Vegetables? Eww Yuk



  • levs08
    levs08 Posts: 27 Member
    I suppose I should have added in the ones I do like. The ones which I do like I very much like them and will eat them daily.

    My YES list:
    Black-eyed peas
    Green Beans
    Runner bean
    Snap pea
    Snow pea
    Carrots (my favorite)
    Sweet Potato

    I'm crazy about fruit, and have a smoothie for breakfast 3-4 times a week.

    And yes, in the multiple attempts to like the "No" foods, I've tried them in a variety of methods cooked.
  • pghfitgirl
    pghfitgirl Posts: 44
    Beans. Ugh. I hate beans, any form of beans.

    I eat everything. I love everything. Except beans, man. Get 'em away!
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Do you like juice? You can drink your veggies in the form of fresh juice. The more fruit juice in the mix, the better it tastes. If you can drink orange juice, you can drink carrot orange juice with a few greens in there no problem.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Please add brussel sprouts to your list! Eww! I don't like them at all! :-)
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Are we just talking about vegetables? Because there are quite a few fruits listed up there. I have more fruit I can't stand than vegetables, but I've actually aquired a taste for certain foods by eating them enough in small doses.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    I guess im only one addicted to veggies then, havent found one i dont like yet :D
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I think your error is in expecting to like them. You have been allowed to think (by your parents, I guess) that liking a food is relevant.

    it's an error borne of not having any famines when they were growing up to teach them that having food at all is a bonus, and liking it is completely off the charts super double bonus.

    When we raise children to eat a food, we offer it 10 times. At the 10th time the child will have started to get used to the mouth feel, gotten over any 'ick' reactions he might have had, (ick reactions are psychological and happen to teenaged girls who are developing affectations in an attempt to look 'cute', also. They are not physiological and they are not relevant to survival. They are only able to survive in an environment where survival itself is already guaranteed.)

    So anyway, choose the vegetables you DO like, write a list of them, and every week buy one more vegetable, and try it ten times. I don't mean that silly 'teeniest bite with the tips of the teeth' gobshyte I've seen teenagers do. I mean chuck a whole mouthful in, think of England and eat it as fast as you can, and swallow it.

    you do that ten times and by the 10th time you will have worked out all of your difficulties and gotten over your dislike. Remember: it's 100% psychological and your parents let you get away with that. Or, to put it another way, you were spoiled. If you can 'unspoil' yourself by the time you have children you can save them from your problem, which is that having limited yourself in terms of what food you will eat, you've cut out all the non-fattening ones and are left only with the fattening ones.
  • Gwennie9476
    Gwennie9476 Posts: 45 Member
    When I was younger, I hated a lot of vegetables. However, as I have grown, I have found I love a lot of vegetables. There are a few I don't like.

    However, pet peeve: Potatoes and corn are not vegetables they are tubers and grains. Beans are not vegetables, they are legumes. Not that it matters at all to anyone else, but my mom drilled this into my head a long time ago.

    My hate list:
    Broccoli, cauliflower, cooked spinach, collards, turnip greens, and english peas.

    There are certain vegetables that I ONLY eat raw and NEVER cooked such as rutabagas, spinach, and turnip roots.
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    Hated brussel sprouts as a kid until last year, then my friend made them for me roasted in the oven with bacon... I then tried different variations until I came to love them steamed and plain.

    Basically weening myself from decadent to basic got me in to a more diverse veggie love.
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    Your YES list:
    Corn, carrots, string beans, spinach, black eyed peas, broccoli, cucumber, Endive, fennel, mushroom, peas, sweet potato, potatoes, tomato (yeah I know it’s a fruit), yams, Cabbage, Mustard greens, Arugula, Chickpea
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I love vegetables! All vegetables! Raw, roasted, grilled, boiled, steamed, stir fried, BBQ'd, mashed, grated, sautéed, made into burgers, blended into smoothies....yum!

