Need to stop BOOZING and start LOSING!!!!

trish07tx Posts: 39 Member
Ok so I signed back up after two years because I need to start holding myself accountable and step away from the WINE! And the BEER! And the Margaritas! And all the wonderful booze that is doing me abosolutely no good! I'm carb aholic and I need friends on here on the regular that will remind me to push towards being a better me (and to step away from the Carbs!) Promise I will help ya back!


  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss! I wouldn't go as far as to say stop drinking alcohol all together but drinks like Margaritas are deadly to anyone trying to lose weight.
    Serving Size: 3.3 fl oz = 153 cal

    And we all know margaritas never come in just 3.3 Oz, try 5-10 times that in a single serving. If you have 2-3 full sized margaritas that's deadly to any weight loss plan.

    After I started calorie counting I pretty much gave up drinking at home when I'm alone (a beer or 2 after work) and leave it for social occaisons only, and when I do I stick to light beers.

    Borrowed from a google search: * The average "light" beer has just over 103 calories in a 12 oz bottle or can. These beers are typically lighter in color and are lower alcohol beers. The range of calories in light beers vary between 65 and 120 calories. The ABV of these beers range from 3.2% up to 5%.'

    I don't know about most people, but generally speaking I can only handle 4-6 beers in any sitting. Still beats one large margarita.
  • trish07tx
    trish07tx Posts: 39 Member
    Yup, alcohol is defintily the killer for me! Sound advice to switch to drinking in only social occasions since I'm not too social! :) Wine has done me in.. I drink very sweet wine and I can drink it up so it's time to lay off! Going to try to work out my stress instead of driinking it!
  • mandamerlot
    mandamerlot Posts: 180 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm trying to cut out my wine as well, I love a glass or two with dinner!
  • klreiland
    klreiland Posts: 14
    I am very fortunate to have never been one for drinks such as alcohol or coffee. It seems that when I have a soda, I crave them multiple times in the same week. So now I just avoid them entirely. I try to stick to water.

    Unless you have an all or nothing personality (like me), you may do better by cutting out one thing at a time. I agree that the Margaritas are the best place to start. Good luck!
  • 4Pick
    4Pick Posts: 25
    I would rather work harder at the gym than give up my wine. But eventually I couldn't work any harder and gave up the wine anyway. I feel for you all. And a virtual toast to when we have reached goal and can celebrate with wine!
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Feel Free to ad me also. I am kind of staring over again also. Did very well the last time here so hoping the same results this time.
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    Wine is my downfall too! Add me as a friend and hopefully we can cut down with each other's support!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Yup, alcohol is defintily the killer for me! Sound advice to switch to drinking in only social occasions since I'm not too social! :) Wine has done me in.. I drink very sweet wine and I can drink it up so it's time to lay off! Going to try to work out my stress instead of driinking it!

    Great positive attitude, I wish you the best of luck :). Try saving up a drink allowance by working out an extra 10 minutes or something like that when you go to the gym :P.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    till you can get off the beer maybe substitute it with some mix drink with vodka.
  • vnboyd
    vnboyd Posts: 2
    I hear ya! I love the sweet wines, Cider's and margaritas. I gave up alcohol and sugar for lent and dropped 12 lbs. Had margs over a gals weekend and shocking (insert sarcasm) I've gained it all back :( So...time to joing the occasional or not at all team.
  • Spitgray
    Spitgray Posts: 74 Member
    Yup, that's my crutch... I'm currently ZERO days sober... I've been on wine for the past two days (think that its lighter in calories). We're in the same boat...
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    Wine...Oh how I love wine! It is hard for me to not drink it. I stopped buying the HUGE bottles and only buy a small one for the weekend and when its gone, its gone...that is until next weekend!
  • abmvb
    abmvb Posts: 9
    You can do it! There are a lot of ways to still enjoy without adding too many calories. Raspberry vodka with seltzer (not club soda) and calorie-free concentrated lemonade (that liquid stuff you squirt in your drink) is amazing, and only about 70 calories!

    Cutting back on booze was one of my biggest issues when I first started counting calories. I do the "okay, ten more minutes of running and I get to have a beer" bargain with myself. It's pretty effective! I also don't allow myself any alcohol on days I haven't worked out, so it's more of a treat (and a great incentive to work out!).

    Feel free to add me if you'd like! I'm always looking for new friends here :)
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    Switch to dry's a start! I went from Pino Grigio to Petite Sirah and now I'm only drinking a glass/night when I do drink. Before with white wine, it was like half bottle per night, yikez!
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Whisky does me in every time. Almost a whole week's deficit gone in one sitting. I'm trying to stop binge drinking and come down to 3-4 drinks at a time; the frequency has gone down a bit so that's a start. Lots of exercise during the week keeps me a little less tense so I tend to not drink my worries away, so you are right about that. And my liver will probably thank me a couple of years down the line lol.
    Also, I'm not very social either... Feel free to add me if you want though. :laugh:
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    I don't consider wine my downfall, I consider it my pleasure. I enjoy a couple glasses with my evening meal. But we are all different. I read your profile and I hope and pray you can like yourself once more. However, liking oneself is not attained by how we look. There are many who have the "ideal body" if you will, that are miserable and depressed.

    I used to be a person that would say, "I'm not eating or drinking this again" and sometimes depending on the person, that may be best. But my goal is to learn to have self control, discipline. My wife made her home made pizza Sunday and all I can say is, "Mercy, it's good." There was a time I would have eaten all of it, but now try to enjoy several pieces with wine (or whatever you choose) and not over indulge. My wife has been trying to teach me for many years (married 30 years this August) to enjoy food, and have some self control. It's finally starting to make sense. And on the other hand, I'm also learning to have some self control in my workouts as well. Like food, I am always wrestling with "over doing it." Learning to have self control in my opinion is key. And when I over do it, I don't kick myself in the rear, I just start over the next day.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Alcohol can derail me too, but for the most part, as long as I'm logging, it's fine. It's only that Friday/Saturday night where I go out without any thought to calories. I'm maintaining for the most part though. I can lose weight while still drinking, I just have to be careful after that third glass not to go home and devour the house.

    You can make "skinny" cocktails. A really good margarita can be made with 1.5 ounces tequila: 0.75 ounces orange juice: 1.5 ounces of lime juice: top off your glass with diet lemon/lime soda if you want it to go further. Tastes great and about 110 calories/serving.

    Another good "skinny" option is Malibu rum (at 51 cal/ounce) or regular rum (at 69 cal/ounce), water, and pineapple/coconut non calories flavoring (Dasani makes one).

    You can also turn your wine into a spritzer. Just add diet lemon/lime soda. Makes the wine last longer.

    Flavored alcohols and club soda are another good option.
  • IrshRnr56
    IrshRnr56 Posts: 47 Member
    Alcohol not only adds pure sugar calories to the diet--it dries out the skin! I went cold turkey almost two years ago--love wine but it didn't love me back. My red cheeks and dry skin went away and I look way better. Also dropped five pounds by eliminating wine and beer and walking more often. All good. Wish you luck!:blushing:
  • daniellepryce5
    I find that drinking screws up my diet and exercise routine every week, at least twice. My husband an I love to have bonfires and beers. Problem is he is fine the next day and I eat like a cow and have no energy. I have decided that I can have a max of 6 light beers on a weekend! Not 20, hopeing that helps me with these last 10+ lbs.!
  • trish07tx
    trish07tx Posts: 39 Member
    Smart Plan luvmydogs! ! I need to do this! WAYYYYY cut back! But I think I'm going to have to cut OUT completely as cutting back always ends up...not working!