Articles worth reading for fat loss

MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
Came across these this morning, and find them to be fairly decent writes ups on the fat oxidation issue.

This one is good, and I have made use of all of them, except for the morning and evening workout one....I just don't have the time to do two workouts in a day:

This article I think is good for those who are on the lower end of the BF% scale.... <12%
Again, something I do, since I do Intermittent Fasting.
Nate Miyaki also has his own website, and has a lot of good info on it.

This is a decent and quick write up on Leptin, and the roll it plays.....
If you are on the lower end of the BF% scale, this will be something to consider and keep in mind if you have been in a caloric deficit for a long period of time.

This one is for women, written by a woman....
My gripe with her write up though is the take she has on carbs and fruit......
So pick and choose out of this article.