    Same with me...yum!
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I think your error is in expecting to like them. You have been allowed to think (by your parents, I guess) that liking a food is relevant.

    it's an error borne of not having any famines when they were growing up to teach them that having food at all is a bonus, and liking it is completely off the charts super double bonus.

    When we raise children to eat a food, we offer it 10 times. At the 10th time the child will have started to get used to the mouth feel, gotten over any 'ick' reactions he might have had, (ick reactions are psychological and happen to teenaged girls who are developing affectations in an attempt to look 'cute', also. They are not physiological and they are not relevant to survival. They are only able to survive in an environment where survival itself is already guaranteed.)

    So anyway, choose the vegetables you DO like, write a list of them, and every week buy one more vegetable, and try it ten times. I don't mean that silly 'teeniest bite with the tips of the teeth' gobshyte I've seen teenagers do. I mean chuck a whole mouthful in, think of England and eat it as fast as you can, and swallow it.

    you do that ten times and by the 10th time you will have worked out all of your difficulties and gotten over your dislike. Remember: it's 100% psychological and your parents let you get away with that. Or, to put it another way, you were spoiled. If you can 'unspoil' yourself by the time you have children you can save them from your problem, which is that having limited yourself in terms of what food you will eat, you've cut out all the non-fattening ones and are left only with the fattening ones.

    Really? I was raised to eat a variety of stuff and try stuff plenty of times (and still do), and there are still a few things I just simply don't like. I'm not "spoiled", I simply have a different palate. Some food preferences are thought to be genetic (sensitivity to PROP is one), and while I agree that the whole "picky eating" thing is in large part learned behavior, assuming every person who won't eat every food needs to just get over it seems a bit strange to me - especially if those nutrients can be found in something the person already likes. It's worth it to keep trying things in different preparations, but if the person still hates it the diet is not going to be sustainable when continually forcing the issue.
  • grazer432
    grazer432 Posts: 33 Member
    I used to hate all veggies. And then I realised that health > taste and grew the f**k up. After eating veggies at every meal for over a year, there are no vegetables I dislike. Ok, spinach might not be my favourite but it's nutrient dense and therefore has a place in my diet, even if only occasionally.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    My list:

    Black walnuts
    Dead animal flesh
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I"ve found that nearly every vegetable I don't like (and there's not many) can be made tasty if put into an appropriate soup. A lot of times I'll chop up whatever veggies are on the brink of non-consumable, toss them in a pot of water, add some chicken bullion cubes, a can of kidney or great northern beans and a selection of seasonings and BAM, it's all good. I do love soup though. Also, a tiny amount of sausage goes a long way as far as flavor country is concerned. It makes for a low calorie, high nutrition meal.

    But then again, I have never found a use for brussel sprouts. Not even soups can mask that acrid, gag inducing flavor for my taste buds.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    My list:

    Black walnuts
    Dead animal flesh

    You eat it while it's still alive? Now that's just inhumane.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member

    They taste like dirt.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Dead animal flesh

    You eat it while it's still alive? Now that's just inhumane.

    I know plenty who don't eat animals, but avoidance of dead animals only is quite unique! Humans are omnivores, but I prefer the animals I eat to be raised and put down as humanely as possible.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm prepared for the onslaught of "Oh, really? How can you not like ******? They're amazing!" Believe me, I have tried and tried for years to like these foods, but it just doesn't do well on my tongue.

    How things are cooked or what they're mixed with has a LOT to do with taste when eaten. Have you tried those in different recipes?

    I mean, I wouldn't bite into an onion plain like an apple, but mixed into a salad or chili or pasta sauce, etc., I love them. In a salad, it's all about the dressing for me.

    Since there isn't really a good way to tell me every way you've tried them, I guess I don't have any specific suggestions except to mix things up.

    However, even if you can't/won't eat anything on that list, there are plenty of other vegetables in the world. Eat those instead.

    And I don't follow any "diet plan." I just eat less of the foods I like.
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    make smoothies! you can add fruit to help with the taste..