Atkins (low carb) friends needed.

Melistia Posts: 16 Member
I just started Atkins and would like to find some friends also doing it. I have about 80 pounds to lose and this is day one for me! Feel free to add me...thanks :-)


  • artistryrose
    artistryrose Posts: 84 Member
    I eat somewhat similar to Atkins, more meat, green veggies, but very little to never dairy, and it's working well for me so far!! Feel free to add, I love to motivate :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I eat between 100 and 150g of carbs (substantially lower than I used to) and I have absolutely no dairy (allergic). I weight lift, do cardio (hiking, elliptical, walking) and yoga. Feel free to add me :)
  • holmed90
    holmed90 Posts: 21 Member
    I would advise against screwing your kidneys over with this diet. And the diabetes. Oh, and not having yummy carbs.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I'm currently following a TKD. Feel free to add me.
    I would advise against screwing your kidneys over with this diet.

    With proper hydration, there's really no evidence to suggest a low/lower carb diet has any negative effect whatsoever on kidney function.
  • Melistia
    Melistia Posts: 16 Member
    There's only speculation that Atkins causes kidney problems. If followed properly and plenty of water there should be no problems. I plan on following it to the tee...not only for health reason but also to keep the weight off!
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I would advise against screwing your kidneys over with this diet. And the diabetes. Oh, and not having yummy carbs.
    You win the "most full-of-crap post" award. Congratulations.

    But seriously, the idea that Atkins (or any other low-carb) diet causes kidney damage or diabetes is oft-repeated and simply untrue.
  • holmed90
    holmed90 Posts: 21 Member
    The evidence shows that initial weight loss is more rapid, but levels out and long-term there is no greater weight loss than following a conventional diet. The studies showing their benefit have very small sample sizes and cannot in turn be called reliable.
    No matter how much water you load your kidneys with, you're not going to help your kidneys filtration if you overload them with protein (however, indeed if you're dehydrated it'll make this worse as this will aid your constriction of the vessels supplying blood to the kidneys).

    Studies have shown a link between the metabolic syndrome and the Atkins diet: insulin resistance, increased cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke) risk. They have also shown detrimental effects on the kidneys.

    Yes they show weight loss, but no more than by following a sensible method (calorie deficit, exercise). In fact one of the only benefits of the Atkin's diet is its use in Epilepsy!

    It makes me sick how much money a detrimental diet has made and how much popularity it has garnered. If you are not confident whether the adverse effects of this diet have been 'definitively' proven why not stick with a diet that yields the same results and definitely does not harm your body.
  • holmed90
    holmed90 Posts: 21 Member
    I would advise against screwing your kidneys over with this diet. And the diabetes. Oh, and not having yummy carbs.
    You win the "most full-of-crap post" award. Congratulations.

    But seriously, the idea that Atkins (or any other low-carb) diet causes kidney damage or diabetes is oft-repeated and simply untrue.

    Aw cute. See post above. It's interesting how people get so defensive over a criticism regarding a diet Science, and therefore by extension nutrition, is to be discussed and explored, not ridiculed for bringing up an alternative (or dismissed as 'full of crap'). What journals have you read recently by the way? You can take the sarcastic congratulations back, but thank you.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    I am following Atkins guidelines for OWL. I welcome friend requests from people with open diaries. Feel free to add me. :)
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    No matter how much water you load your kidneys with, you're not going to help your kidneys filtration if you overload them with protein (however, indeed if you're dehydrated it'll make this worse as this will aid your constriction of the vessels supplying blood to the kidneys).

    I don't have the time or inclination to dig through studies to agree/disagree with any of the other points, but I just wanted to note that following Atkins does not call for an overload of protein. You are directed to replace the vast majority of calories from carbohydrates with calories from fat. You may end up eating a little more protein, but nothing approaching levels that would cause issues for the typical individual without any other medical conditions. In fact, the Atkins website itself recommends 25-30% of your daily calories come from protein, which is a very similar amount to many - if not most - users of MFP seeking weight loss who simply follow a reduced calorie plan.

