Starting P90X tomorrow, any advice?

Hey everyone! A friend of mine gave me the P90X discs and I decided to start when I was overweight (after being obese class 2 for 8 years) I hit overweight today so I'm ready to jump in tomorrow!

Only problem is all I have is the discs so I don't really know how to begin...any advice?



  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    Options has workout schedules to follow.

    or you can use this... this is the lean schedule

    P90X LEAN PHASE 1:

    Weeks 1-3:
    Day 1 – Core Synergistics
    Day 2 – Cardio X
    Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
    Day 4 - Yoga X
    Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    Day 6 – Kenpo X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch
    Week 4:
    Day 1 – Yoga X
    Day 2 – Core Synergistics
    Day 3 – Kenpo X
    Day 4 – X Stretch
    Day 5 – Cardio X
    Day 6 – Yoga X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

    P90X LEAN PHASE 2:

    Weeks 5-7
    Day 1 – Core Synergistics
    Day 2 – Cardio X
    Day 3 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    Day 4 – Yoga X
    Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    Day 6 – Kenpo X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

    Week 8
    Day 1 – Yoga X
    Day 2 – Core Synergistics
    Day 3 – Kenpo X
    Day 4 – X Stretch
    Day 5 – Cardio X
    Day 6 – Yoga X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

    or the classic schedule


    Weeks 1-3:
    Day 1 – Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
    Day 2 – Plyometrics
    Day 3 – Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
    Day 4 – Yoga X
    Day 5 – Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
    Day 6 – Kenpo X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

    Week 4:
    Day 1 – Yoga X
    Day 2 – Core Synergistics
    Day 3 – Kenpo X
    Day 4 – X Stretch
    Day 5 – Core Synergistics
    Day 6 – Yoga X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch


    Weeks 5-7
    Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    Day 2 – Plyometrics
    Day 3 – Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
    Day 4 – Yoga X
    Day 5 – Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
    Day 6 – Kenpo X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

    Week 8
    Day 1 – Yoga X
    Day 2 – Core Synergistics
    Day 3 – Kenpo X
    Day 4 – X Stretch
    Day 5 – Core Synergistics
    Day 6 – Yoga X
    Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch
  • psychicreader80
    Thanks for the schedule. I only have the disks as well.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I started the lean program today as well. I think if you look online it tells you what type of food you should be eating as well. :) You can do it. I was shocked at how well I did today. I really thought I was going to bomb but didn't and still made it to the gym with my girlfriend to do some arms. :)

    Good luck!
  • FinallyFit2011
    I just started the P90X Lean today! I can already tell that I am going to be sore tomorrow! But that's okay, because I have another workout to do! :wink:
  • tymberwolf
    Thanks so much for the schedule! Now I feel like I have a plan I can follow.

    I cant wait!

  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Congrads on moving to a new class!!! Good luck with your p90x adventure.... I started my second round today and I'm doing doubles!! Just do what you can and keep pushing play... you'll surprise yourself how much you can accomplish!!!