How many calories



  • sam48126
    sam48126 Posts: 21
    and beware the accuracy (or lack thereof) of entries in the database, check everything against the package that you have and if in doubt use the entries without * as they are USDA based

    Thank you very much, been very helpful...
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    and beware the accuracy (or lack thereof) of entries in the database, check everything against the package that you have and if in doubt use the entries without * as they are USDA based

    Thank you very much, been very helpful...

    I'm not saying I am the model of proper diet or anything but my diary is open and like I said on most days I'm eating something close to 2100 a day if you want to check out what that looks like.
  • sam48126
    sam48126 Posts: 21
    another thing, how important is the carbs,protein, fat % to losing weight...does it matter

    is hitting my target calorie goal the only thing i should be concerned with.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    another thing, how important is the carbs,protein, fat % to losing weight...does it matter

    is hitting my target calorie goal the only thing i should be concerned with.

    Hitting calorie target will cause you to lose weight, macros will promote overall health. It is important for you to get enough dietary fat, which most people neglect because of the name. Eating enough protein and lifting weights will help your body maintain its lean body mass while losing fat.
  • Thanks! Any suggestions on Wats the latest time i should eat?
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    weight loss <> calories
    health <> nutrition (macro and micro nutrients)

    avoiding muscle loss during weight loss <> meeting minimum protein and fat intakes
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    Thanks! Any suggestions on Wats the latest time i should eat?

    there is no hard and fast time based cut off this is a known diet *myth*, it can work for some people, as it might encourage them not to snack unnecessarily after meals

    I sleep badly if I eat too late (for me), many others don't and can eat at any time and sleep hapily
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    another thing, how important is the carbs,protein, fat % to losing weight...does it matter

    is hitting my target calorie goal the only thing i should be concerned with.

    Like others have said, calorie deficit for weight loss...macro balance and micros for health.

    All I can say is if you want to keep your muscle around while you are losing weight its a good idea to include a little weight lifting in your routinue and get about 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass (how much you would weigh with zero fat). If you don't know your percent bodyfat then you don't know your lean mass but you could probably guess at it and assume 140 maybe. So that would be 140 grams of protein a day.

    For the fat as was mentioned you need fat in your diet so wouldn't go below 20% of your calories from fats (fat is 9 calories per gram, carbs are 4 cal per gram, protein is 4 cal per gram).

    The rest you just fill in with carbs. Carbs are your energy source. If you cut carbs drastically you will likely feel tired and find it hard to complete any workouts.

    Personally my macros are set at around 40/40/20 (protein/carb/fat). That means 40% of my calories come from protein (about 200g) 40% from carbs (about 200g) and 20% from fats (about 45g).

    Really though you just got to figure out what works for you to hit your calorie deficit and still be comfortable with what you are eating. Me right now, I don't have issues with hunger and I feel pretty happy with my food. Don't need to be a nazi about it.