Any 50 somethings out there?

I'm Tanya. Turning 56 next week. Colorado native. Going on my first trip to Mexico. Hope I don't get harpooned as a whale.

I started MFP (myfitnesspal) 3 days ago. Love to find some friends to talk and share. Need to lose 40 to 50 lbs. I've carried this weight since my 40's. It's got to go. Been a Weight Watcher member for years. Don't care for their Point System. Love to cook and eat simple meals. I can do this once I have the mind set to be accountable for my actions. Just can't seem to get there. It's always sounds good but it's not happening. Everyday when I get up I say today's the day but so far that day never seems to come.

Love to hear about what things worked for you and love to try new recipes.

Oh and by the way, what's up with this body change. I've just started menopause. I'm not doing well with the changes of aging.

Thank for listening!


  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Welcome - I'm 50 something (53 to be exact) and I too had 50 or so pounds to go when I started slowly in december and in true in January (I was 224 when i started by quitting drinking before Christmas) down to 201 as of this morning goal is 155-165 (really the goal is a 30-32 inch waist, if i'm 170 and in that zone i'll be happy too)
    I started gaining it in a serious way in my 40s and on and off for 6 years i'vce been battling it (lost most of it, slowly it crept back quit smoking and it crept faster lol) What's working overall for me is I started walking (minimum of 7 km a day right now, and planning for a half marathon walk (21km) come may 4th. Water lots of it, and tracking accurately. The first month i did Atkins (as I had in the past) this is working better psychologically for me though (probably cholesterol wise as well)
    Probably my favourite recipe for has been Kale and Brussel sprout salad (From Bon Appetit) and Chicken Curry (From my head lol) Can't help with the change, though my wife has struggled with the effects

    Good luck with the goals, feel free to add me if you like
  • tadinpa
    tadinpa Posts: 3
    Hello - I'm 50 something and getting ready to become an empty nester. My only child starts college this summer. My two goals - musts - are to lose 30 lbs and kick the caffeine habit. I see that I'm not alone on both counts. This is my first full day on myfitnesspal so I haven't figured out how to add friends yet but look forward to doing so and gaining some "best practices" info.
  • I too am the 50 something catergory. 53. I have tons of weight to lose and started yet again 3 days ago. I too have tried Slimming World and got all the books and everything to go with it, however, I thought that I would try this and see how I go. Trying to plan meals that I enjoy and not get bored with them. I have uploaded a couple of recipes although they take time to do, they are there once they are on and makes it so much simpler.
    Good luck both of you..... and lets do this x
  • diahann63
    diahann63 Posts: 11
    Hello and welcome! I'm turning 51 this week and started here about 2 weeks ago. I'm doing Venus Index too and trying to settle into a healthy lifestyle. I also homeschool my 10 year old son. I've lost 10 lbs. so far and have quite a few more to go, but I'm hopeful and motivated, especially with summer right around the corner. This should be great!
  • jweisshoff
    jweisshoff Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Tanya,
    I'm 55 and been on MFP since Jan. of last year. I've also done the WW in the past...with some success- but found the points to be harder to do than the logging on here. Have managed to lose over 90 lbs here! Logging, exercise, and moderation/portion control have been the key to finally being successful. Feel free to friend me. :smile: You can do it!!!
  • eplerd
    eplerd Posts: 91 Member
    51 here, joined a month or so ago after a co-worker recommended the site and I love it.
    MFP gives me accountability when I am honest logging my food.
    I also like that it tracks exercise as well!!

    I joined LA fitness as I'm 5'4" and was 244 lbs when I started - I'd had enough of always being tired!
    Some will say I'm nuts for what it cost, but I also signed up for a year of personal trainer appointments (two a week) to share between my wife and I.

    She's slacked off quite a bit and I have a feeling I'll be using 75% or more of them myself but at this point I can't worry about HER since I can't fix her attitude. I can only hope that her seeing MY progress will get her motivated to try harder!

