Should I Be Eating This??



  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Freezing cooked food for two months! Jebus, woman, cook a bit more often! Geez, wait till I find out this is a standard practice...
    sometimes I might have food frozen for two months. That doesn't mean I don't cook almost daily.

    I just cook in large batches, and don't feel like eating the same dinner five nights in a row, so I freeze for later use.

    Some of us aren't Martha Stewart :flowerforyou:

    I don't get it - do you cook almost daily or not? If the food is starting to taste crappy due to too long storage , there seems to be at least one pretty obvious solution to me!
    You must have me confused with the OP; I didn't complain about my food tasting "crappy." And I cook daily - which is breakfast every morning because I don't like reheated pancakes.

    OP, I believe food stays good in a standard freezer for 3 months, and in a deep freezer for 6 months.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    You're going to get a lot of opinions regarding this topic because there is a group of people on MFP who believe they can eat whatever they want and still lose weight and then there is a group who chose to eat more healthy and avoid processed foods, etc.

    At the end of the day, it's all personal preference.

    A great pasta substitute is spaghetti squash. If you are worried about the sodium in beans, buy reduced sodium and rinse off beans before cooking with them.

    At the end of the day one of those is fact and the other is fear of food :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Freezing cooked food for two months! Jebus, woman, cook a bit more often! Geez, wait till I find out this is a standard practice...
    sometimes I might have food frozen for two months. That doesn't mean I don't cook almost daily.

    I just cook in large batches, and don't feel like eating the same dinner five nights in a row, so I freeze for later use.

    Some of us aren't Martha Stewart :flowerforyou:

    I don't get it - do you cook almost daily or not? If the food is starting to taste crappy due to too long storage , there seems to be at least one pretty obvious solution to me!
    You must have me confused with the OP; I didn't complain about my food tasting "crappy." And I cook daily - which is breakfast every morning because I don't like reheated pancakes.

    OP, I believe food stays good in a standard freezer for 3 months, and in a deep freezer for 6 months.

    No confusion here. I mean, you did just finally respond to the OP. Initially you were just commenting on my comment. I found your statements a bit conflicting as you said you cooked almost daily, which to me would mean you wouldn't need to freeze food that long. Then you claimed not to be Martha even though you cook almost daily... Eh, who cares
  • nicnoahshaun
    nicnoahshaun Posts: 63 Member
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Freezing cooked food for two months! Jebus, woman, cook a bit more often! Geez, wait till I find out this is a standard practice...
    sometimes I might have food frozen for two months. That doesn't mean I don't cook almost daily.

    I just cook in large batches, and don't feel like eating the same dinner five nights in a row, so I freeze for later use.

    Some of us aren't Martha Stewart :flowerforyou:

    I don't get it - do you cook almost daily or not? If the food is starting to taste crappy due to too long storage , there seems to be at least one pretty obvious solution to me!
    You must have me confused with the OP; I didn't complain about my food tasting "crappy." And I cook daily - which is breakfast every morning because I don't like reheated pancakes.

    OP, I believe food stays good in a standard freezer for 3 months, and in a deep freezer for 6 months.

    No confusion here. I mean, you did just finally respond to the OP. Initially you were just commenting on my comment. I found your statements a bit conflicting as you said you cooked almost daily, which to me would mean you wouldn't need to freeze food that long. Then you claimed not to be Martha even though you cook almost daily... Eh, who cares
    I don't always cook something new for dinner, or lunch, every day. I cook for one most days, so it's easier to make multiple portions and refrigerate, or freeze, for later use. And sometimes I might not be in the mood to eat a certain leftover for several weeks, therefore there is the need to freeze it for extended periods of time. There was nothing conflicting about my statement, just your comprehension of what I said. If I were only eating one meal a day, I could see where that might seem confusing.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Freezing cooked food for two months! Jebus, woman, cook a bit more often! Geez, wait till I find out this is a standard practice...
    sometimes I might have food frozen for two months. That doesn't mean I don't cook almost daily.

    I just cook in large batches, and don't feel like eating the same dinner five nights in a row, so I freeze for later use.

    Some of us aren't Martha Stewart :flowerforyou:

    I don't get it - do you cook almost daily or not? If the food is starting to taste crappy due to too long storage , there seems to be at least one pretty obvious solution to me!
    You must have me confused with the OP; I didn't complain about my food tasting "crappy." And I cook daily - which is breakfast every morning because I don't like reheated pancakes.

