Synthroid for your Thyroid,can you still lose weight?



  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I also gained a lot of weight because of an underactive thyroid. I'm on Synthroid now and you can see from my ticker that I am losing weight. Before the Synthroid, I had so little energy, I could barely function with my day to day stuff like going to work, grocery shopping and cooking, so I because very sedentary and ate a lot of fast food, takeout and prepared foods. I feel so good now that I am on Synthroid. It restored me to feeling normal after about 5 days taking it.

    Fortunately, my dosage was perfect from day one, but you want to make sure your doctor follows up with you regularly to check your blood levels.
  • AlexandraLynch
    Absolutely you can. It helps a lot if you can exercise and eat the right things, and you're here, so you can watch your food intake and not let the weight pile on.

    I started eating differently at the beginning of July, and got here at the end of August. I started at 298.

    And I finally got back on my synthroid on the 15th of August.

    So not only can you lose weight on Synthroid (I've lost 3 pounds since I've been here) but you can even lose weight with a crappy thyroid.

    It's doable. And I believe in you.
  • sgraves0510
    I also have over active thyroid and so does my grandma and great grandma and some of my aunts...but i am very stubborn about not taking my medicine. I dont know why i just forget..but does this have anything with me losing my head i know how to lose weight im just not applying it to my life...i work at night and sleep during the day so it is hard for me to get my time sorted out so that i can cook healthy meals and eat healthier...but i want to be there for my 22 and 313lbs. i dont want to be like this anymore i barely have energy and i need help. any advice?
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I have a hyperthyroid, but recently went hypo due to my anti-thyroid meds. During the period that I was hypo I lost about 10 lbs.

    I totally understand your concerns, I think us hyperthyroid ladies in particular worry - but please do remember that any weight loss with hyperthyroid is really unhealthy, and can lead to osteoporosis, early heart disease, and many other problems. I know, I know, not what you were looking for - I just always have to throw that out there! :)

    Once treated, I strongly encourage you to always ensure that you a) get the appropriate lab work; and b) always get a COPY of your lab work (and don't just let the doctor say you are "within normal range".

    TSH: most/many doctors will look just at your TSH, and this is NOT correct. TSH comes from your pituitary gland, therefore it isn't a direct measure of what your thyroid is doing. As well, many doctors incorrectly use the old "normal" range for TSH (.5-5.0) instead of the new range (.3-3.0) introduced in 2002.
    Free T3 and Free T3: these are an actual measure of your thyroid hormone - make sure it's "free" and not total T3/T4. Your results should be in the top 1/3 of the range your lab uses.

    Finally: it can take a LONG time to normalize after RAI treatment. Did they test you for Graves antibodies before the surgery? If not that's ok, but I would push to have this tested regularly as well (especially if you plan/want to get pregnant one day; highly unlikely with Graves antibodies present). Some people find it takes years for their thyroid to die off - just keep getting lab work, get the actual results, and feel free to try different types of replacement thyroid hormone if one isn't working for you.

    Check out some of Mary Shomon's info - she is great!!

    And for any others reading and interested - please, PLEASE remember that radioactive iodine is NOT the only treatment option for Graves, and should NOT be the automatic first option selected. It can absolutely be a valuable option - but remember that you have the right to explore other options.
  • leodora1
    leodora1 Posts: 77 Member
    I understand your concern. I just started levothyroxine for hypothyroid and am hoping it helps. I work out five - six days a week and eat healthy. I gained 20 lbs since December, so I desperately hoping that my treatment leads to an ability to lose weight again. I have been suffering from hypothyroid for about five years, subclinical but didn't know it and was just happy at 150 (I am 5'1") but I am hoping to get to 145 as that is where I feel good and strong although I am won't be a skinny girl, I will be fit.
  • natasha26158
    I had thyroid cancer. I was thin before my surgery but since my RAI to kill the rest of the cancer I have gained probably 25 pounds. I have been very discouraged and it seems if I look at food I gain weight. Prior to surgery, it was just the opposite for me. I could eat a healthy diet but many calories without repercussion. s I am still hypothyroid and it takes several months to get to normal as the only raise the medicine every six weeks. I am already up to 175mcg which is a big dose for a woman. Anyhow, it is encouraging to see what all of you have written. I needed that.

