Question about female biology...

So, like nearly every female in my age group (I'm 27), I of course get my period. Until recently though, like the past year or so, I never seemed to regularly experience what are considered to be the "typical" PMS symptoms - cramping, fatigue, moodiness, bloating, etc. For whatever reason, I now do, which is fine because for the most part they're pretty mild. Today I began my first menstrual cycle since I've actively started to lose weight, and over the past couple days I have noticed that my weight has gone up a few pounds, when there's no real reason that it should. I figured this is probably attributable to the bloating (retaining water) associated with menstruating, and I have noticed I am much more thirsty than usual, but I just wanted to see if any other female has experienced this as well. This is probably a no-brainer type question, but like I said I haven't really experienced any PMS symptoms, at least not on a regular basis, until recently, so I'm just not really familiar with them.


  • annaliu263
    annaliu263 Posts: 1
    This definitely happens to me as well and it's normal. I would advise you not to weigh yourself around your period because it is not an accurate representation of your weight.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Water retention is common before and during menstruation. Don't worry about it.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    I typically experience the same things. My weight spikes by 2-3+ pounds a few days before my period, and my blood glucose always seems to run a bit high... in addition to other terrible PMS symptoms once it actually comes. I gave up on any attempts of dieting and am now eating at maintenance during the first few days.

    Of course, once I weigh myself after it is all over, I magically lose 3-5 pounds.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Very common. I'd even say that the uncommon thing would be to NOT experience this. Some women see up to 8 pounds of fluctuation.
  • cmiller224
    cmiller224 Posts: 158
    Happens to me sometimes ... and I get so emotional its sickening lol. I will cry when I cant button my pants cause I'm so bloated. Thank god for dresses! You can try peppermint capsules they help and are all natural or I do a lot of smoothies with berries that seem to help as well.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    Completely normal. My weight will usually jump up as much as 4-5 lbs and then after my cycle finishes, it drops right back down again. Also, our weight fluctuates daily anyway. So I wouldn't worry about it. :)
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    Every single month. I gain anywhere from 3-5 pounds and lose it as soon as I start. Such a pain!
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    Totally normal. I drink almost twice as much water when I'm menstruating because I'm always SO thirsty. Also, I didn't really start experiencing PMS symptoms until my late 20s early 30s (off and on, some months are better than others) so that's not unusual either. :smile:
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Totally normal! Doesn't mean it's also not totally frustrating. I have noticed also that I get the "MUST EAT ALL THE THINGS" a day or so before TOM. Regular exercise has helped me with the TOM bloating.
  • aldenxnedla
    aldenxnedla Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I feel better now :)
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    So my symptoms were always pretty severe, until after I had my first baby. They were almost nonexistant after he was born. I never noticed if my blood sugar was higher than normal, but that would explain the thirst.
  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    I gain about 6lbs when I am not working out. Once I start working out I only gain about 3 and the exercise helps with the cramping and bloating. I actually feel energized after a workout and that helps during TOM. I always feel fatigued and never want to do anything.
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    One time I gained 10 lbs while bloated. Not fun. But I eventually learned not to bother weighing myself during those days. It's tempting sure...but not worth it!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I weight myself and record what I eat for a baseline on what to expect around my periods. I noticed a trend so far. The more I work out the less I bloat and get strong food cravings. It went from a 5lb gain to a 2lb gain from bloat. I also craved less chocolate and other sugary carbs too.
  • orangesmarties
    orangesmarties Posts: 49 Member
    To gain weight is completely normal, I would recommend just drinking loads, and keeping up the exercise. I've had a really nasty one this month, and as soon as I started exercising (all drugged up on Ibuprofen), I felt tonnes better.
    However, if the weight doesn't budge after your period, or you're finding it hard to lose weight, I would recommend seeing a gynaecologist, I did for a different reason, she prescribed me the progesterone only (mini) pill, and now I'm losing more easily. This is because when I was menstruating, I hadn't actually been ovulating, because I was oestrogen dominant with not enough progesterone to trigger the egg leaving the Fallopian tube. This is apparently very common, as well as polycystic ovaries, which can cause the same. But its probably not an issue, I'm just weighing in my two cents on what got me losing weight again,