    OP - there's a low carb group separate from the main forums - you may find some good information in there. Good luck!
  • Grammanut
    Grammanut Posts: 37 Member
    I don't do Atkins but did get their free sample kit off their website. Came with a few informational things and sample snack bars and stuff.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I don't go full ketogenic, but I am low-carb with good success. (Usually) only eat grains and starches right around a heavy workout.
  • magurski
    magurski Posts: 45 Member
    Currently in month 15 of full on SKD and loving it. Feel free to add me.
  • liz89118
    liz89118 Posts: 20 Member
    I basically follow the same, I try to eat more proteins and green and less starch. I'm trying it's very difficult yesterday wasn't a good day for me but today is a new day so far so good. I only stopped eating carbs because I wasn't reaching for quiona, brown rice, or steel oats it's was more cookes and chips so I had to revert and get my sugar back under control. I added a few people from this thread because I'm not that active on these boards but I should be it will motivate me more I only have 20 more pounds to go after this long journey.

  • rainbowunicorns720
    rainbowunicorns720 Posts: 48 Member
    I do keto and would love another low carb friend! :)
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    The evidence shows that initial weight loss is more rapid, but levels out and long-term there is no greater weight loss than following a conventional diet. The studies showing their benefit have very small sample sizes and cannot in turn be called reliable.
    No matter how much water you load your kidneys with, you're not going to help your kidneys filtration if you overload them with protein (however, indeed if you're dehydrated it'll make this worse as this will aid your constriction of the vessels supplying blood to the kidneys).
    Misconception #1. Atkins and other low-carb diets are high-fat, not high-protein. They're "moderate protein" - protein intake is tailored for the persons needs.

    Only those with pre-existing kidney conditions suffer deleterious effects from excessive protein.
    Studies have shown a link between the metabolic syndrome and the Atkins diet: insulin resistance, increased cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke) risk. They have also shown detrimental effects on the kidneys.
    Wow, studies link obese people with Atkins? Really?

    Studies also could link tall people with basketball.

    You are either incredibly misinformed and do not understand the scientific method at all, or you're a complete troll.
    Yes they show weight loss, but no more than by following a sensible method (calorie deficit, exercise). In fact one of the only benefits of the Atkin's diet is its use in Epilepsy!
    Again, not true. All studies done comparing LCHF diets to any other diet show better overall lipid profile, reduced triglycerides, improved fasting glucose, improved HbA1c and more. As such, they're beneficial to anyone with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or insulin-resistance for any reason.

    Overall a low-calorie diet can be just as beneficial for weight-loss, that's true - but not for biomarkers of health that most obese people are dealing with.
    It makes me sick how much money a detrimental diet has made and how much popularity it has garnered.
    It makes me sick how incredibly ignorant some people are. It's not now and never has been detrimental.
    If you are not confident whether the adverse effects of this diet have been 'definitively' proven why not stick with a diet that yields the same results and definitely does not harm your body.
    Again, because the results aren't the same. Weight-loss is NOT the only indicator of health, and not the reason many people choose a low-carb/high-fat diet.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Aw cute. See post above. It's interesting how people get so defensive over a criticism regarding a diet Science, and therefore by extension nutrition, is to be discussed and explored, not ridiculed for bringing up an alternative (or dismissed as 'full of crap').
    I call them like I see them. Your post is full of ignorance and opinion, and severely lacking in truth.

    I'm happy to discuss and explore, if you're willing to educate yourself on the diet, and actually read the dozens of studies on LCHF diets . . . By the tone of your posts, however, I doubt you are.
    What journals have you read recently by the way?
    All of them. Seriously. I even contribute rather often. How about you?
    You can take the sarcastic congratulations back, but thank you.
    Nope, it's yours to keep. My gift to you.

    Would you care to link me to the multiple studies showing a LCHF diet is unhealthy? Because I can link you to nearly 30 showing it's superior to low-fat or other types of diets for glycaemic control and all known biomarkers of CVD health - and just as good (often better) for weight-loss.
  • I tried to do this, but I failed miserably by my own fault. I would love to friend up and learn with/from you and others. My friend has amazing sucess with Atkins!!! (She had extrememe will power, compared to me) :)
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I am on low carb. Not necessarily strict Atkins though but I get a lot of ideas from Atkins sites.

    Anyone feel free to add me. :)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I would advise against screwing your kidneys over with this diet. And the diabetes. Oh, and not having yummy carbs.

    the "yummy carbs" is a give away

    you're full of ****