Lose 5 Pounds in May 2014 Open Group



  • mysweetestdreams
    mysweetestdreams Posts: 192 Member
    A bit late, but wanna join!

    SW: 85/186.8
    CW: 81.8
    GW: 79.5/175

    Around 80 is where I /always/ hit plateau, to that 79 would mean a lot.
  • susanpetracco
    susanpetracco Posts: 2 Member
    I want in too!

    SW: 194
    CW: 158.3
    GW: 153.3
  • thudambaji
    thudambaji Posts: 9
    Interested in joining. I weigh 230 + pounds and I constantly change my weight around this number (sometimes high-sometimes low). Even my husband make fun of me that this is my lucky number, LOL.

    Need lot of motivation, tips and support. If I can get rid of this lucky number and get to 220's that will be great birthday gift for me towards the end of May.

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 233.2
    5/03 Sat (actual 5/6): 233.6
    5/10 Sat:
    5/17 Sat:
    5/24 Sat:
    End of Month (5/31 Sat)
  • Please can I join in?

    SW: 246
    CW: 246
    GW: 155

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 246
    5/08 Thurs:
    5/15 Thurs:
    5/22 Thurs:
    5/29 Thurs:

    Eeeek, good luck everyone
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    SW: 125
    CW: 122
    GW: 119 for May
    UGW: 105

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 122
    5/03 Sat: (as of 5/06): 124 *cries*
    5/10 Sat:
    5/17 Sat:
    5/24 Sat:
    End of Month (5/31 Sat):

    Total weight lost:
  • pkteen
    pkteen Posts: 121 Member
    SW: 253
    CW: 198
    GW: 193 (for May)
    UGW: 178

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 200
    5/03 Sat: (as of 5/06): 198
    5/10 Sat:
    5/17 Sat:
    5/24 Sat:
    End of Month (5/31 Sat):

    Total weight lost:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    SW: 248
    CW: 227
    GW: 220

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 227
    5/07: 225.9
    End of Month (5/31 Sat):

    Total weight lost: 1.1 pounds
  • tejci7
    tejci7 Posts: 4
    I'm in :) also it's my first time :P Hope i get there

    SW: 207
    CW: 204.5
    GW: 199

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 204.5 (93kg)
    5/08 Thur: 200.2 (91kg)
    5/15 Thur:
    5/22 Thur:
    5/29 Thur:
    End of Month (5/31 Sat):

    TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 4.3 pounds (2kg)

    I read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by G. Taubes. I have PCOS so I am insulin resistant. Because of this book I finally understood what it's going on in my body. As a result I started KETO diet. So far so good, I'm not hungry, it's not that hard as it seems at first and I'm feeling awesome :)
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm in too, could do with some motivation.

    SW - 122.5 (It might've been more but can only see up to 1 year back)
    CW - 128.5
    GW - 123.5 (for May)

    I'll be weighing in on a Thursday - just in case I go out on a Friday night. :laugh:

    Thurs 1/5 - 128.5
    Thurs 8/5 - 127.75
    Thurs 15/5 -
    Thurs 22/5 -
    Thurs 29/5 -
    Final weigh in - 31/5

  • Kinfiel
    Kinfiel Posts: 4
    CW: 161
    GW: 145
    GWM: 156

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 161
    5/03 Sat: -Forgot to check in
    5/08 Thurs: 159 (Going to be to busy to do this Sat)
    5/17 Sat:
    5/24 Sat:
    End of Month (5/31 Sat):

    Total weight lost:

    Made a mostly clean eating meal plan for this week and have been trying to drink my 2L of water a day, as well as run 3 times a week and cross train at least 1 day a week.

    So far so good, here's hoping I manage to stick with it.
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Okay everyone...heres my moment of truth!

    5/8- 149.0

    Thats a loss of 1.6lbs!! I feel great about my loss, and I cant wait to weigh in next week...whoohoo!!
  • Empressmee
    Empressmee Posts: 92 Member
    SW: 215 (March)
    CW: 200
    GW: 195 (for May)

    5/01: 200
    5/07: 199

    1lb lost
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    SW: 295
    CW: 295
    GW: 290 (may)

    5/01: 295
    5/07: 293
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    In to try for this month~

    SW: 285.6
    GW: 280.6

    5.01: 285.6
    5.03: 285.8

    Total: 0 lbs

    Hope everyone does well. I can see that some folks are already getting off to a good start.
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    Happy may everyone :)

    CW: 13st 1 (183lbs)
    GW (may): 12st 10 (178lbs) - Want to get and stay under that 13stone mark!

    Weigh in Dates (Friday)
    Fri 2 - 13st 1
    Fri 9 - 12st 13 / 181.4lbs - yay!
    Fri 16
    Fri 23
    Fri 30
    End of Month (5/31 )

    Weight lost this month: 1.6lbs :D
  • Baggett6476
    Baggett6476 Posts: 2 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 231.1
    CW: (Current weight) 196.2
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 190

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 198.4
    5/03 Sat: 196.6
    5/10 Sat:
    5/17 Sat:
    5/24 Sat:

    End of Month (5/31 Sat):

    Total weight lost:

    Good Luck to everyone. I haven't been as dedicated this week due to stress so I have consumed more fatty foods than proteins and I can tell. I plan on getting more active than I have been this week.
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    In like Flint.

    SW: 171
    CW: 166
    GW: 161

    CW as of 5/9/14: 164 (-2)

    FINALLY got the scale to budge!
  • Someonegreat37
    Someonegreat37 Posts: 23 Member
    SW 124
    GW 117

    May 1 -
    May 3 - 123.5
    May 9 - 122

    Woohoo! Happy friday
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    SW 191.8
    CW 172.2
    GW 167.2 for month of May

    May 3 ----171.0
    May 10---170.2
    May 17---
    May 24---
    May 31---

    Lost .8 pounds this week. It is coming off slower but I am almost in the 160's :bigsmile:

    Good Luck to all !!
  • lottewiegeraad
    lottewiegeraad Posts: 64 Member
    SW: 79 kilo
    CW: 65.2 kilo
    GW: 60.2 kilo
    UG: 57 kilo

    Weigh in Dates:
    5/01 Thur: 65.0 (-0.2)
    5/05 Mon: 64.6 (-0.6)
    5/12 Mon:
    5/19 Mon:
    5/26 Mon:

    Total weight