    I need to get back on my fitness pal and start monitoring better what goes in my mouth. I am still very tired and not moving as much but am pushing myself more now of days. I doubt much will come off till this hypothyroidism is resolved but I need to try again.

    As far as TSH goes, that measures if your thyroid is producing enough thyroid hormone. In my case that number will be through the roof as my pituitary will try to figure out why I have no production (no thyroid). Your thyroid makes T3 and T4 but the ration of one to the other is 20 to 80%. T4 is converted to T3 to be used by the body. So no matter what form it is in both T3 and T4 have to be right in order to loose weight. It is important they measure free T3 and free T4, ReverseT3, thyroid antibodies, TSH and other mineral and vitamins to get someone in the right direction.

    So tomorrow is the start of getting back to normal. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Christi102012
    Christi102012 Posts: 87 Member
    I've been on Synthroid or a generic for nearly all my life. I was diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism when I was a baby. I haven't always been the best patient when it comes to taking my medication. When I've been off my meds for too long a time the weight builds up very easily and quickly. I'm barely active at all and only want to sleep. Once I'm back on them and regulated again I tend to lose some just because my metabolism goes up and I'm more active again. I hope this helps.

    It can take a while for your Dr. to figure out the right dosage for you, so don't get discouraged about your weight. Just continue using MPF and working out and once your levels are stabilized you can tweak and focus as you need to. Good luck and I hope this helped.
  • frogfour
    frogfour Posts: 1 Member
    It was an eye opener when I read all of these posts about "Synthroid or Thyroid" (Or Synthroid for NO Thyroid). Most of the replies are from people that have been in this situation their entire lives. Is there anyone that is dealing with this recently? Im asking because its my understanding that these drugs take a very long time to stabilize. I had my thyroid removed in July and I have consistently gained weight taking Levothyroxine x 235Mcg daily, even though Im tracking exercise and food intake that clearly recorded a consistent 500 cal reduction per day. Unfortunately, the fat is rolling in so fast that its starting to look like the North Shore of Hawaii!! Does anyone recommend switching to Synthroid?
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    I had cancer a couple years ago and had a hemispherectomy. I still have one half but it doesn't work for s**t. When I had my surgery, it took about 3 months for the meds to level out and get everything going again. I'm on Synthroid now, started my journey on Levo. Honestly there was no difference between the two for me. I lost my first 30 on Levo. It took a WHOLE lot longer than I thought it should to start seeing results, but once the results started to show it was all downhill from there. Be patient, weigh all your intake and make sure you're logging it accurately, don't overestimate your calorie burn. Sucks that it takes so long for those of us with thyroid issues, but it really does even out.
  • Yodee
    Yodee Posts: 84 Member
    I am also on Synthroid and my doctor ran some tests when she found out I was losing weight and found that my medication needed to increased slightly. But what I was never told, nor is it on any prescription bottle, is that I needed to take it 30 minutes before any other meds or food. Really? That's kind of an important instruction isn't it? After making the adjustment and taking it like I was supposed to for a week - I actually dropped four pounds! Now I was also watching my calories and excising so I don't know if it was the new medication or a combination of all - whatever it was caused a dancing party in the bathroom Friday morning!
  • vickierivero1
    vickierivero1 Posts: 46 Member
    Keep Your head up. You can still lose. I have! I am on levothyroxine. I just lost 4.4 lbs and really didnt take too much effort. Watch those calories and exercise/walk. Don't stress. Everything will be okay!
  • czabs
    czabs Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on synthroid for an underactive thyroid and I lost 60lbs in 5 months.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). Thyroid meds (in my case, Synthroid & Cytomel) reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But I lost just like everybody else—by eating fewer calories than I burned. Logging works.
  • mom2pandc
    mom2pandc Posts: 14 Member
    I have been on Synthroid for quite a while, but am now getting my dosages correct and getting my own attitude about weight loss in check. I've lost 13 pounds since the first of the year.
    On another note, I have a friend who had thyroid cancer several years ago and had hers removed. She was a marathon runner before, but now....she's a beast. She does triathlons, swims, runs, bikes, and lifts like a beast. She is a big inspiration to me.

    It will take some time for your body to adjust and your meds to get to the right dose. Don't let that become and excuse to lay off. Do what you can right now. Exercise and track. But accept that it might be a slower process. Persistence will prevail.