Constantly hungry!!!!



  • narfy88
    narfy88 Posts: 15 Member
    Frozen Grapes, greek yogurt with chia seeds (dont chew the seeds, just swallow them whole. way easier to stomach), fruit smoothies (add a little yogurt for protein/creaminess. if you wanna get really crazy, add some ground hemp seed), hummus with pretzels or carrots, nuts (i'm a pistachio addict.) and lots of water/unsweet tea. All these things help me get thru my day or at least to my next meal. :)
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    proteins and healthy fats keep me fuller longer. In the morning I eat eggs or a protein shake of some sort and that keeps me going until midday. Grilled chicken and avocado on a salad is a favorite. I like cottage cheese, or any cheese really I'll have an ounce or so as a snack. Greek yogurt with some fruit stirred in. For me, I like to eat small meals more frequently - it just keeps me from getting super hungry, but it's not necessary for weight loss or anything like that. I eat probably 5-6 times per day most days with my largest meal being midday. that seems to work for me better than a huge breakfast, which seems to make me feel more hungry.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3
    it's not good advice to just not eat. Is that sustainable??? Or healthy??
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I can't help. If you eat lots of processed, sugary, low nutrient foods you will always be hungry. Switching to low calorie, low nutrient foods is not going to help, not for the long term anyway. Been there, did that. For 20 years. I generally eat high calorie, high nutrient foods plus vegetables and that changed everything for me. Good luck.
  • boontarkas
    boontarkas Posts: 11
    No doubt! Me too. However,I just discovered this last night, and it helps. Cup of frozen blueberries, add a cup of almond milk, then add 3 tbsp of Kool Whip.
    Tastes awesome. Takes some of the edge off: sugar and fat wise,with anti-oxidants to boot. Total calories 190. So I had two bowls.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    This is what I usually have: (one, not all at once)

    • Bumblebee thai chili tuna
    • Smoothie with berries, protein and chia seeds
    • 1 TB of Sunflower seed butter. ( or any nut butter if you don't have allergies)
    • Plain Greek yogurt with Truvia (or a little honey) and/or berries
    • Hard boiled egg.

    I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so the smoothie usually satisfies any sugar craving quite well.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    When I first began dieting and correcting my lifestyle, I ate normally but just did portion control to maintain a deficit. Despite eating lots of fiber (recommended for feeling sated), I often still felt hungry. Since switching to the keto diet 6 weeks ago, I rarely feel hungry and when I do, it is easily controlled with a high fat meal or drink, such as a high fat coffee. Keto has made dieting very, very easy.

    I second this. You don't have to feel like you're starving in order to maintain a caloric deficit. Not wanting to gnaw my arm off after maxing my calories for the day has made my weight loss path so much more sustainable and doable in general.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Agree . just wishing fruits were carb free lol
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    When I first began dieting and correcting my lifestyle, I ate normally but just did portion control to maintain a deficit. Despite eating lots of fiber (recommended for feeling sated), I often still felt hungry. Since switching to the keto diet 6 weeks ago, I rarely feel hungry and when I do, it is easily controlled with a high fat meal or drink, such as a high fat coffee. Keto has made dieting very, very easy.

    I second this. You don't have to feel like you're starving in order to maintain a caloric deficit. Not wanting to gnaw my arm off after maxing my calories for the day has made my weight loss path so much more sustainable and doable in general.

    I third this. But not everyone loves meat. And some of us can't afford it at the moment. The price of steak is ridiculous and lately good old budget chuck roast isn't much cheaper. But it definitely helped me lose a lot of weight with minimal hunger. Other people's results may vary.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    The magic ingredients to reducing hunger (for me) have been protein, fat, and fiber. A giant spinach and sliced-vegetable salad with some chicken, some cheese, a spring of chopped nuts and a reasonable amount of full-fat dressing is one of my favorite lunches. I also like vegetarian chili with cheese and sour cream--I'm full for hours. An omelet stuffed with mushrooms, a bit of ham or bacon, spinach and feta and a slice of whole-grain toast with butter is a good one. I also keep a big Tupperware full of vegetable soup (70 calories a serving) so I always have an option if I need something else.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3
    it's not good advice to just not eat. Is that sustainable??? Or healthy??

    My impression is she meant to say “forget about food" when you feel hungry but does that imply she doesn't eat at all? Curbing hunger is different than not eating at all, right?
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    Our main problem when eating at a deficit is that we tend to get hungry easily. Please share some filling, low calorie meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). Feel free to post pictures, and give tips! I know I am always hungry! So this should help me out a ton! Also, low calorie desserts are welcome as well. I have a sweet tooth towards chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, cake, and oreos! What are some alternatives to these dieters worst nightmares! Be creative!

    It takes some time for your body to get used to the healthy changes, but the process will be a LOT more bearable if you're eating the right KIND of food. Make sure to eat a lot of protein and fiber and to eat a healthy amount of good fats; those will all keep you feeling satisfied instead of starving. Finally, find a way to incorporate your favorite sweet snacks into your daily calorie allotment (that way you don't feel deprived) in a healthier, guilt-free way by choosing snacks that help you meet your protein and fiber goals.

    Some of my favorite snacks:

    -A medium sized banana with 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate peanut butter: Approximately 195 calories (I get fiber, magnesium, and potassium from the banana as well as healthy fats and some protein from the peanut butter. It also tackles the chocolate and peanut cravings at the same time! The brand of dark chocolate peanut butter I use is Peanut Butter & Co.'s Dark Chocolate Dreams. In 2 tablespoons, it has 170 cals, 13g fat, 6g protein, and 7g of sugar. If you love Nutella, this stuff is a healthier alternative! In moderation, it's perfectly fine and healthy! It also tastes AMAZING!)

