SAHM 1/3 to 1/9

Welcome! We are a great SAHM group that supports each other with weight loss and the journies of being mom's. We welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you had a great holiday! I am sorry I didn't get this posted sooner, I couldn't get on the computer until now! My son has been on it all morning for school. I didn't even get to read everyone's posts yet!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Happy new year everyone!!!

    I'm so glad to have all of you in my life!!! I'm ready to get this new year rockin and off to a great start! Ready to see how much weight I can lose this year! Hoping to be at my goal before new years eve this year, lol.

    Still trying to get use to the way life is and why things happen the way they do. Not only do I have to worry about my mom and her situation with her heart, but now my dad is getting depressed and his life is not going the way he would like, and his health insurance sucks and he can't afford his deductibles to see the dr and when he tried to get food stamps and other govt help, he was told he makes too much, but yet is struggling...can't afford both rent and to buy him food. And his health isn't the greatest either.....I'm so ready for life to slow down!

    I'm praying a good year for both my parents.

    Well, off to get some cleaning done and to play some Wii Bowling with my daughter. Ttyl.
  • AmandaR910
    DH left today for 5-6 months (military).
    Hoping to make my goal weight by the time he gets back. :smile:
  • heabear
    heabear Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all on day three and feel good! How do you get the ticker and cw and gw stuff to show up?
  • mamato4boys1girl
    The 1st week of the new year, I'm psyched to make it a good one!!

    I am down another pound from last week after not doing great over Christmas so I think I'm back on track!! I will be hitting the gym as much as I can this week because hubby leaves next week for his 3 weeks of training then all workouts will be at home. But that means I am going to start the Slim in 6, which I am actually excited about! Remind me that I said that when it gets hard to keep doing it!!

    Amanda~My hubby is military also & will be leaving at the beinning of March for atlest 6 months so I understand how you are feeling. I am so hoping that I will look great when he comes back too. It will be a bit hard with the boys to get in those workouts like I would like but I am going to do my best so I can look good when he gets back!!

    heabear~When you are on the message boards at the top there are different options (home, recent posts, my topics, signature, search) you wan to click on signature then you can put your information in the box. To get the ticker click on the"tools" option at the top and you can make a ticker there, it shows you the steps to do it. Then you can copy & past it into the box under signature. Hope that made sense!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~How was your Christmas and New Years?

    Amanda~Was just wondering if it was safe for you to exercise so close after having your baby? I was always told I was suppose to wait until 6 weeks. You can get to your goal weight by then.

    Welcome heabear! For the ticker you go to tools tab and then ticker. Hope that helps.

    Christi~Way to go on the loss!
  • AmandaR910

    Amanda~Was just wondering if it was safe for you to exercise so close after having your baby? I was always told I was suppose to wait until 6 weeks. You can get to your goal weight by then.

    My DR cleared me for light exercise here a week ago. I had a c section (my third) but I have the world's easiest recoveries. I worked out until the week I had him, so the DR said I was fine. :smile: I am taking it easy though.
  • AmandaR910
    Amanda~My hubby is military also & will be leaving at the beginning of March for atlest 6 months so I understand how you are feeling. I am so hoping that I will look great when he comes back too. It will be a bit hard with the boys to get in those workouts like I would like but I am going to do my best so I can look good when he gets back!!

    You can do it!!

    I'm sorry he's leaving though. :( It's just no fun.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Sounds like EVERYONE is leaving! Amanda and Christi~ you guys are definitely in my prayers, along with your respective hubbys! I just spent over $300 at Sam's Club (ouch) on shampoo, baby wipes, deoderant, razors, shaving cream, etc, for The Man to put in the container that's getting shipped over this month. He doesn't leave until April, so I have a few more months with him.

    I totally gained a crapload of weight over the holidays, but am recommitting myself to taking it off. We are going up north to Virginia (ha ha) in March to visit my in-laws before The Man's deployment, and I would love to be down to my goal weight by then.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Katie- My holiday were great..I gained 4 lbs...but after eating too much of my birthday cake today I should be back on the wagon!

