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Girls- Fat to Fit

Hi everyone!! i have been trying to lose 20kg fro 2 months now. And recently i have been lacking in exercise so i am just asking if you can answer these following question?

1) How much weight did you lose?
2) How long did it take?
3) What kind of exercise did you do? Indoor or Outdoor
4) Starting Weight and Current Weight?
5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet?

And if you dont mind to post pics of your results. Thanks!!!!:bigsmile:
This will motivate me a lot


  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have lost 49lbs in just over a year...when I started I did 20min walks or Wii just dance, added in a squat challenage, moved to Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred 2x then moved to lifting heavy and in the new year I added in HIIT 2x a week and now that summer is here I still lift heavy 3x a week and cardio/HIIT 2-4x a week.

    My lifting is indoors obviously, HIIT is indoors using fitnessblender.com, I walk outside and bike outside.

    My starting weight was around 205...I currently weight 156lbs...

    At the start I went on a diet and lost almost 30lbs in 3 months...but it wasn't realistic to stay on that diet...Join here on June 17th 2013 and have counted calories since then and eaten whatever I wanted as long as I was in goal and even sometimes I went over goal on weekends.

    As for Pics...top left red dress pic is me at or around 205..not really sure...bottom red dress pic is me in July of last year @ 178, LBD pic is NOv 17th, 2013 @ 165lbs...my profile pic is me Feb 2014 @ 160...

  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    I've lost 72 pounds in 9 months. I started at 231 and am currently 159. I started with just eating at a calorie deficit. I added walking and swimming after a month, running after 4 months, cross training at 6 months. I am currently recovering from an injury so am slowly working back up to the following workout schedule...run 3x's, swim 2x's, crosstrain 2x's, zumba 1x.

    I didn't start taking photos until I'd already lost about 20 lbs. These show a 50 lb difference...

  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    I don't have anything so drastic or inspirational as SezxyStef, but I'll give my input anyway :)

    1) How much weight did you lose? about 15 pounds

    2) How long did it take? about 3.5 months

    3) What kind of exercise did you do? I did the Insanity Program, which is sort of HIIT workout vids, and I mixed in 40-60 min elliptical toward the end, plus some squat challenges that I never finished because I'm forgetful.

    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight? I'm 5'3". I started at 130, dropped down to ~115. I gained it all back over the holidays, though, because my diet was impossible to keep up.

    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet? I was on mfp and because I'm not very heavy, the goal calories per day is 1200. I was working out super hard and not often eating back ANY of my calories burned. I was super strict and wouldn't let myself go over, I often ate under 1200 calories. I felt hungry all the time and I hated not being able to eat what I love.

    I re-started my fitness journey about 2 weeks ago, at 135 pounds (I had since gone back on birth control, so the extra 5 pounds is at least partially water weight). I'm back on the 1200 per day, but I don't have a super rigorous workout routine, I just workout when I feel like it. I also eat back my calories if I work out. I've gone over 1200 pretty often, but I'm okay with that because I know I'm still being aware of what I eat and that this is a more manageable way to live. I also eat what I want, if it fits my plan (I had a brownie yesterday and I was still at 1200 cals).

    Like I said, it's not so impressive because it's less weight and over a relatively long period of time, plus I gained it back. But I'm a good example of what not to do - if you 'diet' it won't work. Like everyone here always says, it has to be something you can maintain for the rest of your life, or you'll just gain it all back once you go off the diet/exercise.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    1) How much weight did you lose?

    2) How long did it take?
    ~8 months

    3) What kind of exercise did you do? Indoor or Outdoor.
    I did both. Indoor (home DVDs and strength training) and outside (long walks)

    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight?
    127 and now 110.5

    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet?
    I still eat the same foods as before, just a bit less of the processed stuff.
  • coffeen14
    coffeen14 Posts: 27 Member
    1) How much weight did you lose? So far I've lost about 18lbs with 14 more to go

    2) How long did it take? It has taken me 5 months but I just jumped back on MFP about 3 weeks ago and it has helped a lot! I lost 18lbs without MFP and had I been tracking back in Nov. I think it would have gone faster.

    3) What kind of exercise did you do? I do about an hour of weight lifting with 20-30 mins of cardio, when I first started I did 15 miles a week to kick start weight loss and now that I am at a healthier weight I'm focused on muscle building.

    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight? . I'm 5'3" , I started at 152lbs and am now 134 with a goal of around 120

    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet? I eat about 1400 calories and sometimes eat my exercise calories back, and yes I eat whatever I want haha I love rice krispie treats and chips but I eat them in small amounts and not everyday. For example yesterday I ate healthy with veggies and rice but today I ate a bag of cheetos. I think by indulging sometimes while still staying in your caloric allowance for the day helps keep this whole lifestyle change manageable. I am more likely to keep up with it if I can have a cookie here and there then if I went complete cold turkey.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like=)
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks for all your replies its so motivational
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I should add I started with 1600 calories a day...1380+exercise and in the last year averaged about 1700 a day until 2 weeks ago when I upped to 1800...well I guess I am still averaging 1750 now...my diary is open to the public so feel free to view it.
  • Jbrown8700
    Jbrown8700 Posts: 1

    Well I went from 208lbs to 137lbs so far...i had a baby but still the same thing.....gained too much weight. So since then I was slow at first n nursing so now I'm really hitting it hard n have been. I suggest doing HIIT workouts every to every other day. I do every day. I am cutting calories, it's what works for me. And only eating my meats, veggie n fruit n proteins and what not. Of course I need my coffee. But oh we'll. I'll have pics later but I'm still going for my goal of 120 115 which is what I used to be. Good luck! Chug water over n over alllll day n exercise as much as possible!
  • jessicacummin
    jessicacummin Posts: 12 Member
    1) How much weight did you lose?
    2) How long did it take?
    3) What kind of exercise did you do? Indoor or Outdoor
    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight?
    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet?

