what's my problem?

I only gain weight the last 4 years and dont drop any kg. I ate really normal. I tried low carb but it didnt work. For the last 2 months i limit my calories in take 1200-1500 cals i go to the gym 5 times a week. I end up with gaining 3 kg. I totally lose my hope in losing weight now. Any same problem?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    There is very little information about you for anyone to assist...how tall are you? what is your current weight and what is your goal weight?

    Have you been maintaining a food diary here on MFP? If so, you may wish to consider making it available for viewing by members so as the more experienced members can offer suggestions.
  • tummimi
    tummimi Posts: 9
    I am 169cm tall and 69kg. I dont record my eating. I usually have about 5 -6 slices of reduced fat wholemeal bread with scramble eggs beef or chicken sometimes. I drink skimmed milk, at least 2l of water every day. I sleep around 7 hrs everyday. I go to the gym 5 times a week. 30 mins of cardio and 40 mins for using equipments. I feel so hope less now.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    In order to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit.

    In order to know if you're in a calorie deficit, you have to weigh (with a scale)/measure/log your food- every bite/every day.

    Exercise is important to health, but not necessary to lose weight. Find something you enjoy and do it consistently.

    Eat foods you like, make healthy choices along the way, learn portion control/moderation

    Meet your calorie deficit, then work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs)

    Have PATIENCE and don't quit.

    If you are not doing the first 2 things - you will NOT lose weight.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I am 169cm tall and 69kg. I dont record my eating. I usually have about 5 -6 slices of reduced fat wholemeal bread with scramble eggs beef or chicken sometimes. I drink skimmed milk, at least 2l of water every day. I sleep around 7 hrs everyday. I go to the gym 5 times a week. 30 mins of cardio and 40 mins for using equipments. I feel so hope less now.
    Try tracking everything you eat for a few weeks - weigh and measure everything as accurately as possible. Most people who struggle to lose weight and don't track are eating more than they think they are.
  • trinity5703
    trinity5703 Posts: 78
    Get thee hence to the local store and purchase a kitchen scale.
    Weigh EVERTHING that goes in your mouth.
    RECORD everything that goes in your mouth.

    Honestly, I thought I was being careful with what I ate as well. I just couldnt understand why I wasnt loosing. Frustration at its finest...... Until I got a kitchen scale, weighed everything, and recorded everything. I was amazed at how my I WAS eating. What I thought was 1500cal per day was closer to 2800 (or more) a day.
  • tummimi
    tummimi Posts: 9
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Without being able to view your diary, and without more information, there's little anyone can do to offer qualified suggestions, other than to tell you what you should already know.

    Log EVERYTHING in your food journal down to the condiments.
    Be real about what you're logging, and make sure you're eating more "quality" foods than "fat-laiden, calorie ridden" foods.
    Drink your water.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally

    You assume your food is only 1500 calories. Start logging, you'll see a difference trust me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally

    Most people assume they only eat "XX" number of calories, but studies have shown the average person under estimates their intake by as much as 400 calories. Also, if you aren't using a food scale, you should get one. That will ensure accuracy.
  • tummimi
    tummimi Posts: 9
    Thank guys. I will start logging my food today. Its so frustrated that me and my sister do the same thing eat the same thing and she lost weight and i am not. I am a pear shaped. I can easily get flat tummy but my thighs are so thick. Once i gain weight all of the fat will store in my thighs and butt. Going to the gym only make my tummy flatter. No impact on thighs and butt. What should i do? I know that right now im so stress about losing weight. Its fine if when i attempt to eat less work out more but not losing weight. But i GAIN weight.
  • tummimi
    tummimi Posts: 9
    I know the theory water and muscle mass. But gaining 3 kg after all of my attempt. That theory doesnt convince me at all
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    To be fair, you're within a healthy BMI. You go to the gym, do you just cardio, or do you lift? maybe some body recomp would be more to your liking, rather than trying to lose more weight?
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I dont record my eating.

    That's all you really need to know. That is your problem.

    Look, you have an issue you want to change (your weight, but it applies to everything in life). You have the option of changing things around it, or go directly to the main factor governing your weight gain or loss.

    You can't manage what you don't measure. The whole philosophy of MFP is measuring your energy intake and expenditure. Most users here do that within a large variability - some count the number of bread slices, some weigh everything they eat.

    If you're not happy with your current situation, take control of it in an effective manner. If you still can't figure it out yourself, seek professional help. The most efficient weight-loss episode I had was guided by a nutritionist (last year of university, lost 10 kg transitioning from just recreative weightlifting to varsity volleyball). Odds are he/she will still make you record all you eat for a few days :)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally
    if you are gaining weight you are eating more than that consistently.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally
    if you are gaining weight you are eating more than that consistently.

  • tummimi
    tummimi Posts: 9
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally
    if you are gaining weight you are eating more than that consistently.
    I swear i cut my eating :(
  • tummimi
    tummimi Posts: 9
    I gain 3kg but my friends said i look the same. Is there any chance that is muscle and water mass? How to identify that?
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    If you don't record your calories, you have no way of knowing how much you're truly eating.
    I will start recording my my calories But I know i only eat more than 1500 occasionally

    I didn't always keep track of my calorie intake on here for the past months and I complained that I was not losing any weight, but I was working out consistently. Now when I think about it, I must have not been at a deficit if I did not lose any weight. Now that I have come to terms with myself not being right about it and just guessing, I am weighing and measuring everything. Give it a try for 2 weeks to a month and hopefully you will see results. Good luck :)