Nipple Piercing? Tattoo?



  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member
    If you must get tattoos take care that you get them in easily concealable places. I've spent decades in corporate management and cannot stress enough that you should not get any job killers. IE tattoos on the face neck or hands. That makes you mostly unemployable. Also keep in mind that if you get something on your calf or arms/shoulders be prepared to wear pants and or long sleeves to work the rest of your life or else you have to cover it them with a large bandages. Not the most attractive option. Got an ankle tatt? Forget those cute shoes the rest of the women get to wear. I see socks in your future... Use your brain, you are going to grow up and have responsibilities. Don't do anything that will limit you in the future.

    Well outside of the exploitive private sector and into an accepting and modern sector such as public services I would hope you would not turn down a life saving operation from a sugeon with full sleeves. Unless of course you want to stick by your corporate image theory all the way ;) best thing I ever did was leave the private sector.

    Why is it the private sector is always so far behind in equality? The wage difference between men and women is only just being closed in the private sector, LGBT and disability rights are bare minimum in the private sector still.... Meanwhile I'll be happy working in my job with LGBT people, people covered in tattoos and disabled people empowered to work.

    Everything you said confirms exactly why I will never work in the private sector.

    "Use your brain, you are going to grow up and have responsibilities. Don't do anything that will limit you in the future."

    The only thing that can limit this person will be to accept your venomous view point of inequality and prejudice.

    It isn't "my viewpoint" it's the way of the world my friend. You can refuse to see that if you wish but it doesn't change the fact tattoo placement can severely limit your employment options if you make a stupid decision when you are young and rebellious. You're really giving a young person bad advice. It's nice that at your homosexual disabled persons workplace tattoos do not matter, in the real world where the rest of live, tattooing YOLO on your neck doesn't exactly give you an advantage over the 25 other people I just interviewed for the job you're not going to get. Grow up, use your brain, and don't tattoo "thug life" across your knuckles...

    Pretty silly extremes on both sides of this argument.

    I work in the private sector where tattoos are some times seen as limiting (never seen a face tattoo in the office) but are overall accepted and not an issue and somewhat common (we EVEN have a senior director, male, with eyebrow piercings). Don't expect a VP job but then most people don't.

    As to the other types of discrimination - where I work, LGBT people are open about their sexual preference/etc., if it ever comes up at all and we have very specific projects for handicap inclusion (they make a lot of ethical/employee engagement/financial sense). The private sector bashing is pretty much blanket ignorance.

    Why shouldn't you expect that you can find a VP with a tattoo or that you can't become a VP with tattoos. There are no limitations on my opinion. Just think further.. In 10 or 20 years from now tattooed people will be more common than those who chose not to have a tattoo...

    Let's drop my comment on access to higher positions. I don't think your crystal ball gazing is correct but I think you have the right attitude.

    I encourage everyone to have the same attitude... work hard and you get where you want to be no matter what you look like. Such attitude is needed to get further in life and to turn this world into a better place..

    however I would love to know what exactly you believe I am so wrong about?
  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member

    Healing time on nipple piercings can be between 4-6 MONTHS.....and if you run into any complications, it can be longer.

    yeah I agree with that one... mine took a good year to fully heal and only that happened because i started going swimming several times a week which seemed to have done the trick... I had cleaned it every day with water prior but the pool just sorted it for me
  • stacysum
    stacysum Posts: 32
    Tip - If you go with nipple peircings, never do laundry naked!

    Oh and the 2nd nipple hurts the worst because you know what to expect from the first one. Both are pretty tolerable, in my opinion.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My dog once hooked his claw on my nipple ring accidentally while I was changing clothes. Granted, he's only 18lbs, but YOU try hanging 18lbs from your nipple!
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    Get the piercing, they grow back. Tattoos are forever, they age horribly, and most people who aren't completely covered in them end up regretting it when they grow up whether they will admit it or not....

    That's really interesting being as my father is all growed up and his tats look fan-freaking-tastic, my next door neighbor has had some of his tats for going on 40 years and well.. damned if they don't look good too! Let's face some reality.. if you're 80 years old, if sagging skin and a slightly distorted Tat are your worst physical issue that you have to worry about then you are a medical freaking marvel. Ink it up or don't, live your life however you want. It is more interesting with a nice piece art to carry with you though!
  • kthulhu69
    kthulhu69 Posts: 27 Member
    Since nipple piercings hurt a lot, take a long time to heal, and can deaden sensation, I would actually propose something better:

    Vertical hood piercing.