    Not as drastic as the others but oh well!

    1) around 14 pounds so far
    2) 2 months
    3) Running (both indoor and out)
    Cross trainer
    Lunges and squats and all that
    4) starting weight was 130lbs i now weigh 116lbs
    5) at first i went on an intense diet of around 800kcal a day until i got too obsessive and scared myself, now eat around 1,300 a day but work out as I want to tone up

    I don't know how to add a pic - but heres my progress shot!
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member
    1) I've lost 35 lbs
    2) Began in February, so three months
    3) no exercise in the first 6 weeks, but a 60% calorie deficit. (NOT a reccommendation)
    Currently I am eating 1200-1300 calories
    do 30 minutes of home circuit training,
    35 minutes of treadmill walking at 5% incline with dumbbells,
    and 10 minutes of stretching
    9 days on, one day off.
    4) SW: 228 CW: 193. The weight came off much more quickly once I stepped up the intensity of my workouts and added calories.
    5) I eat nutritionally balanced meals of non-processed food with a calorie deficit. I eat back only about 100 of my exercise calories.

    My weightloss will slow down and plateau, probably after I hit 175-180 lbs. At that point I will increase my calories by another 100 or so, and add weight training 3-5 times a week, 20-30 mins at a time. I also change my circuit workout routine every ten days. (following 30 DS at the moment, once done with that, switching to my old favorite The Firm's Body Sculpting Basics, with Susan Harris love that workout. Excited to start it :smile: )

    I know my biggest challenge will be getting to the last 10-15 lbs and not giving up and going back to my old evil ways.
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    1) How much weight did you lose? I've lost 115 lbs so far... 6 lbs or so to go
    2) How long did it take? Taken 10 months so far ( started July 2013)
    3) What kind of exercise did you do? Indoor or Outdoor I workout mainly indoors, with cardio and weight training 6x week. I walk/run, do the elliptical and lift heavy. Hubby is setting a a crossfit like setup in our garage. Can't wait to try it out!!
    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight? Started at 291, currently 176
    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet? Restricted myself a lot at first. Needed the discipline. Now I've relaxed, but I still weigh myself daily, as well as weighing and measuring my food.

    Best wishes to you!!
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    1) How much weight did you lose? - 31lbs so far
    2) How long did it take? - 4 months
    3) What kind of exercise did you do? Indoor or Outdoor - Indoor as I have a bad back/joints so can't jog or do anything high impact. Need the gym equipment to avoid injury!
    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight? - SW: 177ish lbs GW - 150lbs CW - 146 lbs
    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet? - Anything but I started cooking from scratch instead of eating ready meals.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    1) How much weight did you lose? 75 pounds

    2) How long did it take? I lost 35 pounds in the first 6 months. Sometimes I maintained for a year, then dropped another ten. One year I gained about 20 pounds back (bad year, lost my dad, relationship, job and moved twice). I maintained a 75 pound loss for about 6 years then put back on 20 pounds that have been lingering for over a year.

    3) What kind of exercise did you do? Indoor or Outdoor . I started walking a bit more, joined a gym. I run, walk, bike, strength train, yoga every now and then. But really try to move more throughout the day. I skip the elevator and escalator when possible and take the stairs. I walk or bike to errands instead of taking the car.. I moved from the suburbs to the city.

    4) Starting Weight and Current Weight? 261 in 2001, 185 in 2006 and currently about 200.

    5) Did you eat anything you want or go on a diet? I began by adding more vegetables, switching to whole grains, expanding my palate to include beans, less meat and more variety. I cut back on fried food, alcohol and huge portions. I also began my own garden in the summer. Vegetables are even better when you grow them yourself.
    Overall, I never said "no, you can't have xx". That typically led to binging. I recently found my old food journals from the early days. I slowly transitioned into a much healthier diet. I ate more processed foods back then. But, I had a calorie deficit.
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks for all your replies...... want to exercise soo bad but im sick and once i eat my medicine i get soo sleepy. :(:(:(
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    Bump need more motivation
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I have lost 28 pounds, but plan on losing about 13 more ( to reach my goal weight of 125 pounds)

    It has taken a little under under 4 months to reach my current weight of 135-wish. Weight loss has slowed considerably since getting closer to my goal, but I plan to stick to it as long as it takes.

    I do little to no exercise. I take the stairs instead of elevators, I walk to the mailbox, I walk on campus. I did buy a step counter and I walk about 10,000 steps a day. But I don't go to the gym to work out. I hate it.

    I didn't eat anything special. I still eat everything I used to eat just less of it. I went on 1,200 calories a day and stuck to it and am still doing it. I still eat cookies and fast food, just now it takes careful planning of calories. Especially since I don't exercise so I don't get to eat anything extra lol.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member

    My Results so far
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    Wow everyone has great results!!
  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi ClaudiaKho13 - what are your goals, and how do you plan to get there? I'm just getting started myself!