Good Post-Workout Snack: Lowfat Chocolate Milk?



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Milk is for baby mammals and you don't look like a baby mammal. Avoid if you care about your health

    So which food did evolve specifically for adult humans to eat? Eggs, honey, seeds? Or were those intended to nourish chicken embroys, bees and seedling plants respectively?

    Eggs for chickens? Cannibalism? Please stop being silly
  • lisakyak
    lisakyak Posts: 5 Member
    Low fat chocolate milk is less than a 3:1 carbs to protein. It is 2.75:1. You actually need to add carbs to get it up to the 4:1 ratio.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Might just make you fat and sick, chocolate has sugar in it and sugar is the root cause of the obesity epidemic

    I drink chocolate milk (Rich Chocolate Ovaltine with 2%) often after a workout - I am neither fat, nor sick. :drinker:

    Usually I go straight for breakfast after my workout or run, but on days when I don't get breakfast right away, the chocolate milk is my post-workout snack.
  • ajbrem02
    ajbrem02 Posts: 1
    The last few races I have been to, there is always chocolate milk at the finish line...yummy. I want a shirt that says I run for the chocolate milk.
    I want that shirt now too!!!!!