Insanity Started Today!

bryan_yauger Posts: 49
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello, my name is Bryan and my wife and I both started the Insanity program today and will use MFP like we did with P90X. We had pretty good results last year, got into another slump for about 2 months, both kids playing soccer and Judo kepts us way to busy (Excuses right?) and now we are ready to burn some more. I am 33 and will be 34 this June. If anyone wants to start this week and keep pushing each other like I did with P90X, you are more than welcome to join us.

The Fit Test was not to bad today. I was sweating in the garage where we converted it into a full gym. Mats, treadmill, free weights, smith machine, ab machine and pretty good size cardio area and also have heavy bags and speed bags. We are all set and ready to go. We took all of our measurements, also used a hand held BMI/FAT calculator which is probably not very accurate but if we can see the numbers change on it we will be happy, and here in Ft. Worth Texas it is just now starting to get a little cold. We have a little space heater out there and I have a puke bucket not to far from where I will be working out. I pushed myself to the max during P90X and had real good results. Starting weight around 245 at 5 '7 and about a size 38. I got down to 200 and then gained 10 pounds during our 2 month stint. I am shooting for 7-9% body fat from 21% and/or 165-70 pounds by June this year.

My wife use to be a professional boxer until we had our first child. She was ripped to the max and then got out of shape pretty quickly. We push each other real hard and are very straight forward when asking each other do we look over weight or out of shape. You have to be honest with your self and your spouse. We don't do it on a daily basis, but only bring it up if one of us ask a question about ourselves and never about the other. I want honest feedback when I ask. I have heart problems all over my side of the family along with cancer and so does my wife. We both are making changes so that our children know how important it is to lead a healthy life-style. They love playing sports and right now they love to eatch vegies which I hated growing up.

Anyway, sorry for such a long drawn out post. Lets get started......



  • darlene98
    darlene98 Posts: 49 Member
    I just started insanity last week. Hopefully I can stick with it! Good luck to you and your wife!
  • This is inspiring! I'll have to keep you guys in mind when I'm ready to give up on my 30 day shred dvd! If you can get through a work out as tough as that, I have no excuse not to be able to do my 22 minutes! lol

    Maybe one day I'll get to Insanity! Great job guys!
  • kori497
    kori497 Posts: 3 Member
    I started Insanity today too! I had been doing it for about 6 weeks, and then stopped for a month, everything just got so hectic. I did plyometrics today and definitely realized how out of shape I am already! Good luck to both of you! Lets keep each other motivated! :)
  • Stac3783
    Stac3783 Posts: 4 Member
    I LOVE Insanity. I did it for the full course back in July-September. I loved it. Got to the week of my boyfriends' sisters wedding and got so busy...then didn't get back into it. I started my workouts today. I am SO out of shape!

    My advice to you. NEVER stop or pause the DVD. If you need a break or drink, take it. Let it keep playing. He encourages you to take a break when needed. It will take you a week or so to make it through without having to break. When I started back up today, I had to take a break during the warm up for about 10 seconds!

    It's Intense, but I believe you two will like it!

    I'm glad to hear someone else is doing it too! I don't exactly know how to track my exercise tho. It's not in the database. So I tracked it as high impact aerobics for 45 minutes. I believe I burned more than 336 calorie tho!

    GOOD LUCK! I will add you two and help you guys thru!
  • Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit Day 2:

    Burned 864 calories in 40 minutes and will only log 850 as I round down to the nearest quarter just to be safe for food intake. I have added each workout to the data-base and now only have to adjust the calories. My HRM said I hit 96% of my max one time and I am not sure if that is safe or not which was around 196 bpm and got just a tad dizzy one time, stopped took a few deep breathes and jumped back in, digging deep, right? My shoulders, thighs and calves are burning like no other. I am drinking a protein shake and will have a salad with some chicken tonight and one more shake.

    15 minutes after the workout sitting here typing, I just took my pulse and it is at 100. I have an Excel log that I created for my wife and I which logs all of our workouts, heart rates and measurements so maybe in a few weeks, after 15 minutes of sitting, my heart rate will be around 90 or even below.

