Outside running or treadmill

Trying to figure out what is best, I have been running for about 2 months now, at first i just ran outside then someone told me to do HIIT on the treadmill, so i decided to give it a go, it was hard work and I seemed to burn up more of a sweat with this, however I enjoy outdoor running more but I know doing the HIIT will probably give better results... Is this the case or will I still lose the same amount of weight running outside!!! Helppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Weight loss is down to the calorie deficit so it's what works for you how you create it (be it food or exercise). I run outside because I love to run. I personally cannot think of anything worse than running on a treadmill. If you just want to burn calories you can find other ways that will burn more in a shorter period of time than running outside. I personally work on the theory that the only exercise that will work is one you enjoy and you will stick to.
  • Grumpyanon
    Grumpyanon Posts: 20 Member
    If you enjoy running outside then keep doing that. If you dont enjoy something you will probably stop doing it. What ever you do on a treadmill can be done outside anyway. If you want more of a workout then run somewhere more challenging like the beach.
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    I don't know about the different calorie burn. However, what I was told by 2 doctors is when you run on a treadmill you are always putting the same shock and pressure on you knees throughout the entire workout as the platform you are running on does not change. Outside the ground has various plateau with each step therefore the wear and tear on your knees as well as other joints is not constant and repetitive. Also on a side note. If you enjoy running outside, do what you enjoy.
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    If it's just about calories, I agree...do what you find to give you the most burn. If you are training for a race, I would recommend outside, b/c a treadmill, even on HIIT workouts is not going to simulate the outside environment and grades that you encounter. Have fun with whatever you are doing!!! Much more likely to stick with it that way!!!
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    Run outside if you like it. Get off road and hit some trails somewhere, hiking and biking trails are good for this. Running on trails activates muscles not usually trained in normal road running and you get the whole being in nature thing. Also you can do HIIT training outside.
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    I'd run outside. Muuuuuch more fun, plus it's free. You can do HIIT outside you know (e.g. sprint 100m, recover 200m).
  • Kaitlyn811
    Kaitlyn811 Posts: 49 Member
    If you want to do HIIT training outside - DO IT! There are a ton of apps that you can use while training outside :)
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    outside is better and you can do HIIT outside. I save the dreadmill for days when it is to ****ty outside to run.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I do both. Outdoor running definitely burns more calories, and is more interesting. But on inclement days I do like to run intervals on the treadmill. Its easier to specify speed and timing on the treadmill.
  • Smokey705
    Smokey705 Posts: 35 Member
    Try doing HIIT on hills outside, way better than a treadmill. Just buy a stopwatch...
  • Kargicq
    Kargicq Posts: 72 Member
    I certainly sweat much more on a treadmill... but only, I think, because I don't have a breeze cooling me off! Living in England, I often get a free shower during outside runs, too. :smile:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I'm a beginner. I did C25K last year, first on the treadmill, then made the switch to outdoors and find I can no longer do the treadmill. Too long and too boring. I slacked off for a while, and am now back to trying to incorporate running into my daily walks. I started using the C25K app and doing HIIT on the parts that say run - although my body's idea of High really isn't :laugh: What I'm doing now is run a mile (trying to get back endurance and work on speed), then do some interval tenth of a mile runs over the next two miles or so on my usual route. It's my idea, it's working for me and I enjoy being outside so I am keeping with it. If it's not the best calorie burn out there, whatever. I like it.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I do both.

    When I don't have someone to watch the kids in the evenings so I can run, I'll run on the treadmill. Also, nasty windchills and knee deep snowfall will force me inside too.

    But, I love it outside way more - probably because I actually have a sense of accomplishment from going from point A to point B etc. that the treadmill doesn't offer.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    As many mentioned, do HIIT outside. I do mine by "blocks". I'll sprint one block, then jog the next, for at least 8 cycles. Then jog/walk the rest of the time with a final sprint at the end.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    I only run on treadmills when it's too cold to run outdoors. But now that it's warm out (Georgia) I run outdoors.

    I like to do interval running. I use an app called RunKeeper. You can set up your own intervals and plug in your headphones, listen to music, and then the app will speak over your music telling you to switch to the next interval.

    For example, run fast for 30 secs, walk for 1 minute, and you can repeat that for however long you like. You can create your own intervals and run outdoors that way.

    Best of luck,
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I vote outside! I personally detest the treadmill. Part of the reason you sweat more is probably due to stagnant air and warmer temps because it's indoors. I prefer to run outside where I feel like I'm actually going somewhere. And if you are training to do any kind of race, you DEFINITELY want to run outside; the "ground" of a treadmill is much different (and softer) than outdoors. If you run only on a treadmill and then try to do a race outside, you're bound to get shin splints, if not much worse.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Why one or the other?

    Personally, my preference is to run outside. I work in an office and running is my chance to get outside and move around. And, there are a variety of different outside running workouts. Speed/sprints, tempo, hill repeats and long runs are all part of a good training plan.

    This is not to say I do not hit up the gym.

    Running is hard on the body and cross training of some sort is key to avoiding injury. So, I try and get in a weights/resistance workout a couple times per week. This can be weights, yoga or just simple body weight calisthenics.

    If you enjoy running but getting out side regularly does not fit. Do both! Most treadmills have pre-set programs that will give you a real workout.

    The one critical thing is to do what you can to make your workouts fun. It is way easier to maintain an exercise regime if the experience is positive.

    So what ever you chose. Have fun!
  • margaretsandford3
    margaretsandford3 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone, its just so difficult, I do the c25k and use it outdoors and on the treadmill but I defo seem to burn more off on the treadmill, or maybe its just because I dont have the outdoor breeze???!!!!... But I always feel very awkward sprinting out doors esp when i have to pass people but much prefere this to the treadmill!!! However if I can accomplish the same weight loss by doing either then i'd rather stick to the great outdoors!!!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Do what you enjoy! No need to stick with one or the other...
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    What prevents you from doing HIIT outside? I personally hate running indoors for some reason. Maybe it's boringness. I could prolly beat it by watching a movie or something but even then it does not feel the same and as fun.

    Yes, of course you can lose same weight outside. It does not matter where you run. And will HIIT give better results is also not a strict rule. Our bodies are genetically different so you need to check and see if HITT or steady cardio does better job for you. For me personally it's steady cardio. I can do a hour of slow jog and my fat would come off way faster than if I would do 30 min of HIIT instead. And I can't do more than 30 min, that just takes too much energy while hour of slow jog takes almost nothing and gives better results. That's just how my body works. So you need to experiment with that a little.