Anyone Ran a 5K or Half Marathon?



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    running =/= racing.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    You're doing it wrong. A 5K is way tougher for me to run than a half marathon.

    You seem to spout a lot about your expertise but some of your previous posts lead one to believe you actually have none.

    wow why so mean? I didn't have any ill intentions with my post. I guess people just think they are better than others and chose to demean people on the internet. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    So why quit two miles after you've just gotten into the "magic"?
    I'm only adding 5% to my run every week. this week I'm going for 7 miles. why are you attacking me? I have never attacked anyone here. I try and stay positive and help build people up not bring them down.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    So why quit two miles after you've just gotten into the "magic"?
    I'm only adding 5% to my run every week. this week I'm going for 7 miles. why are you attacking me? I have never attacked anyone here. I try and stay positive and help build people up not bring them down.

    They are just asking questions. No one is attacking you. :huh:
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    running =/= racing.

    i"m not sure what this means but I'm running one 5K every month this year. that was my goal. it just so happens that I have been able to run farther during my training to 10K. am i wrong for doing so that you must attack me?
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I only do races for the medals, actually I did a 1/2 marathon on a weeks notice having not run for 3 months prior just for the medal....
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    running =/= racing.

    i"m not sure what this means but I'm running one 5K every month this year. that was my goal. it just so happens that I have been able to run farther during my training to 10K. am i wrong for doing so that you must attack me?

    Again no one is attacking you.

    But running a 5k does not equal racing a 5k. The "too short for your fitness level" is just nonsense, can you improve your time? if yes then it is not too short for your fitness level.

    I wonder what the op did THREE YEARS AGO :laugh:
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    I have done both.

    With the half marathon I received a medal.

    As far as time . . . . that completely depends on you, your goal and how fast you run. I wanted to finish my half marathon in less than 2 hours and I did.

    I'm thinking of doing another half marathon this year (my first was in 2009) and I want to try and beat my time from that one.

    ETA: I'm actually psyched because I am doing my first Duathlon on the 18th and I get a medal. :blushing:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    running =/= racing.

    i"m not sure what this means but I'm running one 5K every month this year. that was my goal. it just so happens that I have been able to run farther during my training to 10K. am i wrong for doing so that you must attack me?

    Not attacking. You seem to give out a lot of advice. It's usually not great advice. It appears to be based on your experience. Which as you've stated here is very limited.

    I'm not holding myself out as some great running guru by any stretch. I consider myself a beginner with limited knowledge but when I give my advice or opinion on something I generally temper it be saying something along the lines of "I'm no expert and generally just go with what works but here's what works for me."

    You could maybe use a similar disclaimer of "I ran 6.2 miles once so here's what I learned through all that."
  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    The medals I have are all 10K or above. I'm proudest of my half marathon and will be bringing home two more this year. :) I'm sure some 5Ks do give medals but most of the 5ks I have done or are registered for this year are "fun" runs (ugly sweater, dirty girl, light runs, color runs) and aren't chip timed. Depends on who is hosting. Good luck and have fun!

    Also saw someone post about the hot chocolate run. Honestly I was disappointed. The sweatshirt was nice but I would have preferred a medal to the cup of hot cocoa and small bit of fondue. Just my opinion. :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals. yes a lot of 5ks do give out medals but most do not. I got my first one from Sea World Pole to Pole 5K. I'm running a 4 miler in two weeks but they just give a Tshirt. But I get to run on the Coronado bridge. that is enough for me. bu i have noticed more and more 5K's giving out medals, I guess they want more participation.

    ot: run the Hot chocolate run if it's in your area. the good bag they give away is worth the entrance fee.

    Too short for your fitness level? Have you raced a 5k? A lot of people find racing 5ks challenging (although 1 mile is worse IMO).

    yes I'm running my 6th 5K this year on sunday. I typcally run 6.2miles a day. not knocking 5K runners. I like running 5Ks but I don't get going until after mile 4, that's when the magic happens for me.

    running =/= racing.

    i"m not sure what this means but I'm running one 5K every month this year. that was my goal. it just so happens that I have been able to run farther during my training to 10K. am i wrong for doing so that you must attack me?

    Again no one is attacking you.

    But running a 5k does not equal racing a 5k. The "too short for your fitness level" is just nonsense, can you improve your time? if yes then it is not too short for your fitness level.

    I wonder what the op did THREE YEARS AGO :laugh:

    If you prefer longer races, that is fine, I do too. But to dismiss the distance as "too short for your fitness level" is an odd thing to say about 5ks. Racing, not running (although running a 5k is a challenge for a lot too, not knocking that), a 5k is considered pretty challenging. It is not all about the distance, it is about the effort and the particular challenges that go with the distance.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Yeah, it definitely depends on the race. I've run in 2 5K's; one didn't offer medals, but the other did, but you had to buy a timing chip since it involved obstacle courses and yada yada. I opted out, bc I was there just to push myself, not compete against others, necessarily. Good luck!!
  • thatismesammyg
    thatismesammyg Posts: 71 Member
    I hope that you have completed your goal for a 5K over the last 3 years. Too bad we'll never find out.
  • chubalubas
    chubalubas Posts: 1
    Have been doing 5k's to build up to half marathon. Never see any medals for them though
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...on a zombie thread... complain that a 100 meter dash is way too short for my fitness level, so I don't see the point in competing at that distance...

    ...or something like that.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    ...on a zombie thread... complain that a 100 meter dash is way too short for my fitness level, so I don't see the point in competing at that distance...

    ...or something like that.

    We must be waaaaay fitter than that washed up Usain Bolt. Too bad he gave up on his fitness before working up to longer distances.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I'm not signing up for anymore 5K just because the distance is too short for my fitness level now but I chose the ones for this year for the medals.

    Lolz.. I should probably stop signing up for marathons then. I think the distance might be too short for my fitness level. I think only 100 mile and above for 2015? I want to start collecting belt buckles.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    Medals for completing a 5K is pretty rare. A medal for a 10K is more common, but not that common. Medals for a HM or FM is very common. I want to do a 5K with my parents and I want to find one that gives out medals. Medals just make for a better photo-op.

    But doing a 5K race is great. It gives you a base of how fast you can run, and gives you an idea of how to pace yourself for longer distance.

    I think we can all agree that racing for *any* distance requires fitness. I'm pretty sure that Bolt is fitter than your average ultramarathoner. But I'm not going to pay money to *race* a 100 metre event either.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    haha I'm just like you. I have not run a race yet, and I want to get a medal to commerate my first. I want it to be a 5k (because that's about where I am fitness wise) but not much luck finding 5k's that give medals..
  • IdRatherBeReading
    IdRatherBeReading Posts: 96 Member
    The Diva Run gives super cute medals for their 5K....and they have hot firemen at the finish line. Go for it ladies, lol!
    It also looks like the Disney runs give medals for their 5Ks as well.

    I have not gotten a medal yet, but I hope to have 3 by the end of the year. I did not get a medal for my 10K last year either, which was really disappointing, mostly since I had to run up and over a steep bridge twice. It was a 5/10/15K and only the 15Kers got medals. I plan to tackle that 15K this year.