    Amanda- I am sorry to hear that your hubby left..but that would give me incentive too to be at my goal weight when he got back!

    Great job Christi on the loss! I wish I could say the same!

    Welcome heabear!

    Great to see you home...I know you can get to your goal weight before going to the inlaws!

    off to go eat dinner and my yummy cake!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Just burned 700 calories in my 1 hour at the gym!! Yeah Me!!! :happy:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--you just snuck in there a Birthday!! happy birthday, woman! Can you believe how much you have achieved since you're last birthday.

    to the military mama's--our hearts and prayers are with you and your spouses. ((hugs))

    since there are so many newcomers to this thread, i thought maybe we could all share some info--so it feels like we really know each other. i rely on this site a ton for people who truly understand the struggle it is to lose the wt, maintain it, CHANGE habits, etc. thank you!

    I am stacey. Wife of 14 years, living in Las Vegas though grew up in the suburbs of Chicago (then married and lived in Denver and then lived in Salt Lake City for 5yrs). I have 3 kids--10 yo girl, 6.5 yo girl and 4 yo boy. I homeschool dd2 and ds goes to preK 2am's/week. Oldest in public school.
    I love baking (like Home) and it is a constant challenge to NOT bake the things i want. Fatty carbs are my Achilles heel. I also sorta sew (like Nicole--but she sews way more than I do). I have made 3 quilts (tho other people do the binding for me) and I've made 2 purses. I'm pretty impressed with myself :wink: . I love walking and early morning is my favorite time of day. I'm a big reader too---of books, magazines, blogs, etc.
    So that's a little bit about me.

    I hope you'll share something special about you--the more connections, the more accountable. right? :flowerforyou: let's start 2011 strong!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~Happy Birthday! I have not remembered to weigh myself in the morning before I eat. So I don't know how much I have gained over the holidays plus I guess it wouldn't be entirely accurate since it is my TOM. :sad:

    Christi~Seriously nice burn!

    Stacey~I will take you up on introducing myself again.

    I am Katie. I have been married for almost 11 years. I am a mom of 7, yes 7. My 3 oldest are in full day school my 4th is in K and the 3 youngest at home with momma all day. I would love to have more children but hubby says no more. He is afraid that he is going to lose me from my body shutting down. So we are getting our lives in order to foster/adopt. I grew up in Salt Lake Valley moved to Cali shortly after getting married and now back in Utah just north of Salt Lake City. I love to learn how to make things the "old fashioned way". Anything from baking bread to sewing things. I love, love, love reading. When I pick up a book if it catches my interest I am lost to that book until I am finished with it. I can't wait to learn more about you ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Bluerose - Wow, that is a lot to take in! Here's to a good year for you, with very little stress!

    Amanda - an awesome goal to have! I know you can do it! Funny enough, I've had one baby vaginally and one by c-section. My c-section was the fastest and easiest recovery. I guess it just depends on who you are! :)

    Christi - Good job on losing weight so soon after the holidays! I was just glad to have maintained! ;)

    Katie - Wow! That is a large family!

    My name is Valerie. I haven't posted on this thread in a while, but hoping to get back into it! :) I'm a wife of 7 years, live in phoenix, and have two girls ages 3 and 1. I occasionally substitute teach and I'm training to run a half marathon in 2 weeks! I finally went and bought new jeans this weekend because mine are now falling off. Even cooler is these were the jeans I bought just after baby number 1, before I got preggo with number 2. I couldn't even fit them over my thighs after I had baby number 2 and now they're falling off. I was quite excited. I may need to post pictures later. :) I didn't lose weight this past month, but I didn't gain so I figure that's pretty good for my first Christmas counting calories. Here's to a fantastic new year!!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amanda ~ Is your hubby Army? We're Air Force :)

    I didn't realize we had so many military families on here!

    Stacey, great idea!!