    Before you cringe and say no, hear me out! The hood is such a thin piece of tissue, it's literally like sticking a pin through a napkin. There's a sharp sting for a split second, and then the pain gets confused with pleasure because of where it is, and it dies down quick into a sort of background hum. The jewelry is not just aesthetic, it's functional: it can vastly improve your sex life and make orgasm easier to achieve during penetration. Also, men tend to be fascinated by it. It heals completely in about two weeks, can be taken out for long periods without the hole closing up, and you'll never have an employer complain about it.

    It seems to prevent the level of aggressiveness I prefer during oral. Fascinating, yes. Sometimes distracting, also yes.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member

    Healing time on nipple piercings can be between 4-6 MONTHS.....and if you run into any complications, it can be longer.

    Mine healed in 4 - 6 WEEKS which is average. I had zero complications but I followed the directions given to me when they were done and didn't slack off or skip cleanings. I've had them for over two years and still clean them (other than just showering) a couple times a week.

    I also have tattoos. I would say that depending on where you are getting the work done it can be uncomfortable. I'd never call it painful. I work in a very conservative/corporate setting. None of my ink or piercings are visible other than my ear rings. Use your best judgement. Give both a fair amount of consideration before you jump. The piercings can always be removed. The ink is with you forever.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Lots of great stuff said already. I'm 35 and planning the first tattoo. Haven't decided motif nor placement yet, but this is something I've been thinking about since early 20's and once I have a bit less body fat, I'll just go ahead and have it done; don't want to wait another fifteen years. With that said, I'm glad I didn't jump into anything that I'd regret. There's an emagazine that I'm reading, Inked, and it's really informative as well as inspirational. I think it's sad that people still need to put others in (lesser) boxes to feel good about themselves. Carry on.
  • grim_streaker
    grim_streaker Posts: 129 Member
    I have both, can't say any of them where any painful. But that might just be me, feel asleep doing the tattoo :noway:
    But think of it more like pain for a short while, and beauty for a lifetime.
    Tattoos do age well!!
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I will give you the same advice I will give my daughter when she is older if she thinks about getting inked : pick a design and the spot on your body you want it then wait at least one full year, if you still want it go for it if the design or placement changes wait another year.

    I have two one on the back of my neck I got when I was 20 and one on my left foot I got when I was 33. I love them both and am planning another when I finish losing weight.

    As for piercings I don't even have my ears pierced so I have no advice to give on that.
  • mamadragon
    mamadragon Posts: 110
    I'm about to turn 50 and I'm tattooed and pierced. I understand the need to separate from who you once were to who you want to be. Think long and hard about what you want and the long outcome of it. I never pierced my nipples but I have the industrial bar in my ear (that hurt a bit), plus 6 more ear piercings along with my belly pierced. My daughter who suffers from anixiety also had the industrial bar done after I did mine. She was fine but almost passed out after a bit.

    Make sure that you have someone with you when you get your piercings/tattoos done for support.

    I don't regret any of my tattoos but one. They all look awesome and in full color. The key is taking care of your tats and your skin.
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    I have 5 tattoos and both of my nipples pierced. Lets put it this way, I LOVE them. The pain was only temporary and you will love them for life. You can take the piercings out later if you don't like them. I was 18 when I got them, didn't even wait until after college.

    I got one nipple done at a time. To put it this way, by the time you get your second nipple done (if you're doing them at the same time) the endorphins have worn off and the second one hurts worse. So that's why I got mine done separately. As far as healing time goes, both healed within a month and I have no complications. Just make sure you go to a reputable piercer.

    Tattoos, I got ALL of mine spur-of-the-moment, and I love all of them. They're in places that won't stretch, but I do not regret any of them. Do what makes you happy, most piercing/tattoo artists will make you feel very comfortable :)
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I have both, the process of getting my nipples pierced wasn't too bad but the healing period afterward sucked.Mostly because I'm a stomach sleeper, and would roll over in the middle of the night putting pressure on my newly pierced nipples and that was NOT awesome. Full recovery without any discomfort took about a month for me.

