Fat and Friendless!

New Year, New Me...right?

A little bit about this "me":

I am a wife and mother of three girls under the age of six. My last daughter was born 11 months ago and I have never been heavier (besides pregnancy).

I work part time outside of home to keep myself sane.

I am a self confessed chocoholic who could easily skip mealtimes and head straight for dessert.

I live in denial until I see pictures of myself.

I am easily 40 pounds overweight. The more I attempt to diet, the more I gain.

I hide chocolate wrappers from myself in fear of realizing that I am overweight.

I have never joined a group before and never thought I needed emotional support to help me through this...until NOW. ;)


  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome , this is a great place to get suuport! Good luck!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    You are not alone!! I have been on MFP for maybe 2 weeks now and LOVE it!! We can do it together!!!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    :flowerforyou: I will be your fat friend! I have about 40 or so pounds to lose myself. We can take baby steps towards our goals.
  • angeladawn88
    You can do this. We will all help!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like MFP is just what you need! It's all about awareness - fully realizing how much you are eating... all those chocolate bars can really add up! I recommend you log EVERYTHING. Don't feel that you have to give up chocolate/treats completely - but make sure keep them as an occasional thing, and go for dark chocolate if you can - it's much better for you!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 579 Member
    You have made the right decision in joining MFP. The website is very user friendly. While friends are there to motivate you, you definitely have to put forth the effort. If you want, you can request me as a friend by clicking on my user name. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey.

  • Meganne1982
    I feel you on the chocolate- i could (and probably have) eat an entire chocolate cake in one sitting by myself.
    It can be a tough journey, but changing your life to a healthier one is soooo rewarding!
    Good luck to you and welcome!
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Welcome!! I am new here and can tell you I am loving this site and all the wonderful people I have come across so far....already I feel such great support and kindness:) Feel free to add me and we can help each other:) Have a great day and best wishes!!
  • YeahMe
    YeahMe Posts: 35 Member
    Chin up...we are all in the same boat! We can work together to support each other! 40 pounds YOU CAN DO IT! I have at least 65 pounds to go. One step at a time!

    Friend me!!!!!!. . .and together we can reach our goals!!!!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    This place is awesome for support! LEAVE the chocolate alone...LOL. Actually once you leave it off for awhile, your cravings get less and less. Also "dieting" too much just puts your body in starvation mode and makes it want to hang on to every calorie. Log in on the food journal and actually eat healthy calories.....all this is the advice of my new nutritionist! So far I am eating more than I was, but also healthier meals. I haven't been hungry at all, and even though I haven't logged in officially yet, I am already seeing a change on the scale!
  • jla4et
    jla4et Posts: 3
    I am new here too. I love your confession about not realizing you are overweight until you see a picture of yourself, I feel the same some days and I have MUCH more than 40lbs to lose. Sometimes I walk by a store window and look at the reflection and can not believe it's me.

    Good luck to us!
  • bienlunee
    bienlunee Posts: 10 Member
    I totally know what you mean about the pictures...I threatened my friend on fb that I would sit on her if she posted another picture of my fat behind...then I e-mailed her later to ask her to send it to me....I'm going to post in on the fridge and in my car. Sigh.... :noway: ...the things I do to motivate myself!! ;)
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Well Girlfriend you came to the right place I think! I have never tried support before either, but so far it is pretty darned good. We are with you!
  • shelli1982
    feel free to add me!! I've been on the site for a year, had good results last year until I stopped counting calories in Sept. Now i'm back to get the rest of the weight (coincidentally, also about 40 lbs) off... good luck!
  • gsg37
    gsg37 Posts: 23 Member
    I have about the same amount of weight to lose too, so you are not alone. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage one another! We can do this, it won't be easy but it will be so worth all the hard work!
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome
    dont feel alone - there are hundreds of us just the same out there but only the ones who have determination and want to change find places like this :)

    feel free to add me :)
  • sweetiev
    You will love this site....I have been here only a week but loving it and everyone is so friendly! You can do this and I will be here for you! Friendless no more =)
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I love how this site keeps me "honest" because I've vowed to post everything that I eat - no matter what. It has been a great help.

    You can do this!

    Do you have any exercise options? There are plenty you can do at home. A treadmill is good. You can do running in place, you can walk your neighborhood, you can lift light weights (or cans of soup).

    Start slow and build up. You'll so like the positive way it makes you feel you will be motivated to keep going.

    I love getting credit for the exercise I do (including housework) which also boosts your mood.

    Use it! Log in every day! Reach out to us for assistance!

  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member

    I joined a few days ago and think the site is great! I'm addicted to putting in my food and exercise - especially exercise as inputting it seems like a reward (or maybe I need to get out more!)

    I was always fit and healthy before having kids but have put on weight after both of them (lovely as they are they do drive me to chocolate sometimes.) I did used to do a lot of exercise and eat what I wanted though. Since having kids I have still ate whatever I liked but did almost no exercise - and walking at toddler pace doesn't do much for your fitness. Have been exercising every day for almost a week now and feel great!

    Good luck and I'm happy to be fitness buddy.

  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome!!! You will love this site so much. It has helped me big time. I started out wanting to lose 45 lbs and have lost 15 so far since Nov 15th. I love the support here and love to give support. Stay positive and on board and you'll be fine. There are great people here!!! Good luck on your journey and I look forward to losing with you!!!