    My name is Katie, I've been married for 8 years, I am a SAHM to 2 boys (4 and 2) and my husband is in the Air Force. I am currently the healthiest I have ever been in my life, but I'm still trying to lose those last 10 pounds, which I have been trying to do since March of last year. I love to run, and cook, and I've recently been getting into sewing. I made my youngest a hooded robe for Christmas, and planning on making matching Christmas stockings before this years gathering ;-P

    This year, I will lose those last 10lbs, I will drink more water, and I will run at least 1 half marathon...hopefully one this spring, and another in the fall :)
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I just started posting on here so I love the intros.
    My name is Stephanie, I've been married two years, three this march. I have two kids, four and two. I love anything crafty, my mother in law introduce me to quilting and I love it. I also love to read.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Val~Thanks for the laugh! That is what everyone says to us. After they find out how many children we have they always respond with "are you done yet?" :laugh: :laugh: I just love babies and children and if we can do it why not right?!

    I weighed myself this morning and the verdict is.....I gained 1 pound! :grumble: At least it is only 1 and it could also be the fact that I am on that TOM right now. I am looking forward to kicking some butt this year. :laugh: Got to go my boys are getting into stuff.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Val-you're telling me. The end of 2010 was not good for me. So, 2011 is going to be better :)

    My name is Barb, and I'm 27 years old and a SAHM. I have a daughter who is 6 yrs old (turns 7 April 12th) and an 8 month old son (who will be 1 April 30th, his due date was May 18th, but he decided he was ready to meet his family earlier than his due date). My husband and I will be together for 8 years April 5th, but married for 5 years May 13th. We live with my inlaws (hoping to move out this summer) in South Bend, Indiana and if you're not sure where that is, we're just a few minutes away from Norte Dame College, at my inlaws house, go down the road about 3-4 mins and you're there....that's how close we live to ND (sorry not a ND fan).....Anything else, feel free to ask :smile:

    I'm ready for a rockin year! :glasses:
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Blue, I can't remember if I have told you this or not, but your profile picture is gorgeous! You look MAH-velous, dah-ling! :smile:

    My name is Sarah Anne, and I'm almost 30 (yikes). For now, I live in Georgia, near Fort Benning, as I am an Army wife and follow The Man from post to post. We have 2 daughters, 4 and 2, and have been married for 6 years. We have never spent Christmas at the same location 2 years in a row. :tongue: And he is set to deploy in April, so we are prepping for that right now.

    I love to bake and am kind of crafty myself. My next project is a blue jean baby quilt for my cousin's new baby girl, then I'm taking up my counted cross stitch (again) and The Man wants me to sew some curtains for the house here. Like Stacey and Stephanie, I am a reader, and am in LOVE :heart: with my Kindle. It keeps me company on the treadmill.

    I don't know how many of us are religious, but I wanted to pass along something from last Sunday's sermon. One of the passages was Isaiah 43:18-19~"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing..."I thought this was particularly appropriate for the new year. We don't need to be dwelling on our past failures. We should all forge ahead, press on, keep on striving to meet our goals.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Blue, I can't remember if I have told you this or not, but your profile picture is gorgeous! You look MAH-velous, dah-ling! :smile:

    My name is Sarah Anne, and I'm almost 30 (yikes). For now, I live in Georgia, near Fort Benning, as I am an Army wife and follow The Man from post to post. We have 2 daughters, 4 and 2, and have been married for 6 years. We have never spent Christmas at the same location 2 years in a row. :tongue: And he is set to deploy in April, so we are prepping for that right now.

    I love to bake and am kind of crafty myself. My next project is a blue jean baby quilt for my cousin's new baby girl, then I'm taking up my counted cross stitch (again) and The Man wants me to sew some curtains for the house here. Like Stacey and Stephanie, I am a reader, and am in LOVE :heart: with my Kindle. It keeps me company on the treadmill.

    I don't know how many of us are religious, but I wanted to pass along something from last Sunday's sermon. One of the passages was Isaiah 43:18-19~"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing..."I thought this was particularly appropriate for the new year. We don't need to be dwelling on our past failures. We should all forge ahead, press on, keep on striving to meet our goals.

    Thank you Sarah! I can't remember either, lol. I fooled one of my hubby's friends. Hubby had a pic of me with the same hair style and stuff on his phone, when his friend saw it, his friend thought it was a different girl and asked who it was, lol. I didn't think I had changed that much, but I guess I did.