140lbs to go... looking for long term motivation buddies


I'm Lou, I've been on MFP for about 2 months, and still have140lbs ish to go, looking for some new friends with similar goals to help motivate me, and have a giggle with as we lose weight.

About me, I'm a Brit, so I have a quirky sense of humor, however I live in the best place on Earth... Texas!
I am an avid dog lover, I also owned by cats, (see I don't discriminate! )
I'm a Trekkie... TNG being my fave, I also like Star Wars and most other Sci fi.
I love all kinds of music, everything from classical to alternative, only music I don't appreciate is Jazz. Sorry just not my thing. I play piano badly also.
I am trying (trying being the operative word) to follow a Paleo style diet, but I've tried nearly every diet out there at some point, Paleo seems to work for me, but whatever works for you is cool.
I am currently 298lbs down from my peak of 375lbs...
I try to do various types of exercise, and I'm interested in learning of new low impact types of exercise, I love stuff like beginners boxercise, Tai chi and gingong. It helps gets my aggression out =)
I am currently a student, I am a biochemistry major, hoping to go the pre med route... although I am now thinking more holistic medicine. Still undecided
I'm 25 years young, married and finally happy with who I am.
Looking forward to getting to know some more of you, who are ready to make a huge change in life.



  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could too :) Best of luck to you! You can do it!
  • ruthbuffkin
    I'll be here for quite a while also!! I have 100lbs to loose. So I can be your motivation buddy if you'll be mine! :)
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Feel free to add me- the more support the better
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    Hi, and welcome. I've been on here since Feb and have about 75 pounds to lose and more importantly keep off long term to reach my goal weight and healthy BMI range for my 5'3'' frame. Feel free to add me, I log in daily, I keep my food diary public and I'm supportive to all my friends. :D
  • SunkissedBrownSugga
    SunkissedBrownSugga Posts: 64 Member
    I am looking forward to motivating each other Lou. You seem like a lot of fun. I love dogs as well. But I have a big fear of cats. Why? I have no idea. Lol. I live in North Dakota. Which I guess is the coldest place on earth from my prospective....I lived in Georgia before. I have a mass amount of weight to lose as well. I wish you good luck and success on your journey. I know we can do it. I can't wait to get down to where you are currently. See, someone wants to be your size. Smile. Your weight made my day. Its my goal. Just to see 2something. I weight 324. I hopefully can get down to 200. Then maybe onderland if I actually stick with this.
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi! I'm Terri and I've been on MFP actively for about a week. I'm looking to lose about 66 more pounds.

    * I've lost 40 lbs in the last year by doing weight watchers and exercising. This is the longest I've stuck to something!
    * I live in the best state ever, as well (Dallas area)!
    * I loooooove dogs as well
    * I'm not a Trekkie, but I don't hate. :o)
  • gunshyangel78
    gunshyangel78 Posts: 24 Member
    I was 375 Sunkissed, I literally danced for joy the day the scale it 299.9! I'm now hanging at 298 ish but am rebooting my diet. Hang tough lady together we can kick the fat thing's butt! lol Thanks for accepting my friend request, am looking forward to getting to know you better.

  • Alannah780
    Alannah780 Posts: 32
    looking to loose a bunch too,
    feel free to add me!