    -1/2 cup of vanilla flavored Greek frozen yogurt with 1 cup of fresh cut strawberries and 1/2 tablespoon of Hershey's dark chocolate syrup: 205 calories (The brand of vanilla Greek frozen yogurt that I buy has 130 cals and 9g of protein per 1/2 cup. Greek frozen yogurt tastes very similar to regular frozen yogurt and regular ice cream, but it packs more protein and has the live active cultures because it's still yogurt. So with this AMAZING dessert, you get protein and the healthy live active cultures from the frozen yogurt as well as the fiber, nutrients, antioxidants in the strawberries. The chocolate syrup is rich and thick and a 1/2 tablespoon goes a long way! This feels just like you're eating an ice cream sundae, I swear! And it can easily be fit into a day's calorie allotment at only 205 calories.)

    -An apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter: 270-320 calories, depending on the size/weight of your apple and the type of peanut butter you use. (Again, here you get the fiber and nutrients from the apple and the protein and healthy fats from the peanut butter!)

    -Greek yogurt!!! My favorite kind right now is Dannon's Light & Fit Greek yogurts because they taste good and are only 80 calories with 12g of protein per little container. They're also fat free! They make great snacks and are quite filling for being only 80 calories because they're packed with protein! But there are TONS of different types of Greek yogurts, some plain, some flavored, some even chocolate, and some with nuts, fruit, and even little candies to mix in! Or you can mix in a 1/4 cup of a trail mix in a plain or vanilla flavored Greek yogurt cup too! I do that sometimes!

    -Cheese sticks: Typically between 50 and 80 calories per stick. I love cheese in general, so cheesesticks are a favorite snack of mine. They usually have several grams of protein in them as well! And they pair great with nuts too!

    -Nuts: Calories vary, read the labels. Nuts have some protein and healthy fats and in moderation, they're healthy for you and quite filling! Blue Diamond makes these chocolate roasted almonds that I like that are 160 calories for 24 almonds. And trail mixes are great too, just make sure to read the labels and pick the best one (and measure/weigh accordingly)!

    -Finally, treat yourself once in a while (but ONLY once in a while) to the REAL sweets and junk food that you love. If it's your birthday, have a piece of cake and don't worry about the calories. Thanksgiving? Have the apple or pumpkin pie and enjoy it! Just make them a rare, occasional treat!

    I hope I helped some! :) Good luck!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3
    it's not good advice to just not eat. Is that sustainable??? Or healthy??

    My impression is she meant to say “forget about food" when you feel hungry but does that imply she doesn't eat at all? Curbing hunger is different than not eating at all, right?

    That's what I was thinking initially, but I can see where it can be interpreted otherwise (intentionally or not). The unfortunate reality is that calorie counting (and the associated "embrace the hunger" mentality) can lead to disordered eating as much as any other eating framework. It all depends on the person and their triggers for such things.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I tend to drink alot of water and just forget about food and focus on exercise


    It's worked for me so far?? I have my first weigh in on Thursday so I guess I can only wait until then to see
    If the change in mind set and water intake has helped :3
    it's not good advice to just not eat. Is that sustainable??? Or healthy??

    My impression is she meant to say “forget about food" when you feel hungry but does that imply she doesn't eat at all? Curbing hunger is different than not eating at all, right?

    That's where looking at the diary comes in.
  • davidcortesp
    Ephedrine, my favorite meal. Keeps me so full!
  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    I like scrambled eggs in the morning sometimes mixed with spinach, mushrooms, and turkey sausage. Also love my sweets, but have found a bowl of fresh strawberries and lite whip cream will hit the spot most nights! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I get hungry too so I pretty much go over if I overdo the pure carbs (like today... 300 calories of those, I ended up 300 calories over). Like, for example, some frozen yogurt will fill me up more for 100 calories than the maple syrup I put on my pancakes this morning... so it's a better choice for your sweet tooth.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I always satisfy my sweet tooth with a protein shake. My favorite dessert is a chocolate milkshake, so blending a cold banana, a cup of icy skim milk and a big scoop of chocolate whey... mm, always satisfies, never disappoints. At home I'll probably have a constant supply of that super un-clean, non-fat sugar-free frozen yogurt stuff too. It's practically cold, sweet air.

    Warmer sweets can be made with essentially the same stuff: try baking with protein powder. Black bean brownies are a cool thing to try too, and will be full of that fiber that keeps ya full!

    Drinking water is also a LOT more important than you probably think it is. Log your water. Get 8 cups, then go for 10.
  • PrincetteNerdlord
    Stuff thats really filling for me are things with fiber and protein. I'm on a mostly vegetarian diet, so I eat Quorn Chik'n Cutlets and they're very very filling. And you can use them in basically everything so they're great if you're looking for vegetarian filling stuff. (and if you have a soy intolerance its fine because they use mushroom proteins rather than soy) I recommend them for burritos.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    OP, is it possible your deficit is too high? (Your calorie allowance too low). According to your profile, you are 18 and male, and only looking to lose a few pounds (it says 2 lost, 4 to go ... forgive me if this is an error).

    Even if you have 20 pounds or so to lose, you don't need a deficit of more than 500 calories a day (about a pound a week weight loss). I can't say exactly, because I don't know your lifestyle, but if you're active, you can probably eat 2000 calories a day or more and lose weight. This, along with plenty of fiber and protein and a moderate amount of fat, could solve your hunger issues.