tattoos hot or not?



  • naturesfinest4688
    naturesfinest4688 Posts: 117 Member
    lol well I think you can make anything hot. so have at it.
    lol....that was funny that you feel she hasnt showered you made my morning haha

    Lol well glad I could make your morning. its true though. obvi she's showered but I donno that's just what I think every time I look at her.
    I see your point though lol
  • Manic5781
    Manic5781 Posts: 1,491
    I'm gonna get one soon. ;-p
    lol I was just thinking some might look good on ya :-)awww what the hell im gonna get old and pass away im gonna fake tan ,fake nails,platinum my hair and get tattoos...then ill be hilarious to look at as I fill my medications at wal mart when im 80

    Bwahahahahahaha. Instead of having boring saggy skin I'll be like a human puzzle. Which fold goes where to make the picture. ;-p
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    Most of the time HOT! As long as they are well done (and not on someones face) then I love them :) I have a few myself
  • misscem94
    misscem94 Posts: 114 Member
    I don't dislike them by any means, but I am indifferent to them in terms of 'hotness'. I don't like a head-to-toe look, but tattoos aren't a dealbreaker for me.

    I do have four myself, but I don't think they make me any more or less attractive (two are hidden, two aren't often noticed).
  • I'm indifferent about them. My wife has a couple small ones. They are small and out of the way but I think of tattoos much like I think of make-up. It's a way of enhancing your appearance and identity but it also simultaneously obscures a purer essence/image of who you are. You are broadcasting to the world who you are rather than letting people form their own, uninformed opinion of you.
  • VanessaMP90
    VanessaMP90 Posts: 19 Member
    Yeah but I don't want to get to many. I was told they are addictive.
  • Manic5781
    Manic5781 Posts: 1,491
    Yeah but I don't want to get to many. I was told they are addictive.

    Thank you.
    INKEDandINSPIRED Posts: 22 Member
    I'm not sure if they make one 'hot', but I love them. I think it's a preference, just like some like blondes, redheads, etc. Mine are not a 'permanent expression of a temporary feeling' or however one stated above...mine represent goals to me, or reminders of loved ones gone, or an expression of my love for my daughter. And it's art so WGAF?'s like getting to wear your favorite shirt EVERYDAY! If you don't like them then don't get one- simples!
  • Grumpyanon
    Grumpyanon Posts: 20 Member
    I dont mind the odd one and definitely not a deal breaker but sort of over them these days. 95% of people under 30 have them in Australia. Im looking at getting mine removed.
  • naturesfinest4688
    naturesfinest4688 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm gonna get one soon. ;-p
    lol I was just thinking some might look good on ya :-)awww what the hell im gonna get old and pass away im gonna fake tan ,fake nails,platinum my hair and get tattoos...then ill be hilarious to look at as I fill my medications at wal mart when im 80

    Bwahahahahahaha. Instead of having boring saggy skin I'll be like a human puzzle. Which fold goes where to make the picture. ;-p
    lol....oh god thats gonna be hilarious....whats even worse ill still be on mfp counting calories
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I don't have any and never will. That said, confidence is hot. Wear your tat(s) confidently or be confident in not having any. I don't mind them if they are original and have some meaning. Some lame-*kitten* barbed wire around your biceps? Perhaps you should've sat on that one a little longer.

    Above all, I think you should not let other people's opinions dictate your choices about your body. When I was younger, I would've thrown a raging fit if my boyfriend told me he wanted to get a tattoo. Now, I wouldn't want to be with a man who would allow his girlfriend to tell him what to do.
  • naturesfinest4688
    naturesfinest4688 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm not sure if they make one 'hot', but I love them. I think it's a preference, just like some like blondes, redheads, etc. Mine are not a 'permanent expression of a temporary feeling' or however one stated above...mine represent goals to me, or reminders of loved ones gone, or an expression of my love for my daughter. And it's art so WGAF?'s like getting to wear your favorite shirt EVERYDAY! If you don't like them then don't get one- simples!
    your tattoo s are gorgeous...I like nature so got lots of trees and flowers
  • StuMid
    StuMid Posts: 4 Member
    As with everything it's subjective. If you like them and they make you happy, then that's a good thing.

    I don't think I'll ever have one though. I change my mind so often that my passion this year is my ugly little embarrassing secret next year. I really don't need a permanent reminder on my body!
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    On a beautiful woman...very hot!! Not to overdone, but tastefully placed and somewhat feminine is very sexy.
    INKEDandINSPIRED Posts: 22 Member
    Well thank you :) I took that after my second session. Two more sessions to go on the chest. The bee represents my daughter (so NOT temporary feeling LMAO)...nature is a great muse.
  • I love them, as long as they're well done. I have one on my leg and hope to get more eventually. not easy to find money for tattoos when you're an 18 year old independent university student.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have a large one on my shoulder. My husband has a sleeve on his right arm. Tattoos alone aren't hot or not, it's the person that makes them what they are. My husband would be hot even if he didn't have tattoos.
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    I like them. I only have one, because I got it when I was 18, and I was worried I'd get addicted if I continued getting them at that age. Now that I'm 23, I'm interested in getting a few more. I would never do a sleeve or even partial sleeve, not because I don't like them, but for three reasons:

    A. I have no clue what I'd want (design/pattern/images)
    B. I don't think I could pull off sleeves
    C. career limitations

    As to the last point, I'm sick of piercings and tats being taboo in workplaces. My boyfriend is a high school teacher, he wants to get sleeves, but if he does he won't be able to wear short-sleeved shirts to work, ever. He teaches at an inner-city school, half of his students already have face tattoos.

    Plus I would't be working with kids, I'd be working in either a professional office-type environment, a doctor's office, or on the street doing research in city neighborhoods. Tattoos shouldn't limit me in any of those places, but they would if I were job-hunting with sleeves.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    They look trashy on some women, I find it pretty cool on men though, I just don't see why you would cover up the female form with doodles...

    Part of it is a cultural thing. I probably would never have gotten a tattoo if I wasn't living in a place where everybody had one.
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    Eh tattoo's are ok, don't make or break for me.
    I prefer women with their leg hiked up on there counter.