    I go to the gym Mon-Fri and am trying to go on Saturday as well!
    Mon/Wed/Fri are strength days and Tues/Thurs are cardio days - usually elliptical as it doesn't hurt my knees, can't run till under 200 lbs as it's just too much strain on knees!!

    I also walk at lunch every day at work - we're currently doing 2 miles every day unless weather won't allow it!

    My name is Dave - AND I AM A LOSER and proud OF IT!

    as others have said - logging, moderation and RELEARNING HOW TO EAT is key!!

    Good luck and don't get discouraged!

  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome 50-Something!!!
    I am 57 1/2! I gained 15 pounds last year after Sandy shut both of my gyms down. Then when I went back, I overdid things and ended up with soft tissue injuries that took a while to get better. Once I figured out that I needed to do the OPPOSITE of what I was being told (my PT's told me to remain inactive until I felt better) and I went back to heavy weights, 11 of the 15 pounds came right off! I am having trouble with the remaining 4 - tend to get tired, hungry, & crabby when I am restricting calories. But this is a loooong process and I am just happy to be healthy again.
  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    OK, I'm 59, and will turn 60 in October. I simply cannot go into my 60s this large! I weighed 202 at the doctor's this morning. I need to get down to 160 or even 150. I'm in panic mode, which I know isn't good, but I have so many health issues related to my weight (diabetes, bad knee mainly). I wish I had some advice for you. 2 days ago I woke up and jumped out of bed and just told myself I was NOT going to gain any more weight! So I'm cutting back and eating more healthy, and trying my very hardest to stay motivated. There is so much temptation around us. I also joined a gym, which I've never done, and will meet with the personal trainer on Thursday.

    I know just dieting isn't the answer. It's too faddish. There has to be a mental component as well. I'm just doing little talks with myself each day, encouraging myself to stick with it, because I absolutely have to!

    One more thing: I hate that "muffin top" above my waistline that has happened as I've aged. Actually, it' so large I call it my bundt cake!

    Good luck all your 50-somethings! Let's get it together before we head into our retirement years!
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    I turned 55 this year! I have been on MFP since January 2014. I saw a picture of myself and just couldn't believe how fat I'd become so I swore to lose it! I am doing a low carb high fat diet which is somewhat controversial but has worked incredibly for me. Not just on a weight loss basis but has improved my health. My blood pressure is now completely under control, my doctor took me off one med altogether and says we will discuss the other when I go back in June. My cholesterol is PERFECT for the first time ever, again my doctor took me off the statin I was on. I look at this as a way of life, not a diet. I've gone from a size 16 down to an 8 and hope to get back down to a 6! Love the support here on MFP. Long live us over 50s!!
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I turn 54 this year. I joined here several years ago, but never become serious about losing weight (I was content). This year I hit my highest weight ever (236 5'10") and even though I carry my weight pretty well I decided it was time. Besides I was going to have to purchase new uniforms this fall if I didn't (I am a high school football official). I am currently not eating healthy, but only watching my calories. I have lost 15lbs so far, I have 190 as my goal, but I am thinking 180 might be better.
  • I'm 55 and need to lose almost that much in pounds. I'm starting back on low carb as I have had the best results in the past. I also felt the best and believe low carb/keto is a lifestyle that will allow me to become healthy and remain that way until I am over 100! I'm going to use a Vitamix for some smoothies so if anyone has any low carb/keto smoothie sites, let me know. I'm on medication for high blood pressure and want to stop that and I know losing weight and actually going to the gym (as opposed to just paying for the membership) will bring me down to normal and allow me to ditch the meds. I also like going to Cuba every year and this is NOT a bikini bod! (yet) Glad to be back on myfitnesspal.
  • PamelaBar01
    PamelaBar01 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello I will turning 50 in a couple of month's and my goal is to LIVE and feel good inside and out whatever it takes to make me happy and healthy is the biggest gift I could give myself. I'm 5'3" I started off at 198 I'm down to 187 it's hard some day's. Just set your weight goal for each month meet it set a new then keep going. Do it at your own pace so you don't become over whelmed. I research a lot so that help's me a lot and I'm not with the pills and quick fixes just straight exercise 45 min every other day and I change my diet. I don't believe in stepping on scales too much because we all have water weight. I believe in taking pictures weekly to see my progress. Best of health. God Bless.
  • esther617
    esther617 Posts: 18 Member
    50 something here too (53). I would love some support from others in the same boat.. I have about 40 lbs to lose. Sadly, I've done this all before, about 7 years ago, but wasn't able to maintain for more than a couple of years. As I got closer to 50, the weight crept back up with extra stress at work and home. Before, when I lost all the weight, I sunk a lot of time and energy into the process. It was all encompassing. I guess I was unable to sustain the intensity needed or moderate to a better level when I had to maintain. It, was like, 'all or nothing'. So I'm back to losing again...