    I told my wife to add all of her food under breakfast and that way it is very quick to get in, log it, and get out. It helped me for when I had certain meals that I had ate for dinner and then maybe at lunch and I had to go search for it. Now I can just have all of my foods under one bar. It has no factor on the calculations of our numbers.

    I think my before and after pics of P90X will look different than my Insanity pics. After today, I KNOW they will be different. After Insanity which should end at the start of March, I will do P90X Chest and Back and Shoulders workouts for one month, and then hit Insanity for round 2 in April and May which should have me ready for my 34th birthday and ready for the lake. However, no matter how hard I sweat, I will look no different then than I do now if I don't have a strong mind to say no to all of my foods that I love. I will have one real nice cheat meal per week. That is one MEAL not DAY.

    My wife burned a lot less calories using the same HRM. I think everyone is different, but the workouts are in the database now and just need to be adjusted by time and calories. I placed them under Cardio. She runs 5K's and I think this will help her times. She use to run a lot when she was a boxer as well.

    Alright everyone, lets keep digging....

  • wrule
    wrule Posts: 5
    Bryan!!! Congrats on starting Insanity, I've done it myself, I'm also a Beachbody coach. I had phenomenal results with it!!! So you've done P90X too??? How did you like it!!!???
  • Lost about 40 pounds during P90X, but I can't give it 100% credit. I was in an academy at the same time to become a bike officer in downtown Ft. Worth. However, I can say that P90X helped me pass all of my physical test and has allowed me to maintain the standards with ease. I am looking to get that ripped look by this coming Summer as I was pretty close last year. I gained a little bit back (15pounds) and ready to hit hard again.

  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Awesome! Insanity is a killer program. I just completed it about a month ago, but then let myself go. My wife (alliej in my friends list) just started yesterday as well. I am currently doing a 2nd round of P90X but adding in Couch to 5k instead of the cardio work outs. Good luck with Insanity. You'll love it.
  • Insanity Cardio Power & Resistence:

    Burned 824 calories according to HRM with chest strap. I rounded down a quarter to 800 for my food intake to be safe. Wow, what a burn. My legs were still sore from yesterday. Heart rate is still getting up in the high 90's so I am not sure if this is safe or not. I go to the doctor next week to talk about my cholesterol levels from lab work I did prior to starting this. Over the phone they said it was elevated pretty hight and needed to talk to me. I figure if I bust my tail working out and start eating better, it will take care of itself. However, having a father who has heart disease which started in his early 40's, I might have to use medicine no matter what. Some people just produce more than others no matter how they eat or train. We will see over the next two months how it changes.

    Anyway, I love the HRM and chest strap which shows calories burned, highest heart rate, and average heart rate during the workout period. Had a good salad with a turkey patty, two protein shakes, and a cliff bar, well below my numbers. I will have another salad and protein shake tonight and maybe some lean meat.

    Anyone else doing Insanity now and if so what day are you on? Lets keep going. Day 3 out of the way. Might go up to gym and run on the treadmill. It will help my next physical assessment which I have to do each quarter as a bike officer. We have to pass. Fail two in a row and they terminate you. Sounds bad but at the same time, it forces you to stay in shape....

    Wife will do the same workout when she gets home from work in a hour or so.

  • Insanity Cardio Recovery:

    Burned 400 according to HRM. Still feel like I didn't get a good sweat so I am going to run on the treadmill for 15 minutes at a very slow pace, about 5.5 to 6 just to break a sweat and then do some AB work using our AB Scissor (50 Center, 50 Left/Right) then some V-ups on the end of the workout bench. I am looking forward to some Insanity Pure Cardio tomorrow....Already starting to feel like I have more energy and the soreness is starting to not be as bad.

