Vegetables? Eww Yuk



  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    All of those are on my list plus more. I will eat carrots but only raw. And I will choke down corn if I have to. But I love fruit. Any kind of fruit. Oh and I'll eat spinach. But that's about all I'll eat in the vegetable category.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The secret to "hiding" kale and spinach in smoothies is to add them to sweet smoothies

    I tried that once. And only once. Yuck.

    I think some people just have more sensitive taste buds than others.

    To the person who thinks not enjoying the taste of something is because you haven't had it enough or your parents somehow spoiled you, just no. That simply isn't true. Some people do not enjoy certain tastes and never will. And, really, there's nothing wrong with that. NO one has to eat everything.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My first honest response is something along the lines of...GROW UP.
    Upon further thought....I was right the first time.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    My first honest response is something along the lines of...GROW UP.
    Upon further thought....I was right the first time.

    Friendship request sent.

  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Shame, thats actually terribly sad!
    There is so much yum in that list!
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    My stomach really didn't agree with raw dandelion greens...

    That's the only veg I avoid, off the top of my head
  • ritan7471
    ritan7471 Posts: 99 Member

    They taste like dirt.

    I am so glad not to be the only one that feels this way about beets.

    That said, I live in a country where they eat lots of beets, and nowadays just suck it up and eat them when they're served. It's fish I can't get the hang of eating :sick:
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    I really really like beets! I noticed quite a few people have said they don't like it! Generally, I like pretty much any vegetable. There are a few exceptions, though:

    Kale (I have tried it in all forms, multiple times)
    Celery (Will only eat them if it has been pulverized in soup)
    And a vegetable called "Tong Ho Choy" in Cantonese, or Chrysanthemum leaves, in English.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    I love all vegetables, it's just as well...I'm vegan :laugh:
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    My first honest response is something along the lines of...GROW UP.
    Upon further thought....I was right the first time.

  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    I LOVE vegetables! Everything but okra, and cooked tomatoes ( I love tomatoes if they are homegrown heirloom varietals and raw)..

    My Eww Yuck list;

    protein powder, whey powder, any "powder" pretending to be food.
    Mac and cheese (Gaaah!)
    Mexican cuisine
    quest type bars
    nearly all chips, cheetos, doritos, nachos, that dry crunchy cardboardy stuff.
    Tomato sauce, ketchup, tomato paste ( Gaaah!)
    rice cakes ( *kitten* child of styrofoam and cardboard)
    All fish except salmon. Canned tuna is NASTY.
    Juice of any sort, except for mango nectar, preferably Egyptian ( the best).

    Especially Costco's Organic lowfat Kirkland milk. I don't know what it is, but that milk tasted different from other milk and not in a good way. I stopped drinking milk because I wanted to cut down on animal products, but also overtime, I just stopped liking it. Also, I can't tell the difference between when the milk smells fine or when it's expired, lol. It smells gross either way. When I do drink nondairy milk, I rarely drink it straight. It's usually part of something like pancakes, smoothies, or cereal (and I'm picky about which milk I use for my cereal. I also don't drink the left over milk (I used to). I either dump it or add more cereal if there's enough).

    The list also reminds me of these bars I never liked- those Nature Valley Oats n Honey granola bar. I also don't like orange juice (oranges in general, actually) and I can get sick of grape juice pretty quickly.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    My yes list (although from my biology studies mindset, some of these are technically fruits):

    - spinach
    - kale
    - celery
    - lettuce
    - carrots
    - cucumbers
    - avocado (I used to hate these)
    - cooked broccoli
    - beans (any)
    - potatoes (any, especially sweet)
    - squash
    - zucchini
    - onions
    - corn
    - round, large, or on the vine tomatoes (but only when they're sliced and part of something like pizza or a sandwich)
    - eggplant
    - cabbage
    - micro greens
    - peas
    - edamame
    - bok choy
    - radishes
    - beats
    - black olives

    - cold/uncooked broccoli
    - cauliflower
    - Parsley (they taste like what I imagine the smell of stink bugs to taste like)
    - cherry tomatoes- actually any kind of small tomatoes.
    - mushroom (unless it's those kinds they have on pizza)
    - string beans

    My meh list. These aren't exactly favorable, but I can eat them:

    - bell peppers (some years ago, these would've been on my absolutely not list and I prefer green over red and red over yellow).
    - cilantro (same with these)
    - bitter tasting olives

    I'm more picky about fruits than I am vegetables. I have sensory processing disorder, so fruits have to be a certain texture for me to eat them. They can't be even slightly softer or squishier than they originally were. Usually when I want to get fruits in my body, smoothies are my go-to.

