Join my journey, and we'll do it together

Hi, I'm jordan, i'm not new to my fitness pal but i really want to start getting involved withe helping people on their path and keeping true to my own as well.
I started my journey on January 15 of 2014, and so far i have lost 55 lbs. Through researching nutrition and balancing that with appropriate exercising i have been able to create very dramatic results. I have become/still becoming the warrior i always knew i could be. I began at 240 lbs, i am now 185 with a 140 goal weight.
Add me, comment, Join, what have you and tell me your success stories, lets do this together :)!!!!


  • ImPrincessPeach
    ImPrincessPeach Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new-ish to this too. Your journey so far is awesome! Way to go. I obviously only use it to track my own food since I don't know how to "add" you quite yet, but I'd love to have someone as a weight-loss buddy. I'm looking to lose 10-15lbs. I don't mind working out, but I have a strong pull to chips, cookies, candy, anythingggggg, and I know healthy eating is my biggest stumbling block!
  • Alana150
    Alana150 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, wow! you have done great thus far! what is your secret? I enjoy exercising and the weight loss has been a roller coaster which is most likely due to some of my food choices. But I am not giving up! I am in this for life! I started in the high 190's down a few with a goal weight of 150 or more. I could use the help/advice you are willing to share with me. :)
  • ashine04
    ashine04 Posts: 2
    In truth the main way you are going to see results is nutrition nutrition nutrition, working out and exercise are great ways to boost you metabolism and grow those muscles (in which muscle is burning 2 more calories per pound than fat) you can kill yourself at the gym, but it won't mean a thing unless you are eating properly.

    I did a 100 day challenge, back before i had done any research, it was to run 200 miles in 100 day. I couldn't even run a mile at the time but it seemed like a good challenge to build discipline. As my miles got better i still felt weighed down, so i started looking into what i was consuming to do this. I cut out red meat entirely because i had a fast food problem, but cutting out that factor i started dropping weight like crazy. and my miles got better.

    running soon became an addiction, more of a meditation than a work out, plus it was wonderful for my dog. My vegetable intake increase because i noticed i felt amazing on days that i just plowed down on those greens. I became very aware of my protein levels and how they affect my body and the results i was aiming for.

    i completely my 100 days at 256 miles. a few days i would run 11 miles just for the hell of it.

    i have moved on to lifting weights and eating correctly. I'm already beginning to see new and spectacular results from changing up my routine. I have also taken on primarily vegetarian/vegan diet. It definitely helps me stay away from bad foods.

    i try to never use words like diet, or skinny, or how i look, they are very negative and discouraging words.

    i say fit, i say life choice, because this is a forever commitment
  • keytostart
    keytostart Posts: 7
    Congrats on the weight loss! I hope I can do the same!