Ideas to get kids running?

I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on getting kids (ages 8 and 10) conditioned to do a run of 2 miles of so. We entered a "just for fun" 5k with the kids a few weeks ago, and the 8 yr old ran the first mile in 12 minutes and only walked .3 out of the first 2 miles. (Walked a good bit of the third mile). I didn't think that was bad for never having run for distance before. They have a 2 mile run event next fall through school, so I was thinking of getting them to do the run a minute, walk a minute method to start and then building up from there. I'd like to hear any other thoughts! Thanks :)


  • Your kids are their own person - stop forcing them to do what YOU want.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    As a runner, an elementary teacher, and mom to two kids, my advice would be to talk to them about pacing and how they needn't go all out the entire time. Did you say you run with them? If so, just focus on having fun and letting them lead. I've seen kids that age running 5 and 10K races, and they seem to do fine listening to their bodies and walking when needed. Remember, this is only 2 miles we're talking about here, so it'll be a piece of cake for them :) Remember to keep it fun!
  • As a runner, an elementary teacher, and mom to two kids, my advice would be to talk to them about pacing and how they needn't go all out the entire time. Did you say you run with them? If so, just focus on having fun and letting them lead. I've seen kids that age running 5 and 10K races, and they seem to do fine listening to their bodies and walking when needed. Remember, this is only 2 miles we're talking about here, so it'll be a piece of cake for them :) Remember to keep it fun!

    No one cares that you paid someone to artificially inseminate you so that you would look like someone wanted to sleep with you twice.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    What I tend to do with my students is make it a race over a very short area, then the next time, we do pacers in the gym, I'll run with them. It tends to be fun for them when I participate instead of just telling them to run.

    Also look to see if there's any other fun runs, and like JenniCal said - let them lead the runs.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    my nephew is a linebacker and doesn't do any long distance running. he is 10 and two weeks ago just just busted out a 5k without stopping we have been doing it every week day since. I signed him up for two 5K's that I'm running. his sister who is 6 nope. they are Samoan and are on the bigger side of the spectrum. I tried to get her into running but she walked most of the 5K and I carried the 71lbs 6 year old for about a 1/4 of a mile. haha. I guess it's just up to the kids if they like to run or like to just do something to spend time with you. My nephew likes spending time with me we are close and I cherish our time together. but we don't talk during the run it still brings us closer. I hope you can get the kids to run, it's such a great bonding agent.
  • jimcebula
    jimcebula Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks, all, for the great advice. I would plan to run with them when we practice or do a 5k. The 2 mile event they have in school in the fall is a fundraiser and I think only students get to run. There is a large park near us with both paved and dirt trail, so we should be able to get some god practice time in!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I would ask around at your running store or local running club. I know here in Memphis, the Memphis Runner's Track Club does a kids workshop twice a year, one in the fall and one in the spring, to introduce kids to running. Distance is based on the child's age, and it is for kids from ages 5+ (not sure on top age). Then at the end they have a kids run that is basically what it would be like to run a 5K race...but for the kids distance. They teach them about stretching and learning how to pace themselves, etc... Something to look into.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Couch to 5k app however most kids can run much easier than adults