T25 beginning May 5.

Anyone interested in starting T25 with me on Monday May 5?


  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    Yes! I have the videos already and I was going to start next Monday but I will put it off a week to have a partner to do it with!
  • anjSTEER
    anjSTEER Posts: 5
    Yes, I would love to join up with yall. I've done a round of Insanity and loved it. Saw awesome results, but honestly it was very hard on my joints. I've been doing t25 lately and LOVE it. Working at the hospital all day doesn't give me much time when I get home to clean, fix dinner, and relax a little before bed. With this, I have no excuses now! :)
  • livelovlaugh
    livelovlaugh Posts: 16 Member

    Would also love to join you guys. I got mine yesterday and would love to have some friends through this. I think support will be needed and appreciated!!
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    I will be co-hosting a challenge group with another coach that starts on 5/5. Mind if I hang with you guys. I did the program last fall and just finished P90X3, and thought 60 days of T25 would be a great way to head into the summer.

  • Absolutely! I just bought the dvd's. Have only tried the first one so far, but I will wait and start the whole circuit with you guys!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I literally just ordered it 5 mins ago after reading all the reviews, so count me in!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I did Cardio Alpha last week, but then got sick, so I just restarted it. Will be trying to keep it as a second daily workout - building up my workout to 1hour continuous - Body Revolution + T25.

    I've been doing Body Revolution for 6 weeks now, but T25 is leaving me shaking. And I do end up having to do most of the modifications. I guess that the two programs are simply hitting different muscles or something... dunno... but I feel great now.
  • Robynkep87
    Robynkep87 Posts: 39 Member
    Count me in!! Just got my videos this week!!
  • evansjune
    evansjune Posts: 27 Member
    I'll join you! Are you going to start a group?
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I'm in! I'm starting my final week of Insanity (yeah me) tomorrow and I'm looking forward to starting T25. Lets do this!!!
  • paydenandrileysmomma
    paydenandrileysmomma Posts: 51 Member
    I joined a group to start t25 on 5/5! Add me for more info, even if you start your own group!
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    Since no one has started a group up yet I'm going to start one and add all you guys :) I also posted another shout out to see if anyone else wants to join us!
  • emsmom8
    emsmom8 Posts: 76 Member
    I'd like to join. All the other groups seem to be just Beach Body coaches trying to sell product
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I'd like to join. All the other groups seem to be just Beach Body coaches trying to sell product

    I sent you an invitation to the group. I am not a Beach Body coach so no selling anything here, I just want some buddies to do this with :-)
  • emsmom8
    emsmom8 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks, that's exactly what I've been looking for!
  • cballard2
    cballard2 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes please add me. Starting my fitness journey on my birthday! This is the year!
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
  • 4WAVK
    4WAVK Posts: 14
    I would love to join your group! I started T25 this morning and it was TOUGH. I haven't exercised at all in several months & only sporadically the last couple of years, so I am definitely going to need support!
  • I would love to join too. Thanks! Day 1 starts today!
  • jodiduluth1
    jodiduluth1 Posts: 5 Member
    I joined a challenge group that starts today. Please add me to your group, too. Could always use the extra motivation!!