15-20lbs to loose... where do I start?

Hey Guys,

Looking for some advice/support on where to start..... Everytime I start I end up giving up (personally, i think i sorta set unrealistic goals for a newbie,.,., get frustrated and give up)... but my life is changing this month as I graduate college.... (I will go for back but not for a bit). I need ME time. during this time, I want to loose 15-20lb at the max.

Last time I checked i weighed 118 but my highest has been 122,. looking to get around the 107/105 area........

I am 4'11. Anybody have any suggestions?

I also have terrible eating happens that i know i need to change.. soda... fast food.. its all gotta go but just looking at a good starting point/workout for somebody who doesnt have a gym membership