    Adding some more to my absolutely not list:

    - Oranges (and orange juice).
    - After some time, grape juice. I can drink maybe 1 or 2 cups and then I'm done.
    - Blue cheese
    - Swiss cheese
    - Papayas
    - Mangoes
    - Honey that has crystallized (I used to love honey like this, but now I won't touch it like that)
    - Any vegetable that has wilted without me cooking them
    - Any fruit that has gone soft
    - Apples (Red delicious ones are fine)
    - Yogurt or yogurt parfaits with fruit at the bottom (unless it's blackberry)
    - So Delicious yogurt made with coconut milk. There's a huge difference between coconut flavored yogurt (I like Liberte's coconut yogurt) and yogurt made with coconut milk because the latter tastes disgusting.

    I'm also a vegetarian so I don't eat meat (or milk).
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    Hahaha. Kale in a smoothie. Spat it out , quit that ****. Though I think I will give it a shot again actually looking up recipes this time :smile: The OP's do not like list is very long, but it appears she likes and eats way more veg than I do!!

    Have you tried masking the taste of kale with fruits? 1 cup of kale, 1 cup of frozen berries, half a banana, 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, 1 cup of nondairy milk. Blend the kale and milk first, then add in the rest and blend again. I had this today and you'll taste more of the fruit than the kale if you actually taste the kale at all.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am the total opposite. I will not even go to a restaurant unless they have at least a few side order options of vegetables. I feel totally incomplete without my daily vegetables. I love them, and thank goodness I do as they help bulk out meals quite nicely, as well as containing so many nutrients (depending on the vegetable of course). Oh, and avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. Same goes for tomatoes.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    I am the total opposite. I will not even go to a restaurant unless they have at least a few side order options of vegetables. I feel totally incomplete without my daily vegetables. I love them, and thank goodness I do as they help bulk out meals quite nicely, as well as containing so many nutrients (depending on the vegetable of course). Oh, and avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. Same goes for tomatoes.

    It's the same for me, too. I need my fruits and veggies to make my meals feel complete.

    The same goes for zucchinis and squash, too. Even nuts are fruits- pretty much anything with seeds.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    At least you have other foods to fall back on. My step-brother is a "vegetarian" but he hates vegtables. All I've ever seen him eat are bean burritos.

    I on the other hand am a vegetarian who loves all vegetables.... except not big on tomatoes, but they're a fruit anyways!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I love vegetables! All vegetables! Raw, roasted, grilled, boiled, steamed, stir fried, BBQ'd, mashed, grated, sautéed, made into burgers, blended into smoothies....yum!

    Me too.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Hahaha. Kale in a smoothie. Spat it out , quit that ****. Though I think I will give it a shot again actually looking up recipes this time :smile: The OP's do not like list is very long, but it appears she likes and eats way more veg than I do!!

    Have you tried masking the taste of kale with fruits? 1 cup of kale, 1 cup of frozen berries, half a banana, 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, 1 cup of nondairy milk. Blend the kale and milk first, then add in the rest and blend again. I had this today and you'll taste more of the fruit than the kale if you actually taste the kale at all.

    Hey thanks, I might try this!

    I just have to buy the non diary milk, berries, bananas and kale first :laugh: How do you measure kale in cups? I normally just yank off the leaves or I can weigh them?
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I love most fruits but hate most vegetables. I like raw carrot, pickled beetroot, and potatoes if they count, but I don't like the taste of any other veg. I wish I did, for the healthy aspect, I just can't stand the stuff.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    Before I started this most recent weight loss journey, the only vegetables I liked were either covered in cheese, or cream, or breaded

    Now - I generally don't use any of that and quite frankly only add in olive oil to get my fats up - not as much for taste. Like other posters mentioned, roasting vegetables bring out a whole new variety of tastes as opposed to the soggy boiled messes that I grew up with. I just generally throw them in the oven with some seasoning and usually they come out great - roasted tomatoes with a little parm on top, roasted broccoli and everyone makes fun of the cauliflower, but I add it to everything, eggplant/zucchini fries, I am going to try the zucchini pasta substitutions next. There are just so many options out there

    I would have told you that I disliked everything about vegetables - some got special avoidance techniques like mushrooms and tomatoes - now most of my meals have tomatoes and there is a container of mushrooms in my fridge

    Your tastes do change, and experiment and see what works for you before you write most of them off