  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    hiya, i'm doing Insanity, currently finishing the first week of the second month!
  • kimn
    kimn Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Bryan! I started Insanity the same day you did. I hated Day 4 (recovery) as I didn't feel like I got a workout at all! I wish I had found you sooner and taken your advice to do something extra like treadmill/abs. Felt like a wasted day :(

    Looking forward to seeing what Day 5 brings. I have also done P90x and loved it. I don't ever seem to get the cut/ripped body that they show in their promos, but that is probably because I don't follow the diet plan. I am a really picky eater and HATE veggies and anything green. Makes it hard to eat healthy or "clean" but I do the best I can. I don't eat fast food or fried foods, just don't eat green stuff either :)

    The thing I loved about P90x is that I felt so strong and ready to take on anything while I was doing it. Hoping this program will be the same. Looking forward to checking in with you to see how you are doing throughout the next 2 months!

  • Insanity Pure Cardio:

    I burned less in Pure Cardio than I did in plyo. I burned about 623, but logged only 600 (round down to nearest quarter to be safe). Also, when I ran on the treadmill yesterday, my HRM could not catch up and get a correct pulse. It works perfect during regular workouts but for some reason when the treadmill and HRM do not get along. Oh well, ate pretty good, but had a high sugar drink in Red Bull and some Gatorade but still have 1,000 calories prior to dinner tonight. I will try to stay about 600 or less.

    Kim, keep pushing through with me. My wife will be doing Pure Cardio when she gets home in a few hours too. She is trying to get back to her body she had when she was boxing. I have a few of her pics on my page and she is also on there if you need another person for motivation as well. After 2 kids we just didn't have the time we use to. Now it is more diet than exercise, but the Insanity is working already in the first week. Insanity is Insanity.......

  • Insanity Plyo last day of the first week completed.....Today I felt real lazy and just didn't get into that real excited self that I was at the start. Tomorrow is a rest day so I will keep eating under my calorie goal and add tons of water and make a higher percent of my calories allowed to be carbs. I have been trying to have a high percent of protein, but I think I need a day of carb loading but stay under my goal and hopefully I can get some energy by the next day. I burned about 100 less calories than the first time I did this workout at the start of the week but I felt like I sweated more. I am not sure if maybe being heavier with a weaker heart caused me to burn more and now after a week of cardio, the heart is working less than it needed to? Not sure. It not how hard I get knocked down, but how fast I get back up and continue to fight. Lets go people.........

  • Insanity Rest Day!!!!

    I guess that means rest my fingers from typing so much too....What a day!

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Tagging to read thru later ... I am on my last 22 days of P90X and when I am done with this I am going to start Insanity (not a hybrid) on February 8th. Rather then make a new post, mind if I post here?
  • Insanity Cardio Power & Resistence:

    I made it through almost the entire workout DVD, then did 4 sets of rope pull downs for my back and a set of 35lb dbl. curls 8 reps and still burned a little over 100 less calories than last time I did the workout. I hope this means that I am getting in better condition.

    Karen: Jump right in. I am not doing a Hybrid with Insanity neither is my wife. However, once I am done with Insanity, I will put together my own workout from what I learned through P90X and Insanity. I will use weight resistence using P90X and when it says to do Yoga, Kenpo or any type of cardio, I will throw in Insanity and every third week, throw in a different set like P90X. Until then, I will stick to Insanity by the book. Today, I added a little bit more back workout since we really don't do anything for our upper backs.

    Good job in having only 22 days left. I dropped about 40 pounds with P90X. So far in one week of Insanity I can feel a big difference in my cardio conditioning which I think I will see some good results probably in weeks 4-6 the most seeing that I added a bunch of muscle mass in P90X and now I am trimming away the fat.

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    That's my goal with Insanity. I have 5lbs to go to goal weight and want to maintain at 140. I am looking forward to shedding the body fat with Insanity :) I will check back here often! And start posting when I start yay!
  • alyz
    alyz Posts: 41
    Hi everyone! I just started insanity yesterday. Will pick up with Plyo today. I have a quick questions though. Were you super sore from the fit test? I think I may have pushed myself too hard. My calf muscles are sooooo sore. Spazzing out in my sleep even. Any advice? I've been working out for several months, so I really think I just overdid it yesterday. I'm going to do Plyo today anyway. Suffer through it!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Did you have a recovery shake afterwards?
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