Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?



  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    "In addition, our culture at least US culture is very anti woman."

    "Hopefully, humanity will someday become a single gender form of life... " For the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND RIGHTEOUS. HELL. NO.
    Are you a woman or a man? We are not anti-woman compared to the rest of the world, So I'm not sure what hey hell you are talking about. Have you ...lived anywhere else?

    To the original point, lift weights and you can eat more pizza if that's your thing. Eating "like a guy" is all relative, and in the end, if the only thing *guys* are always eating is pizza they will gain weight.
    I, the female in the household, just ate mashed potatoes, baked halibut, a bunch of gelato, some French macarons with honey and milk, oh, and more granola and milk and dark chocolate... and i'm ready to go to bed. I out ate my boyfriend today by 700 cals easily. But i'm also way lower body fat than he is thanks to weight lifting.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well to be honest there's also a decent amount of anti-male sexism these days as well so I guess we have a kind of equality where both genders are discriminated against and misjudged equally.

    I believe in equality. But I don't believe in homogeneity. Men and Women can be equal but they will never be the same. Nor should they be. That would be terribly boring.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Maybe this is just a rhetorical question, or whining, or both. But tonight, I was at an event where pizza was served and we also a pie to bring home. I ate one slice a the event, logged it. That and the salad at dinner put me at my calorie limit. This is after a day when I took a 1 hour (3 mile) walk, and ate pretty reasonably. I succumbed and ate a second piece, which put me over limit. Meanwhile, I watched guys at this event down a couple of slices and bring a pie home (and of course, i'm sure they'll have a few slilces at home). My guys at home at 3-4 slices each. Well, dammit, I'm jealous! I'm barely full at two slices! But I can't eat anymore. It sucks to be female sometimes. It would be great to be able to eat like a guy and not pay for it.

    chuck the 1200 a day and go up to something more reasonable like 1600. Why live a life of denial, boom and bust, when you can just carry along at a 'very nicely thank-you' level?

    also: i personally think you have to let go on special occasions or else being on a diet does your head in. :)
  • Kgerber777
    Kgerber777 Posts: 105 Member
    I hear what you are saying. My husband stops drinking and does a little walking and the weight just falls off. I have to work hard for every pound I lose (mean while he sits in front of me eating all my favorite junk food).

    But take pride in knowing you have earned every pound you lose, you worked HARD for it!!! Also, if you don't go over you calories 6 days out of the week, workout on day 7 and go a little over it's not going to be end of the world. Don't binge, drink a full glass of water before you eat, and stop when you are full.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    And they can pee standing up. Irritatingly fortunate creatures.
  • britkneemeyer
    britkneemeyer Posts: 54 Member
    I'm married and i know how it is to be a little jealous. However i am a healthy weight and my husband is not. While im counting every calorie,eating clean, and excercising hes smashing down meat lovers pizza and sitting around all the time. I just try to think of it as I'm a healthy happier person who has a cleaner palette than he and at the end of the day i don't feel bogged down by grease and chemicals. Also remember women are supposed to have a base percentage of body fat in order to be fertile. While men can survive with a VERY small percentage of body fat. Our bodies work differently for a reason.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Apparently I've watched far too many musicals because all I thought of when I read the name of this thread is My Fair Lady and Professor Higgins 'Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" song.

    Why can't a woman be more like a man?
    Men are so honest, so thoroughly square; Eternally noble, historically fair.
    Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat. Why can't a woman be like that?

    When I posted this, I was thinking of the song, too, because I'm an English teacher. It would be fun to write some rhyming lyrics about women/men/ and food t hat would fit the song.

    BTW, I'm only 5'1.5", so eating that pizza has some serious costs for me unless I'm burning 600-800 calories a day.

    I have a son who lost 35 lbs. one summer just by giving up soda. He'd make up for it by going to Chinese buffet once a week and pigging out unbelievably, but he still maintained his loss.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Eh. I can eat as much or more than my husband without gaining weight. Up your activity level.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Maybe this is just a rhetorical question, or whining, or both. But tonight, I was at an event where pizza was served and we also a pie to bring home. I ate one slice a the event, logged it. That and the salad at dinner put me at my calorie limit. This is after a day when I took a 1 hour (3 mile) walk, and ate pretty reasonably. I succumbed and ate a second piece, which put me over limit. Meanwhile, I watched guys at this event down a couple of slices and bring a pie home (and of course, i'm sure they'll have a few slilces at home). My guys at home at 3-4 slices each. Well, dammit, I'm jealous! I'm barely full at two slices! But I can't eat anymore. It sucks to be female sometimes. It would be great to be able to eat like a guy and not pay for it.

    Has less to do with your gender and more to do with your size, your lean mass and your activity level. Guys do tend on average to have higher lean mass and larger size than women so naturally they require more calories but that has nothing to do with what is between their legs really. A woman who lifts weights, builds up lean muscle and is somewhat tall would have the same caloric requirements as your average man if not greater.

    There are 5' 6'' tall women out there who work out and lift heavy and eat 3000 calories a day in order to gain some lean muscle while staying flat stomached and fit.

    Yes, we are out here, for sure.
  • d3m1urge
    d3m1urge Posts: 38
    I'm sure those guys were eating 1200 calories a day and doing no excercise

    I'm sure....what a ridiculous post