How long does it take you to jog/run a mile?

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
When I first started it took me something like 17 minutes.

Yesterday I did it in 14 minutes and 30 seconds.

How long does it take you?


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    When I first started it took me something like 17 minutes.

    Yesterday I did it in 14 minutes and 30 seconds.

    How long does it take you?
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    Nice improvement!

    I dunno - have not timed it in a long while. I have been biking instead and am just starting again running, it would be good to have a baseline. Thanks for the idea.

    Congrats on your improved speed.
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    I can jog a 11.5 min mile... but at that speed, it is ONLY 1 mile! LOL. I average out between a walk jog to be at a 13 min mile for 2-3 miles

    Congrats on your time improvement!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    It took me about 9:15 or so today to jog each mile....

    But really, with running it is against yourself that you have to measure....:wink:

    How are you shins doing??
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I cant run but I walked 1.26 miles at 22 min. it used to take me 35 to 40 min. I do over 4 miles in 1 hour. :drinker:
  • hallusmc
    hallusmc Posts: 51 Member
    I have been running off and on for years - I ran 3 miles today and averaged an 8 min 50 sec mile. Keep up the good work, and your speed will continue to improve. One great way to motivate is to sign up for a couple of 5K's!!!
  • ambertimmons21
    ambertimmons21 Posts: 409 Member
    I run 7 minute miles( I usually run 5m a day) but since I had my surgery a month ago it is probably going to take a while to work back up to that. i will not be cleared to go back to the gym for 3 more weeks. So I am anciously waiting. I miss it soooooooo much.:frown:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I never liked running and avoid it at all cost. I can comfortably walk at 4 mph (so 15 minutes). I could probably do 4.3 or 4.4 uncomfortably. Someday I may hire a running coach to teach me why I hurt myself every time I try to jog.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    My fastest EVER was in Senior year in highschool, that was 4:40 (and I have no dilusions about ever hitting that again, I was a track athlete in high school), but I have been training again for about 10 months and am back down to a 6:30 mile if I do 1 mile, a 6:50 mile if I do a 5K and about a 7:20 mile if I do 5 miles or more. I'm looking to get my mile time below 6:00 by end of year, and my 5K mile down to about 6:30 if I can.

    But REMEMBER folks, it's not about the time (unless you are racing, then it IS about the time), it's about the calorie burn and that means it's about the heart rate. Get your heart rate up in the mid 60s to mid 70s percentage wise and you are in a GREAT fat burning area. If you can get it up in the low 80s and still feel like you can sustain, even better, but not required to burn lots of fat (although this WILL force your body to rapidly become more "running" fit, it's a lot more stressful on the body and may be harmful if you don't do it the right way or with some professional supervision)
  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member
    i walk it out in 15 mins :) i have asthma so running gets complicated hehehe..
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Mine varies depending on how much energy I have usually about 8:00-11:30 minute mile (but that is speed....)
  • alisha123
    I just started running about 2 months ago and couldn't even run a mile. Then started doing them in about 15 minutes (very slow run-I'm also only 5 feet which I like to think plays a part with my short legs) I last timed myself last night at 10 min and 40 sec!!! Whoo Hoo! It takes time, but if you keep at it, you'll definetely get faster!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, I hate running. But I have been forcing myself to jog around the block once a week or so (about 0.7 miles according to Google Maps), which takes me about 8-8.5 minutes. Last week, I managed to go twice around the block without stopping, which took me about 17 minutes. So that's about a 12:10 mile. I kept having to slow down to keep my heart rate under 170-175. (!) I did notice that last week my heart rate stayed lower for longer while jogging than the previous time doing only one lap, so I think I am improving.

    The best shape I was ever in was when I did gym class over the summer between my sophomore and junior year (I took it over the summer so I could take other classes during the year). It was 5 days/week and we ran a mile every day - actually, we might have run one mile at the beginning and one mile at the end of every class. And the fastest I ever managed - after 8 weeks or so of this - was around 8:30. So I have no illusions that I will ever get less than that. My resting heart rate is really low (under 60), but when I run it jumps right up to the 160s so there is really no way that I can go much faster at this point. If I can get to 10:00 at some point that would be awesome - there is a 5K in late May that I may try and do.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    It took me about 9:15 or so today to jog each mile....

    But really, with running it is against yourself that you have to measure....:wink:

    How are you shins doing??

    They are much better. I noticed that when they do hurt they recover a lot faster than before. Thanks for asking! :heart:
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    At the moment, I'm running tens. In the last year, I've been as low as 8:30 ish.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I'll have to time myself. I do my jogging pushing a 35 pound stroller with 23 pounds of baby and prob another 2 pounds of stuff plus drinks and snacks for both of us. I imagine that this gets better with the the resistance.

    Maybe tomorrow? or Thursday.

    Good question. This might be another area for some of the people who jog/run to start logging/tracking.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am not running or jogging yet, but when I walk to work (1.4 miles) I get there in 30 minutes.
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    I can run a mile in 11:30. But that is the first mile. After that... I guess I average about 12.:20. Not interested in going faster though, would like to hit 10K regularly. Right now up to 6KM
  • natalie1
    natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
    I only walk little over 3 miles per hour but it is at 15% inclination (from start to finish). Burns around 300 cals.
  • babadee
    babadee Posts: 22 Member
    I run 1 3/4 3 days a week. when I started it took me 38 minutes but now I can do it in 24 minutes. Still a work in progress. just keep trying and you will see the results you want. :bigsmile: