30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Definitely sore from day one yesterday....but it feeeeeels good! Lets me know I'm working those muscles! On to day two :) Good luck everyone!!
  • ttabangel
    ttabangel Posts: 57 Member
    just finished day 2... My arms are so sore :)

    How much weight are you guys using? Been using 5 lb dumbbells but was wondering if that was not enough.
  • ShnBeasl
    I'm in.....
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    just finished day 2... My arms are so sore :)

    How much weight are you guys using? Been using 5 lb dumbbells but was wondering if that was not enough.

    5 lbs is plenty. If you haven't done an intense workout routine before you could start with 2 or even none at all for the first few days. The goal of the video is to tone down and shred inches/weight and the heavier the weight the more your muscles bulk up so you want to stay around 5 lbs.
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    i joined one before and couldnt finish but i plan to start again today and do it daily. so im in! im already 2 days behind i know, but i do better with monday starts :)
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    I am late ...but I am in :) This is going to be my morning work out
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    ok didn't do Jan 1st or 2nd had a head cold....Yeah great way to start out. But I got up and did the first one this morning.... holy sheesh!!! the big kick was the cardio part (that could also be because I am not totally breathing normal yet) I am looking forward to tomorrow.
  • msmopar
    msmopar Posts: 9 Member
    I did in over the summer faithfully every morning for several months. I did not lose any weight but had amazing results with my muscle tone!! I LOVED it and I LOVED photos of my arms and shoulders from a birthday party over the summer when I was doing it! After the first 30 days I started to rotate through each level so not to get bored (a suggestion from someone on this sight somewhere). I also added weights to some of the exercises. Sadly, my boss changed my work hours and I now start an hour and a half earlier than I use to. I want to get back into the routine of doing it in the morning but still struggle with waking up in the morning and making it to work on time.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    now... MOTIVATION IDEA!!!!
    I found this idea last semester when I was counting down the days until my thesis was due... while trying to stay motivated to work on it.

    I printed out a blank calender template (in this case, a January calender will do). Every day that I worked on my paper (or in this case, exercise) I would put a line (or large X) through the day. If I worked the next day, then I would make another line that connected with the previous day. After a few days, this line would start to look like a chain, and I didn't want to break the chain! To keep the chain going, I had to complete the task! That worked about 1/2 through the time I needed... so I started writing down incentives (something small like a new nail polish or whatever little fun reward you have for yourself) which I could only allow if the chain was unbroken! Had a bigger reward at the end. This idea helped me a LOT and I plan to use it during this month. Wanted to put the idea out there (I want to say the full credit goes to Jerry Seinfeld and how he keeps himself motivated to write jokes..... notice the word "think").

    Now, on to a hot soak in hopes the muscles won't be too mad at me in the morning!

    celesalk: I love your motivation ideas!:love:

    When I did the last round of the 30 day shred, I used motivation tricks too. Here is what I did:

    Each saturday morning I would have my weigh in. If I lost any weight at all (I always dropped weight), I would treat myself to something that made me feel pretty. :blushing:

    Once, it was a new shade of lipstick another time it was a gorgeous new color of nail polish, another time there was a pashmina scarf that just suited my complexion perfectly.

    It was such a blast because I knew each weekend that I was going out shopping for "something pretty". It put a smile on my face each time I saw that "something".:bigsmile: Then, all during the work week I would think about what the next "pretty thing" would be.

    It wasn't long before I was getting compliments by people :blushing: for my nail or lip colors or hair accessory or feminine scarf. Sigh....

    .I will be doing this strategy again. Just don't make your treat food though, I think it's best to not associate rewards with food.

    So......what" pretty something" will you be treating yourself to? I would love to read about what other shredders are doing for their motivation.

    Also, I just finished Day 2 of level 1 and I just got myself into a zone and pushed through the "good" pain.

    Keep on shredding! Yes you can do this! :flowerforyou:

  • jabberjaws77
    jabberjaws77 Posts: 72 Member
    I am going to have to start this on January 5th instead of today, too much going on the next day or so. Won't be home much either.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    l1d2 done.
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Just Finished Day 3. Legs are sore but Suprisingly the Lunges didn't Kill Me. I wasn't able to concentrate on my Side Lunges so well cuz My younger son woke up from his nap. I finished the Video Anyway. The Shoulder Raises (Last arm exercise in video) are still difficult for me but I wasn't able to give it my full attention. I was very Happy that My legs stood up to the challenge. My leg joint felt like it wanted to pop again while doing the Last Abs so that wasn't quite as fun
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    From a Question Earlier I am Only using 3Lb Dumbbells. I wouldn't dream of using heavier cuz I'm not used to using dumbells so they're hard enough. I'm gonna wait until I do the Full 30 Days and then If I wanna try out the challenge again I'll up date to 5 then I believe the next is 8.
  • gershko
    I am also joining you guys. A little late, but will do Shred Day 1 tonight.

    Thanks for the motivation tips, DebbieW. I really like the calendar idea!:happy:
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    I am also joining you guys. A little late, but will do Shred Day 1 tonight.

    Thanks for the motivation tips, DebbieW. I really like the calendar idea!:happy:

    gershko: Thank you for your kinds words. I must clarify however that I was quoting Celesalk on the first portion of my post, for whatever reason the mfp did not highlight it.

    My post starts with thanking Celesalk for her motivation ideas such as the calendar which was a great tip.

    Celesalk: I'm sorry that your post that I quoted did not highlight itself on my post. Any other ideas to pass along would be great.

  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    Ooooh! I love the idea about getting pretty things as rewards :) That sounds like fun. I'd like to get a pedicure after completing 30 Day Shred.

    Day 3 was a little easier. My sore muscles felt a little better once they warmed up and got into the moves. I have a feeling I'll wake up miserable again tomorrow morning. I should have gotten some Icy-Hot before starting this! LOL
  • celesalk
    Debbie, it's OK, I'm just relaying the tip from a writing site, so can't really take credit either. Just found it very helpful and wanted to pass it on. :happy:

    Finished Day 3... barely! Had to take a few more breaks than the last couple days... but I think that might have something to do with the weather messing with my allergies so I can't do that nifty thing known as breathing. But tried to at least keep moving through the video. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  • hchristine
    Day 3 completed. I didn't think I was going to have time to do it tonight, but I made time :)
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Day 2 level 1 complete...and man I'm whooped! Now off to bed before I get hungry lol.
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    Keep up the great work everyone.....................big thumbs up