Is my body comfortable?

I lost all my weight before I joined MFP. Fairly steadily saw the scale going down just by eating right most of the time and making it to the gym as often as I could. Since I joined MFP I count my calories every day and go to the gym more than I ever did before and I haven't lost anything, but fluctuated between 124 and 129. My goal is 120. I literally just can't seem to get rid of it. Is it possible my body is just comfortable where its at and fighting a restricted diet with exercise? Another factor is since I joined MFP I started lifting weights (as heavy as I can), so could that play into not seeing the scale go down?



  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    Remember that it's much harder to lose as you near your goal. You're no longer going to be counting you loss in pounds or even half pounds but probably ounces at a time. Make sure you're taking good measurements, because with more exercise is probably coming smaller waist or hips or butt, etc. Take your success where you can and maybe don't worry about that number on the scale so very much. You're clearly doing it right, take joy in your health!
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    Like the poster above me said, it gets really hard once you're close to your goal because your goal is generally a number you have in mind that is the "ideal" you. Being ideal is hard, (of course not for the perfects like me ;) jk jk jk )

    Just make sure you're not over-measuring (do it like once a week) and you should be able to notice even a .2 lb improvement or something.

    good luck!
  • CorazieLovesTea
    Last year when I started doing metabolic work outs, I lost something like 30 inches and only half a stone. Muscle is so much heavier than fat. I watched my body change but the scales barely moved because I was building muscle.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    isn't it nearly impossible for girls to build any significant muscle in a short period of time? I mean I've been lifting since January but I'm a girl.. don't have enough testosterone to be "building" heavy muscle..?