    My approach, as before, is to eat healthy, moderate portions, and exercise at least 5x weekly, including weight training. One thing I want to figure out this time is how to keep up a reasonable exercise routine without burning out. I got really bored at the gym last time, so I have to figure out ways to build in the activity so I will be able to keep it up for the long haul.

    Before I had success keeping a log of everything I ate, and a log of my exercise. So I'm doing that this time too, in a paper journal, and I'm encouraging my Hubby to do the same. But I'm also logging it all in MFP, which has some great tools for keeping track of the progress.

    I welcome any friends who want to join up for mutual support. (Don't have any yet :))
    I'm also a mom,of two teenagers.
  • LukeDQ
    LukeDQ Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am 54 and looking to get back in shape. 3 years ago was at 189, running 3 to 4 times a week, lifting weights, looking and feeling good. Work overtook my life, some health things slowed me for a bit, and I slacked off on my workouts and now weigh 218. Time to take back my old body and mind. any support or friendship is appreciated.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I'm 55 and trying to figure out how to keep fit and slow down the aging process.
  • LukeDQ
    LukeDQ Posts: 3 Member
    I am trying running to start, and better eating. Cheese, martini are my big weakness
  • Peanut724h
    Peanut724h Posts: 3
    50 something here.....52 last Sunday. Just joined mfp a few days ago. Have struggled for years - primarily due to lack of motivation and support. Looking forward to taking this journey with others committed to motivating and support others, not tearing them when they stumble.

    Feel free to add me
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    HI! I am 53 and postmenopausal. I am fighting the effects that the past few years have had on my health. Menopause sucks...there I said it. LOL I am fighting the battle of the bulge and I am finally winning. Since joining MFP I have lost weight, gained strength, confidence and made friends. I have accepted a whole new relationship with food and exercise. I have not felt this good in years.
  • camoani
    camoani Posts: 14
    Hi Tanya! I'm 54 and need to lose at least 50-60 lbs. I am currently (2 days) working on Nutritional Ketosis. In the past, I did Atkins. It worked until I got sick (pneumonia) in June of 2013. After that hospital stay (2 weeks), I was out of control. I think I ate everything my husband brought to me! Meanwhile, the weight was creeping on. I've been doing some research, and with my Dr.'s blessing, I am giving Nutritional Ketosis a try. Not only do I need to lose weight, but I need to completely heal my body. I had surgery on Monday, ovaries out! However, I also have Lupus SLE, and Avascular Necrosis in my left hip. Of course, being overweight is not helping me at all.:noway:

    Please add me as your friend. I need help also!
  • weigh40
    weigh40 Posts: 1
    Hi Tanya,
    Started about 10 days ago. I've got so much energy now I'm amazed. Oh, forgot to say that I'm 59. I've been eating a very healthy diet of no processed foods. Forget anything white. I know am exercising more than ever. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and just recently added swimming laps in the evenings. 7 lbs lost so far- 43 more to go! Keep thinking positive and picture yourself with the weight off.