I need help. anyone??

Hello everyone! I need help. Ive been stuck at 145pounds for years, and i mean years. Im 5foot 6in and im 23years old. Im also vegan. I run from 2-3 miles three times a week and i also do weights here and there. Id like to be 10-15 pounds lighter. What should i do? please no mean comments. THANK YOU!


  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    technically you're at a healthy weight. most i can really say is maybe decrease your caloric intake by 200 or so calories and you'll take off a few pounds in a few months... but really, you're at a healthy weight.
  • kimaklu
    kimaklu Posts: 8 Member
    Whenever I hit a plateau, I increase my strength training & increase my lean protein. It usually works for me. Good luck!
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Sounds like you are eating at maintenance levels :)

    So, the simplest thing to do is track everything for a while, and then take 10% off that daily, and go from there, continuing everything else you do such as exercise.

    You might want to tweak your macro-nutrients too a little bit. Perhaps you eat too many carbs and not enough quality protein. You'll see that once you have logged for some weeks and view the reports here on MFP.
  • outofworkpediatrician
    outofworkpediatrician Posts: 43 Member
    if you stayed on that weight for years, i would say for your activity level and height and weight, you are eating exactly your maintenance calories. calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and eat less than that so that you will have a deficit, or exercise more (more cardio, more weights) and eat the same amount as now, or do both. (for such a small goal, and with you already having a healthy weight for your height, i would imagine the last option is not too good)
  • MilaVidaLoca
    MilaVidaLoca Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support! I think I'll continue to eat the same because I do eat rather healthy. I'll increase my cardio and weight training