    OP, I believe food stays good in a standard freezer for 3 months, and in a deep freezer for 6 months.

    No confusion here. I mean, you did just finally respond to the OP. Initially you were just commenting on my comment. I found your statements a bit conflicting as you said you cooked almost daily, which to me would mean you wouldn't need to freeze food that long. Then you claimed not to be Martha even though you cook almost daily... Eh, who cares
    I don't always cook something new for dinner, or lunch, every day. I cook for one most days, so it's easier to make multiple portions and refrigerate, or freeze, for later use. And sometimes I might not be in the mood to eat a certain leftover for several weeks, therefore there is the need to freeze it for extended periods of time. There was nothing conflicting about my statement, just your comprehension of what I said. If I were only eating one meal a day, I could see where that might seem confusing.

    Congratulations, that's generally the definition of "me" finding your statements conflicting.
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    I'm more concerned with shedding off a few inches-- not so much building muscle (though I understand the two go hand in hand) I'd like to slim down, and then focus on strength training so as to "bulk up" and tone my muscles. Right now I'm about average size, but I am a bit "paunchy" and that's what I'm trying to focus on fixing...

    With that little to lose, I have one thing for you --

    This! This! This! This! THIS!!! <333

    Thin and FIT is what I am aiming for. As I mentioned, I'm not as concerned about my weight (I'd rather be 145 and ripped than 120 with jello arms) I was under the impression that my best course of action was to focus on calorie deficit, and do as much cardio/light bodyweight strength training as possible to get down to my goal weight, and THEN start lifting, once I had the "strength" to do so...

    This article is sort of a blessing in disguise because I truly, honestly, and completely despise cardio and everything to do with it, so I get pretty discouraged/fed up when my current workout plan looks like this:

    Monday Upper

    Home Upper Body Without Weights
    9 minutes; Difficulty- 2
    Calorie Burn: 36 to 90
    (Barre, Low Impact, Toning)

    Better Posture Workout
    17 minutes; Difficulty- 2
    Calorie Burn: 69 - 103
    (Low Impact, Toning, Stretching)

    Tuesday HIIT
    HIIT Cardio and Abs
    30 minutes; Difficulty- 4
    Calorie Burn: 261 to 374
    Core, Total
    (Cardio, HIIT, Toning)

    Wednesday Yoga
    Do You 30 Day Yoga Challenge

    Thursday Lower Body/Butt
    Natural Brazilian Butt Lift
    25 minutes; Difficulty- 4
    Calorie Burn: 202 to 311
    (Cardio, Plyo, Toning)

    Friday Cardio
    Cardio Kickboxing Workout
    25 minutes; Difficulty- 3
    Calorie Burn: 147 to 247
    (Cardio, Toning)

    Saturday Full Body
    Total Body Toning & Functional Strength Training
    32 minutes; Difficulty- 3
    Calorie Burn: 250 - 320
    Total, Core
    (Agility, Low Impact, Toning)

    If I could completely cut HIIT, plyometrics, and other related cardio out of my life, I would be the happiest girl. I'm sure I couldn't be so lucky, but a girl can dream, no? And to be frank, I am pretty sick of counting $#%@ing calories ;3P

    Definitely going to check out this Nerd Fitness site and give the Paleo Diet a shot (ease myself into it at least, and try to limit my non-paleo foods as much as possible until they're no longer such tempting little threats) But would love to add you and maybe get your opinion on some other nutrition/fitness tips and such. It's great gaining knowledge when it all feels so overwhelming.

    So yeah, given my goals, strength training/lifting seems to be a much more practical course of action than busting my butt every morning doing some ridiculously stressful/painful cardio routine that makes me hate every second of my life. Plus I could hit up the gym after I get out of work in the evenings. I've been really eager to start lifting, I just thought it was necessary to do the cardio parts first, but I'm really shocked (pleasantly so) to hear that that's not the case!!
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    And as far as the unnecessary argument over the fact that I stored garbanzo beans in my freezer for two months...

    YES, I cook on a near daily basis, despite working 60 hours a week. The beans were leftover from when we made a 7 beat, 7 meat chilli. I just hadn't found purpose to use them until recently.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    And as far as the unnecessary argument over the fact that I stored garbanzo beans in my freezer for two months...

    YES, I cook on a near daily basis, despite working 60 hours a week. The beans were leftover from when we made a 7 beat, 7 meat chilli. I just hadn't found purpose to use them until recently.

    Gee, thanks for your update to our unnecessary argument