Joining the gym - how to get over fear?



  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    I think you're right Cwolfman13, I hate being out of my comfort zone, and exercise is definitely not in it! I know what you mean Joanthemom8 - I have balance "issues" lol, I find it hard to stand up straight without losing my balance sometimes, god knows what I'm going to be like on a treadmill...
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    I do want to do some weights at some point Fourty6and2 - eventually! I'm hoping the staff will be nice and approachable.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    You just got to do it.

    I have anxiety issues and just avoided all eye contact. Some day's I felt like crying but would just never speak to anyone and keep my head down doing my own thing.

    Some days I had to spend a few minutes in the gym bathroom stall psyching myself up to go out there and into the weight room.

    It eventually got better. Once I became a regular and started recognizing other people the gym became a safe place for me. I never learned anyones name but I knew what they were going to be doing and what machines they would be using.

    In the end I loved it and now wish I could go back. Exercising at home alone is harder for me now. :/

    Good luck! I hope you're able to stick with it and like it.

    I would suggest to sign up for a training session (some gyms one free or half price for new members) and have the trainer show you how to use the machines, and or how to lift weight properly.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I do want to do some weights at some point Fourty6and2 - eventually! I'm hoping the staff will be nice and approachable.

    check out stronglifts 5x5 program and make sure to watch lifting videos before you go in so you have some idea of what you're going to be doing. I would definitely suggest having somebody show you how to do the lifts before you start, just to make sure you don't get hurt!
  • aks0208
    aks0208 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I recommend starting somewhere you're relatively comfortable. Just commit to 15-20 min light walking on the treadmill to get used to the environment. I think a beginner's biggest downfall is trying to use equipment they aren't familiar with, or having lofty cardiovascular goals. I know I did! Also know that *most* (I know there are some d-bags out there) are at the gym because they, too, want to be heart-healthy!

    Take small steps, both literally and figuratively!
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    Very good piece of advice Cyborg_jellyfish - thank you. Great way to think, chances are there'll be a lot of women like me already there, having already gotten over their insecurities!
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    I was the same way... i go to the local rec center and was very self concious about myself as i am not a small person, didn't know how to use the equipment etc. staff is very approachable and i used a personal trainer to learn a few more things. i have made friends in the various classes i take and have just got to the point if they don't like what they see they don't have to look. where comfortable clothing and go for it... half the battle is getting there..
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I do want to do some weights at some point Fourty6and2 - eventually! I'm hoping the staff will be nice and approachable.

    check out stronglifts 5x5 program and make sure to watch lifting videos before you go in so you have some idea of what you're going to be doing. I would definitely suggest having somebody show you how to do the lifts before you start, just to make sure you don't get hurt!

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group

    I love Stronglifts. I just started it a couple weeks ago. There's a free phone app for it also.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    I started about 6 months ago at my local 24 hour gym. Fattest guy there at 321 lbs. No one cares!
    People will notice the change and some will comment on it.
    I have lost about a pound a week and changed a lot of my body makeup because I am combining weights and cardio and now doing body exercises like planks and pushups (from my knees) and I finish covered in sweat. I go at about 6 a.m., which is a good time because it is after the super-early 5 a.m. folks who are fin and before the "dropped the kids off at school" folks who start coming in as I finish up.

    Make the time and go there.
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    Hey Aks0208 - thanks for the advice - I'm planning on starting on the treadmill as I get bored easily so want to do a bit of interval training on it. I quite like using a crosstrainer too, so these 2 will be my safe zones to start I think! I really want to do weights while I'm there, as I'm really quite weak, but think that will have to wait.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I remembered when I first joined I was 350lbs and was terrified and yes there was times I got a few negative glances but now I am down almost 110lbs and have tons of people that have noticed my weight loss and keep encouraging me to keep pushing along!
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    The gym I'll be going to is open 7am-10pm so hoping to go at 7am for around 45 minutes a couple or mornings a week, then a couple of evenings for an hour too. I take my dog out in the morning before work, so going to start jogging with her as it'll be good for her too (I have a husky so she'll love it!). Wish there was a 24 hour gym near me!!
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    In my experience (and mine might be different because I go to a military gym with my hubby), the people who make nasty comments or give you disparaging looks are the ones who have their own self-esteem and confidence issues. Ignore them (not always easy, I know). Everyone else is generally happy to totally ignore you as they huff and puff or help you, if you're staring at the ab machine like it's a horse with two heads. Just remember: you're there for you - not for anyone else.
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    Wow Officiallysexyval that is an amazing weight loss to achieve! Congratulations! You're an inspiration, seriously. Thanks for the advice :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    Not sure if someone already mentioned it... but another option would be to call the gym and ask them what time they are typically the least busy. This might help you to feel more comfortable as there will be less people around. Also this would be a great opportunity to ask the staff for help :) They want to make sure you are safe so if you don't know how to use a piece of equipment just ask them :)
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    The gym I'll be going to is open 7am-10pm so hoping to go at 7am for around 45 minutes a couple or mornings a week, then a couple of evenings for an hour too. I take my dog out in the morning before work, so going to start jogging with her as it'll be good for her too (I have a husky so she'll love it!). Wish there was a 24 hour gym near me!!
    Going in the morning is an excellent time. Only serious people go at that time. I find the doofuses come out at night.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    The gym I'll be going to is open 7am-10pm so hoping to go at 7am for around 45 minutes a couple or mornings a week, then a couple of evenings for an hour too. I take my dog out in the morning before work, so going to start jogging with her as it'll be good for her too (I have a husky so she'll love it!). Wish there was a 24 hour gym near me!!
    Going in the morning is an excellent time. Only serious people go at that time. I find the doofuses come out at night.

    Same here. The gym is overcrowded at night, which raises the temps like 10 degrees. Mostly people wanting to socialize. It's annoying. They hog the machines, but they don't really want to use them. At least at my gym.
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    The worst part for me was not knowing how to use the equipment. Most gyms will set you up with a trainer for a time or two. i would uses that time to have them show you how to uses the machines effectively. Sometimes people jump on a machine and dont use it properly. not only is it wasting your time but you can get hurt. I have even had other ladies come up to me and ask me how to use something I am on. We are all in the same boat and most people are willing to help you out. Once the intimidation factor is outta the way you will kick butt. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your success, especially strangers who are probably caught up in their own workout.