexy revealing clothing.
    I'll be sure to take a speedo, and nipple tassles to the gym tomorrow :D
    Um, pics?
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Question for all you lifting folks.

    My gym only has one power cage, two flat bench press and one include bench press. There are no extra Olympic bars for ground work.

    My Workout B consists of squats, OHP and deadlifts. I need the power cage for squats and OHP but I could use the bar from the power cage or one of the benches for deadlifts. Do you guys think its rude to use the only power cage for the entire workout?

    I had similar issues. I usually stole a bar from one of the benches for the OHP, and deadlifts. You just have to learn how to clean the bar properly for the OHP. Good skill to learn anyway.

    Also, let the employees/owner know the gym would be better if it had more bars/power cages. We never got another power cage, but we did get two additional bars for ground work.

    They are remodeling shortly and are getting new equipment. The staff doesn't know what they are getting yet but they said that many people mention that they need more bars and power racks so we will still.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member

    What is a power cage?



    Wow, I have a lot to learn. I barely even understand most of the references in the responses here. I think I'm going to start with a Body Pump class first! LOL. Then maybe request a tour of the gym.
  • wonderbeard101
    wonderbeard101 Posts: 75 Member
    I don't see the point of doing rows or DL's in the cage...esp if there is just one...

    OHP I get, Benching if you don't have a spotter...and squats...but nothing else.

    ETA: to be frank tho I workout at home but when I do go to the gym this summer I wont be DL or rowing in the cage...or benching I will ask for a spotter or take my husband.

    Some gyms I've trained at have had safety policies forbidding doing heavy pulling outside the racks. I guess some people don't know not to go for a hug when you're in the middle of a clean and jerk set.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I don't see the point of doing rows or DL's in the cage...esp if there is just one...

    OHP I get, Benching if you don't have a spotter...and squats...but nothing else.

    ETA: to be frank tho I workout at home but when I do go to the gym this summer I wont be DL or rowing in the cage...or benching I will ask for a spotter or take my husband.

    Yeah I do Pendlay rows so I did those just out on the floor. DL too. OHP I was going to use the power rack tomorrow.
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    If a person has their ear buds in it usually means leave me alone..If you feel you must interrupt me then wait till my set is over and make it quick so that it doesn't interfere with my next set. I'm not there to chat..I'm there to workout.

    Watch your back if equipment in the weight area is close together. I had a women almost run into my fully loaded barbell while i was about to do a set of squats. She just about knocked me over..good thing i was paying attention at the right moment.

    Wipe off benches and equipment!

    If i'm running or working vigorously on a cardio machine don't cozy up next to me and start talking to me..I'm there to workout not chat!

    Before grabbing the nearest cable keep in mind someone who is in the vicinity may be doing a superset and has another cable on standby. Ask before you use it. Again..i've had so many people just jump on a cable that i just spent time setting up for my superset. Makes me crazy.

    If you decide to do numerous exercises back to back make sure the equipment is relatively close and not clear across the gym. Tying up a precious bench for a half hour is not cool in my book.

    If I'm doing sets..dont come in a block my view of the mirror..I need to to make sure my form is good.

    I could add so many more but these are my biggest gym musts do's
  • CelebrityStatus
    CelebrityStatus Posts: 84 Member

    Don't stress OP! If you have common sense, you'll be fine! Most people at the gym are pretty nice, or they keep to themselves. Just don't take up multiple pieces of equipment or do annoying things like sit on a machine and use your phone unless you are able to use your phone and the machine simultaneously (stationary bike for example) ... I can't stand when someone sits on a machine, without using it, and texts or plays on their phone... there are benches for that ****, some of us are on a time schedule!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Wow, I have a lot to learn. I barely even understand most of the references in the responses here. I think I'm going to start with a Body Pump class first! LOL. Then maybe request a tour of the gym.

    not that body pump is bad- it's fine.. but it has almost nothing to do with the weight lifting we are referencing here.
    You'll do better by watching the gym (I find the stairmaster gives a good vantage point) to get a feel for things from a safe distance and doing reserach on lifting programs so you know what you are doing when you walk in there.

    Starting Strength
    Strong lifts
    New rules of lifting
    Strong curves

    youtube is a wash with good and bad information- but it's there to find if you look.