tattoos hot or not?



  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    Eh tattoo's are ok, don't make or break for me.
    I prefer women with their leg hiked up on there counter.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    If you like them then does it really matter?
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Tattoos do not create nor destroy hotness...
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    depends on the person and the tattoo i guess, but generally not. my views on tattoos are they should have some personal meaning behind them considering they'll probably look like hell when once your older, but to each their own
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I like them. I only have one, because I got it when I was 18, and I was worried I'd get addicted if I continued getting them at that age. Now that I'm 23, I'm interested in getting a few more. I would never do a sleeve or even partial sleeve, not because I don't like them, but for three reasons:

    A. I have no clue what I'd want (design/pattern/images)
    B. I don't think I could pull off sleeves
    C. career limitations

    As to the last point, I'm sick of piercings and tats being taboo in workplaces. My boyfriend is a high school teacher, he wants to get sleeves, but if he does he won't be able to wear short-sleeved shirts to work, ever. He teaches at an inner-city school, half of his students already have face tattoos.

    Plus I would't be working with kids, I'd be working in either a professional office-type environment, a doctor's office, or on the street doing research in city neighborhoods. Tattoos shouldn't limit me in any of those places, but they would if I were job-hunting with sleeves.

    I agree with you on that. My husband has a funny story about when he was hired. He has a sleeve, but wore a suit when he was interviewed for a state government position. After he was hired, and after his 90-day probationary period, he wore short sleeves for the first time. His boss admitted that if she saw that during the interview, she wouldn't have hired him, even though she also admitted that he's one of the best workers she's ever had.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    I adore sleeves!

    If they were more so accepted in the realm of professional professions, I would totally get 2 sleeves. :c

    Totally hot.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I adore sleeves!

    If they were more so accepted in the realm of professional professions, I would totally get 2 sleeves. :c

    Totally hot.

    They're a lot more accepted than most people realize. I have two full sleeves and work in an office. I only wear long sleeve shirts when I have meetings with the CEO and stuff like that. When I'm in the office normally, short sleeves all day every day.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    I suppose it depends on the person and the tat...
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Well thank you :) I took that after my second session. Two more sessions to go on the chest. The bee represents my daughter (so NOT temporary feeling LMAO)...nature is a great muse.

    Yes, I love nature also and most of mine are dealing with nature, but I do have some that aren't nature too. I have a lion (I'm a Leo), a dog paw with an angel's halo and wings, St Louis Cardinals tattoo and tazmanian devil (that was my nickname back in highschool and is still my favorite cartoon character ever). The rest of mine are all flowers and such.

    My next 2 tattoos are going to be a bumble bee, a lady bug and I am going to start a chest / quarter sleeve that will intail butterflies, humming birds and flowers.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    They look trashy on some women, I find it pretty cool on men though, I just don't see why you would cover up the female form with doodles...

    That right there is a sexist remark if I have ever saw one. To each his / her own.

    I love my tattoos and my husband has started getting them too. It gets quite expensive when you have two people in the house getting them at the same time, LOL
  • shimmerNsparkle
    Depends on how they are done, I have 7 tats(No sleeves or big peices) and they are all on the girly side(Granted I was 19 and went on a tat spree) I really think it depends on the quality and how you wear them.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    I don't want any for myself. I've always been scared of needles and permanence freaks me out. The thought of drawing a picture on my body that will be there the rest of my life just doesn't appeal to me. I don't judge other people with them though, like 99% of people get them these days. I will say when I see hot women with full sleeves or like their entire thigh covered or something it kind of intimidates me for some reason. We might have a lot in common and really get a long but I probably won't come talk to you. I guess it's not you it's me...
  • FitWithWit44
    FitWithWit44 Posts: 412 Member

    I prefer women with their leg hiked up on their counter.

  • Irishb118
    Irishb118 Posts: 25 Member
    Tattoos - A permanent reminder of a temporary feeling.

    I completely disagree. My tattos are about my Irish heritage AND the most important one is for Autsim awareness, because one of the most important people in my life is Autistic and I am his advocate and he calls me mom. That is not a temporary feeling and people ask about it and get an education on autism!
  • rikracer61
    rikracer61 Posts: 208
    Love women with tattoos, as long as you like the look, who cares what others think.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    to each their own. I don't have any. Have always considered it. On the other hand, I have friends who have ink on their faces/necks, forearms and can't figure out why they are discriminated against in employment. Not that discrimination is ok, but it's definitely a consideration given the culture of business.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,761 Member
    I find women with no tattoos and women covered equally hot. There is beauty in simplicity and natural untouched skin, and beauty in a woman covered who expresses their life and stories on their body. As long as they are unique and don't follow trends just to follow the masses I think that is more "hot" than anything. Independence and confidence is intoxicating.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Does anyone wish they never got them? Or at least a particular one or two? If I had gotten some when I was 18 I'd probably have an assortment of things that don't really reflect who I am today. My friend literally has a sun wearing those joke disguise glasses with a mustache and a banana nose on his shoulder. It's completely ridiculous. He got it drunk when he was 19 and swears he doesn't regret getting it.
  • rmoult01
    rmoult01 Posts: 1
    In my (Orthodox Christian) church, it is a sin to have a tattoo, partly because people are made by God in His image and tattoos are seen as a turning away from that image. Another reason is that, historically, tattoos have been used as part of the religious practice of non-Christian cultures. These types of tattoos are still around today. Tattoos can also be used to signal a group membership, as in gang tattoos. I have a sense that there is a division in modern American culture. Some 20% or so of the population reject the idea of tattoos out of hand, and may even be somewhat prejudiced against people who have tattoos as being "lower class". The rest are are indifferent or more or less open to tattoos.
    Are they "hot" or not? My thought is that "hotness", the sense of physical attractiveness, is in the eye of the beholder. It is part "nature" and part "nurture". The nature part is basic human nature, fundamental sexual desire, which I doubt has muct to do with tattoos. The nurture part is what we learn in some way, thinking redheads are hot or that glasses are a turnoff. I would think that tattoos would fall into that category, so that someone who has them would find people with a range of feeling.
    I am, pretty obviously, not pro tattoo. My feelings are: I have never seen a tattoo which I thought made someone look more attractive. When I see someone with extensive tattoos, I feel sorry for them.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    Yeah not for me... My wife is off and on about wanting one but that is really the only thing I've ever absolutely denied her. Anything else is hers to the point of spoiling :happy: She had a belly button piercing when I met her and I always hated it. Eventually when she got older and out of college she removed it and now dislikes how it kind of ruined her belly button. I don't say "I told you so" but still.