    I have three three tattoos,two on my back, and one along the side of my foot. I think the pain level depends on where you get it. The back tats to me were bearable, but the one along the side of my foot hurt like a mofo. The healing period after for all wasn't bad, but be prepared to itch.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    I've had nearly everything pierced, tattooed or both. The most painful piercing was my Industrial. Two holes is always worse than just one, and it took near 4 months to fully heal. Most painful tattoo was on my throat. Wasn't really the needle that hurt so much but it was real hard to breathe for the 40 minutes or whatever it took.

    Oh and...gainfully employed and probably make more than the people doing all the complaining that you won't get no jerb looking like that.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Piercings can be taken out (with something like nipples please please please make sure they know what they're doing) but tattoos not so much unless you wanna spend $$$. The people I've seen happy with them when they were older were either covered in them or had one but it represented something massive for them.
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    Get the piercing, they grow back. Tattoos are forever, they age horribly, and most people who aren't completely covered in them end up regretting it when they grow up whether they will admit it or not....

    Ignorance in a quote box... Love it.
    Haha! :laugh:
  • nascarbre
    nascarbre Posts: 1
    I have 20 tattoos, 42 years old, and work for a law firm and make great money. Not all company's and people are shallow minded. It is your life, your body and your choice. I am all for tattoos! Take the time to come up with your own idea with meaning and placement for your tattoos and you will be fine. Best of luck to you, no matter what your choice is.
    If you must get tattoos take care that you get them in easily concealable places. I've spent decades in corporate management and cannot stress enough that you should not get any job killers. IE tattoos on the face neck or hands. That makes you mostly unemployable. Also keep in mind that if you get something on your calf or arms/shoulders be prepared to wear pants and or long sleeves to work the rest of your life or else you have to cover it them with a large bandages. Not the most attractive option. Got an ankle tatt? Forget those cute shoes the rest of the women get to wear. I see socks in your future... Use your brain, you are going to grow up and have responsibilities. Don't do anything that will limit you in the future.


    While I agree... kinda...

    Not everyone wants to work a corporate job. If you are telling me that all good jobs require to conceal your tattoos than that's just asinine.

    I may be in the Navy but I have friends who work corporate jobs who have sleeves, leg tats, ect... (And no they do not regret them.) I do agree that a neck tat is a killer.

    There are always exceptions bust most jobs, corporate or mom and pop require a clean cut professional appearance and most will have you cover your tattoos. Many employers also look down on people with a lot of tattoos whether it's fair or not it happens everyday. Some people are paid less and have less opportunity for advancement because of "certain appearances". Life is hard enough without you getting in your own way before you even know any better.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    The bit that gets me about tattoos is what happens if you change your mind and what will it look like in 30/40 years time? At least most piercings will heal up but generally your stuck with your tatts

    Stupid people do stupid things and unfortunately they get tattoos. They regret it later on. Somehow, we (people who knew what they were getting into) get lumped in with them.

    I don't regret anything and in 30-40 years it will still look awesome. I have regular touch-ups (just like any other art) in order to keep it that way.

    Look at my pictures, you would have no idea that I have tattoos but I promise you I do. If you could see them, I wouldn't care.

    (Not) getting touch-ups is why a lot of ink may not look as great later years down the road. Most people don't seem to realize that it needs to be done or don't have the funds.
  • ms_lindsay
    ms_lindsay Posts: 22 Member
    I had my nipples pierced when I was younger, one was great but one never really healed properly and I had troubles with it on and off, because of it I have some weird scar tissue and it looks icky. I had a major leaky boob too when I was nursing my kids because of it, lol. Looking back I probably wouldn't do it again but i do like them. I also have a ton of tattoos, can be painful, totally worth it!
  • schle009
    schle009 Posts: 63 Member
    I have no tattoos because I could never figure out what to get. I agree with the people saying the VCH! I love mine...and it didn't hurt at all, just a quick pinch. I also have my tongue done. But hey, why not do it all?
    After the 5Ks this summer I'm going to probably get my nipples pierced too, because why not.