How many calories is your breakfast, and how much fiber?



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    2 - 5 calories - no fibre.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    40g of all bran with 50ml semi skimmed milk( I don't like much milk in my cereal) is 188 cals and 11g of fiber, I try to aim for about 30g a day but I rarely get there :indifferent:
  • _101010_
    _101010_ Posts: 121
    Breakfast : 712 calories, 27 protein, 9 g fiber
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Today for me it was 397 calories with 22g of fibre. It was 2 weetabix, a banana and milk. Although that includes the milk I use for the whole day, in teas and also a low calorie hot chocolate (my afternoon treat that stops me raiding the vending machines!)
  • licorice_tea
    licorice_tea Posts: 59 Member
    Cals = 0, Fiber = 0, Caffeine = Heaps


    If I get up very early though, by 10 a.m. I might have 250g greek yoghurt with sugar free maple syrup and 20g of peanut butter. It's around 250 calories, no fiber, and 30g protein.
  • gburdge
    gburdge Posts: 2
    420 calories -
    fiber 3 grams
    protein 15 grams
    fat 13
    carbs 60
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Most days mine is in the 260-300 range depending on how much fruit I add, it's almost always 1/2 cup yogurt, 30 grams granola, and then some combination of blackberries,strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,banana and occasionally pineapple and/or melon depending on what is good value when i am shopping. once seasons hit i imagine I'll add in cherries plums apricots etc as they show up locally
    today as an example
    263 calories
    2gr fat
    50 gr carb
    8 gr fibre
    8 gr protein

    mid morning i'll probably eat a banger or a couple of slices of bacon (I work in a hotel right beside the kitchen really bad for dieting) that will double it
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Coffee is my breakfast. Zero calories or near enough to make no difference, and it works better than fiber.
  • laurina73
    laurina73 Posts: 3
    I'm italian ... so my breakfast is coffee and dry biscuits :smile:

    About 180 calories
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    Usually 300 - 350 for breakfast. I hope to get 5-10g of fiber but don't always hit that.
  • Svelte_J
    Svelte_J Posts: 1
    467 calories this morning.

    I had:

    A smoothie made of 1 banana, 100ml coconut milk, handful blueberries and some water.

    Two small slices of rye bread with a dessert spoon of peanut butter.

    I only started my diet a week ago, and I was having smaller breakfasts (because then you feel like you have lots of calories left for the rest of the day) but I actually realised that doesnt work for me. If I have a small breakfast, I start the day feeling hungry, which makes the whole day feel hard. Bigger breakfasts and less later on just seem to work for me. Definitely down to your personal physiology though!
  • ms_lindsay
    ms_lindsay Posts: 22 Member
    300-500 calories and I aim for 30 grams of fiber every day
  • tonivor
    tonivor Posts: 4
    Breakfast -- Porridge made with Water, Raisins & Banana 340 (ish) per day.

    Tend to consume around 30 to 40 grams fiber each day.
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    my calories this morning are 144 for breakfast.....and 2g of fibre......not sure about the fibre on a weekly basis and I only started tracking it this morning in my settings, instead of sodium....
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How many calories is your average breakfast, and how many grams of fiber do you consume on an average day?

    My breakfast is normally around 600 calories. I aim for a minimum of 14g of fiber per day, but not too much more than that.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I can't believe these folks getting 20g or more of fiber. Aren't you in the crapper all day eating like that? Just curious. I try to make sure I don't go over 20g per day, or I'm hurtin'.
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    Around 250 calories (steel cut oats w/Raisins & Walnuts) and a baby bel light cheese. And I average around 35g fiber
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    203 calories, 9g fiber, 18g protein -

    Thomas's 1/3 Daily Fiber English Muffin (100cal /8g fiber /1g protein)
    Egg whites, 97g (50 cal/ 0g fiber /11g protein)
    Peppers (either red or green), 30g (8 cal / 1g fiber / 0g protein)
    Sriracha, 1 tsp (5 cal / 0g fiber / 0g protein / 100% delicious)
    Sargento ultra thin pepper jack, 1 slice (40 cal / 0 fiber / 2g protein)

    Calories for breakfast varies slightly every day, depending on how much pepper I use and how much egg white I pour, but it doesn't vary much.

    For a whole day, I shoot for 35-ish fiber, shooting for 50% carbs/30% protein/20% fat macros.
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    I can't believe these folks getting 20g or more of fiber. Aren't you in the crapper all day eating like that? Just curious. I try to make sure I don't go over 20g per day, or I'm hurtin'.

    I used to be a lot more sensitive to fiber when I was younger I think (hard to tell because I had no idea what I was eating) - I remember if I ate like Raisin Bran or Bran checks for breakfast my morning schedule was now filled. Now that I'm in my 40s I think I've crossed the Rubicon on that sensitivity. With averaging 35g per day during the week I'm only approaching regularity.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Today I had a homemade dried fruit/seed mix and yogurt for breakfast. It was 370 calories, 4 grams of fiber, 15 protein and 18 fat.

    On weekends, or any day I have time to cook in the morning, my breakfast will be something like 800 calories because I make an egg/cheese/meat heap and put it on an english muffin.

    But yeah they can range anywhere from 150-800, depending on the day.