Have I really gained this much??

I was being really really good until around the 22nd when I fell off the wagon HARD for 3 days and basically binged. I then promptly got back on and exercised hard until Christmas eve, when I didn't log. Christmas eve and Christmas day I ate basically what I wanted, and then got back on track Boxing day. From Boxing day to NYE I was really really good, I ate at maintenance on the 31st and the 1st, had a bit of a slip up on the 2nd but am now back on track.

My question is... I went from 124 on the 21st to 130!!!! I weighed in at 131 on the 27th, 129 on the 28th, 127.5 on the 29th (things looking up) then 128.5 on the 30th and now 130 today! WHY ISN'T IT ALL GOING AWAY???? Have I really gained all this weight in fat? Am I going to have to spend the next 3 months shifting it all off? (that's how long it took me to lose in the first place :sad: )


  • BrockDoe
    Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day. Remembering 1mL of water is 1gram of weight carried. (Im Australian sorry for the metric measurments :p ) You might just be loaded up on water weight (Which is a good thing as water has no fat!)
  • goohan
    goohan Posts: 155
    to gain this much you would have had to over eaten your 'maintain my weight' calories by 21000 calories!!! I don't think you did that, its probably just water retention from the sugar and salt and things also, could it be nearing your TOM? i always put on weight then and loose it straight afterwards.

    don't worry, it happens to everyone and for everyone, it always sorts itself out after a week or two xxx
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Well I'm on the pill so I don't know how that affects TOM weight gain... but hopefully! I know that the calorie math doesn't add up - I'm just worried that because I was being really good that my body stored all the extra calories as if it was in "starvation mode"? I mean, my net calories were between 1000 and 1500 in the fortnight leading up to Christmas, but I think that because I don't have much muscle at all my BMR is a bit lower than what MFP estimates (MFP says 1350, calculators which take body fat into account say about 1000) and so I wouldn't think that would cause my body that much stress?
    I hope it's water weight, but it seems like it's sticking around for a long time. Could it really take so long to go away?
  • EJWoolcock
    I find that I will stay around the same or only lose a little bit of weight for quite a few weeks, then drop a heap in one week, then go back to little losses. It seems to be the way my body works, it's like a lightbulb goes off in my body for a week, then it goes back to sleep! Don't give up, keep going!! Maybe your lightbulb will go off next week :-)
  • sarahlouisah
    you will get there dont panic it could be water retention or something else silly
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome to my world! Sometimes it seems as if eating well does not reward you on the scale, and then having something that would fall into the "not a great choice, but yummy" doesn't effect the scale either. I have been fighting with the same 10 lbs for the last year or so. Not even to mention the fluctuations that I see before, during and post TOM! I am very puzzled by it... I even went to an "obesity dr" and he said he couldn't explain it.... just push through it.
    So here I am pushing through it again!
    Good luck. I think in a week or two your body will adapt back to your normal weight.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Have you been drinking enough water and sticking to your calories since then? A lot of it is probably water retention, so if you get 8-10 glasses a day for a few days, it should start to come off, but you've got to watch your calories too.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks for all your comments! I'm going to start logging my water intake again and hope that helps :)
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    This happened to me, too. I was at 143 before Christmas eve, spent only 3 days off program, and after 1 week of eating right and getting to the gym daily, I was at 149. I thought it would come back off pretty quickly, but it isn't. I'm still at 146 now 2 weeks later. I know I over ate, but I didn't over eat THAT much and I've been right at or under calories every day since. It's depressing...I'm sticking with it and adding in an extra day a week of exercise and hopefully I can get that last stubborn 20 pounds off before summer.
  • christopher_stockdale
    I'm a legit 5lbs up, according to the scale on Sunday. But, I think It does have to do with going out of routine due to having the week after Christmas off. Off routine, I tended to drink less water, eat more salt and sugary foods, and didn't use my vitamin supplements that I usually have right next to me at my desk at work. I doubt I ate 15000 extra calories in a week, but I'm pretty sure I ate 5000. I've already noticed a 2lbs drop in two days of the back to normal routine. I'd suspect in another week it'll be back at normal.

    SO, it seems to me that if one goes off their normal routine, their body will drastically fluctuate. So, don't fret too much, just get back on routine.