vegetables substitute



  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm not now, nor have I ever been a big lover of veggies. Since changing my eating habits gradually over time, there are now a few that I can tolerate and some I can even enjoy!

    -Baked Beans (In Tomato Sauce is absolutely fine!)
    -Mushrooms (Field, Portobello and Button)
    -White Potato
    -Sweet Potato
    -Tomato (Tinned, Roasted and Sun-dried)

    I realise that this is not a massive list and that there are lots of veggies missing (Essentials like Onion for example, which I cannot stand!) but I do eat most fruits.

    I would suggest that if you do not enjoy a lot of veggies, try to incorporate more fruits and try different ways of preparing your veggies. I can only eat Carrot, Parsnip and all potato varieties roasted. Some are roasted with Soy or Honey or Herbs to help me with the taste.

    I hope that this helps! Don't beat yourself up about the veggie situation, concentrate on what you do like and enjoy it. Remember, weight-loss is a matter of Calories in fewer than calories out - you do not have to be a "clean eater" or exercise enthusiast in order to lose or maintain.

    I would highly recommend that you adhere to the Calorie allowances that MFP allocates you during set up and try not to undereat - it can seriously hamper your progress and will-power long-term.

    I started with 100lbs to lose and am not at my target yet, but I did read that if you are 40lbs to target, set your lb loss per week in settings to 1.5lbs per week, 20lbs to target - make it 1lb per week and 10lbs to target, 0.5 of a lb per week. This should ensure that your calorie allowance per day is kept high for fulfilling and nutricious food.

    Weight-loss is temporary and has certain health benefits. Good nutrition is the foundation to health :D

    I hope/pray that this helps you on your weight-loss journey.

    Kaela x
  • vicfzy
    vicfzy Posts: 32
    Thank you for the replys. I actually like all of the below but would not have thought of them as veggies

    Baked Beans (In Tomato Sauce is absolutely fine!)
    -Mushrooms (Field, Portobello and Button)
    -White Potato
    -Sweet Potato
    -Tomato (Tinned, Roasted and Sun-dried)

    O promise I will look at adding sum nuts 2 my diet fancy them as a snack or nibbles. Just got 2 make time 2 source them. Lol. I will increase my intake to 1200 bit I really dont wont 2 go over that amount aften.