How do you navigate minefields/celebrations/birthdays?

Hi all,

I was just wondering how do you all cope with social/celebratory days on a diet? I'm on day 3 of really low carbing (<20g carbs) and it's going really well, I feel fine etc. It's just that this sun is Mother's day, next month is father's day and I have quite a few friends celebrating their birthdays over the next 2 months. So the question is how do you stay on track? Or do you just let loose a little for the event itself?

For me, it's a case of out of sight, out of mind. I am really bad in watching people eat deliciously unhealthy food and not partaking in it, especially when they offer to share, which is often! Communal culture in my part of the world :( and I really don't want to be the spoilsport of the event that goes, oh we shouldnt order so much, or this, etc.

Any strategies to overcome this? Im thinking of eating before i go for these dinners and all so that i would eat less but im not too sure what else i can do...learning to say no to food is something i must learn.


  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Can you bring things to these parties? E.g. something that's a splurge, but carb light - e.g. really nice cheeses (sure bring some nice bread to go with it, just don't eat it - they won't notice), a 'fancy' fruit salad with cream.

    This depends on the setting, but if I don't want to drink and don't want my friends to notice, I take a glass of wine and just don't drink from it, I might lift it up to my mouth once or twice, but I don't drink. At dinner I'd be caught, so it depends on the setting.
  • natalieyeo39
    natalieyeo39 Posts: 90 Member
    Haha there isn't a drinking culture here but it's an eating culture. So usually for celebratory events we go to good restaurants, chinese/japanese/korean aka foods i love but so high in carbs.
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    Just straight up tell them - it's also a good way of showing which friends/family members are supportive.
    Most restaurants have a low calorie section/option, or a menu with calories online at least. If it's the later, research and plan what you're going to have.
    You could try suggesting healthier places to eat too - maybe a sushi bar if you and your friends are fans?
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    These events are part of real life - and will always a be with us. We need strategies - but we can't avoid those days/events.

    1) If it is an event where food is brought/taken and shared - take food that fits your macros.

    2) Plan for it to be a red day!! Plan ahead what you might eat. If it's in an eateries - check the menu on line before the event.

    3) Plan for the week or month to be green overall - so that red day has balance over the selected period.

    4) Exercise like mad to get an exercise adjustment that pays for a little indulgence.

    Just a few suggestion. But most importantly Don't Stress. As long as your head doesn't see the day as an invitation to reset old habits/poor relationship with food - it's only one day/event AND you've planned it.

    I'm sure others will have good ideas. Remember - this is about lifestyle and life. So many of us fail when we set unachievable goals - in this context - when real life happens and we've set too many limits for ourselves. (I'm speaking from experience as someone who has yo-yo dieted for decades. It's currently working for me because I'm not on a diet, but watching what I eat using the strategies listed above).
  • Sun_Wukong
    Sun_Wukong Posts: 131
    Watch from about 1:31 mins, that about sums it up!

    Strong language warning
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    To be totally honest? I kind of don't worry about it. I just went to Salt Lake Comic Con a few weeks ago, and I knew way in advance it'd be three days of weight loss hell, so I made damn sure I hit my workouts and my calorie deficits harder than usual in the days before and after. I kept my eyes peeled for lean options and made sure not to overindulge for the sake of it - portion control, woo - but otherwise? Yeah, didn't worry about it. It's the same with birthdays, holidays, parties, stuff like that. I try to make sure I balance everything out and I don't beat myself up for it. Haven't seen any unwelcome regains yet.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Portion control. Have a small piece of cake or whatever else they have. Don't eat extra snacks/hors d'oeuvres. And a lot of people give themselves one day a week where they're allowed to be in the red, while the rest of the week should be green (just make sure the red isn't higher than the combined greens). Choose the celebration/birthday to be that day. If there is more than one event in a given week, do an extra workout or two to compensate.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    First of all is there any particular health reason why you are going low carb or is it just that you find it the most sustainable weight to lose weight.

    If there is no reason other than sustainability then would it hurt to eat higher carbs on these days?

    While I advocate moderation and portion control I also believe that what you do for the majority of the time makes the difference and not the odd special occasion.

    I do however take my scales along when we have a family get together (normally home cooked food and not at a restaurant though)