Calories at breakfast?

Hey guys :) just wondering if anyone could break down their day for me and tell me how many calories they're average for breakfast? Breakfast always seems to be when I eat the most. I'm talking like almost half my day's worth of calories. Is this normal? Anyone else like this?


  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Timing doesn't matter. If you like for your big meal to be breakfast, go for it.

    My breakdown for today is:
    Breakfast - 392 (skipped my coffee, it was gross this morning)
    Lunch - 223
    Afternoon Snack - 208
    Dinner - 487
    Post-workout Protein Shake - 239

    So, that's 1549 calories total. My goal is 1550. :)
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you :) i just didn't know if my big meal was TOO big lol my diary is open is people wanna see what I mean. Although I forget to log most days :/ work in progressive!!
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 140 Member
    Totally depends on the day for me, but here's how I'm usually set up (approx.):

    Breakfast: 300
    Lunch: 300
    Dinner: 350
    Snacks/Protein/Overages: 250

    Total: 1200

    If It's a day where I have a big workout/hit the gym, I'll eat more. It just totally depends on the day and how I'm feeling. Sometimes I have a late breakfast and only have 150 calories (as to not throw off my day schedule) and I make up the calories elsewhere.
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you :) i just didn't know if my big meal was TOO big lol my diary is open is people wanna see what I mean. Although I forget to log most days :/ work in progressive!!

    If you're hungry, by all means - eat!! :smile:

    I try to spread out my intake throughout the day, but I don't think it really matters in the long run
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Thank you :) i just didn't know if my big meal was TOO big lol my diary is open is people wanna see what I mean. Although I forget to log most days :/ work in progressive!!

    Nope, your dairy is not open.
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Yeah true. Idk I've just always felt fuller throughout the day if I eat a big meal first thing. And I'm always FAMISHED when I wake up lol
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Oops! I forgot it's only open to friends hang on I'll fix it!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I am currently eating 1900 calories per day (NOT eating back exercise calories, as they're already factored in). I usually eat around 300 for breakfast, as that seems enough for me to feel full and satisfied until lunch time.

    I tend to eat a larger dinner and also like to save room for some snacks. I like to have enough calories for a snack in the afternoon around 2 PM or so and then some snacks later at night. Feel free to look at my diary if you like... in the past I haven't always been on my best behavior, especially on weekends... but it's my goal for May to stick to my 1900 consistently (based on my weekly goals... for example, i was about 130 under on Monday and 130 over on Tuesday, so I consider that to just cancel out).

    Anyway, it's really just up to personal preference. :) I don't think there's anything wrong with eating a big first meal, though if you find you're tired/weak/etc by the end of the night, you may consider shifting some calories to later in the day.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm on 1550 calories a day, I use about 3-400 for breakfast and I also have a mid morning cup of coffee plus a plain biscuit (around 10.30am). I do the same for lunch around 3-400 and then an afternoon snack, and the last 550 for dinner and the evening. I find breaking up into small meals stops me cheating. I think that breakfast is really important so if you enjoy it and it works for you then I would go right ahead and eat those calories. It's no different to people skipping breakfast and eating all their calories in the evening - everybody has to find their own way.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I eat 300-400 calories for breakfast. I'm eating between 1600-1800 calories, although I need to do a slight increase again soon. I normally eat lunch around 1130-Noon, and lunch is normally my biggest meal, ranging anywhere between 450-600 calories. Dinner can really vary depending on if its my day off or if I work. If I work, I split my dinner up into smaller calorie meals, or I plan an evening snack for after work.

    I don't like grazing, but on work days I try to spread the calories throughout the day because I get weak, even on a higher amount of calories.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    My meals usually get bigger throughout the day. For breakfast I usually just have coffee when I wake up and yogurt maybe around 9:30 or something, I don't have much of an appetite in the morning. But some people are exactly the opposite, as long as it fits in your daily goals you're fine :)
  • mizzmathsl
    mizzmathsl Posts: 1
    I'm still learning to adjust as I go along, I bored of the same thing everyday so now I'm trying to create differnt options that are filling but not over doing it in the sugar area. Me and fresh fruit / vegatables keep getting me in trouble. Good luck
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    Your breakfast looks pretty solid to me! :drinker:

    My breakfast tends to be between 700 - 850 calories with plenty of protein. My lunch and dinner can vary between 200 - 500 calories, but my morning snack is usually a hand full of almonds and then a protein bar in the afternoon so I'm not running on empty when I go to the gym.
  • sammama5
    sammama5 Posts: 92 Member
    My dairy is open if you want a look. I tend to be between 330-450 for breakfast. The biggest difference I see is the amount of sugar in your breakfast (probably your coffee?) versus mine. It makes sense that if you eat most of your calories early in the morning that you are famished the next morning.
    If you are losing weight, I wouldn't worry about when you eat, as long as you have energy to get through your day. If you aren't losing weight, or aren't feeling energy when you need it, that would be a sign that you should change things up.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I am confused by the entry for domino sugar -- is it for 8 tsp or 1 tsp? By the number of calories listed, I am guessing 8 tsp? Does this go into your coffee? It might be good to cut down or switch to a no-cal sweetener if you want to lower your breakfast calories.

    Otherwise, I agree that you don't need to worry about having a big breakfast. Most people don't eat big enough breakfasts to last them long enough and most of the things in your breakfast (eggs, veggies) look like good choices to sustained energy and nutrition.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I usually just have coffee in the morning. It doesn't really matter WHEN you eat your calories as long as you're getting enough of htem. Some people prefer to eat more early, but this just causes me to get 'snacky' throughout the day. So I usually skip breakfast and eat the majority of my calories at dinner time (lunch is usually 300 calories or less of soup - the canned and full of sodium kind... but it works for me). Do whatever you're comfortable with. :)
  • arrowprayer
    arrowprayer Posts: 77 Member
    i eat about 200 cal for breakfast
    400cal sub at night or a 400 cal pizza (my weaknesses that i can't go without)
    and 400 through out the day
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I usually have a banana for breakfast and then if I go on a run/to the gym I will come back and have a bowl of cereal. So about 350. But I love a big breakfast. I find that when I have a big breakfast, I snack a lot less during the day.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    During the weekday?: It ranges from 400-600 calories, usually closer to the latter

    During the weekend when I can sleep in?: It's not uncommon for me to have a brunch in the 1500-1700 calorie range and then a smaller dinner.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I have been eating a larger breakfast and lighter lunch with medium to large dinner. idk i just go by how i feel daily