20 Pounds in 5 Months: May - Sept



  • sashafischang
    sashafischang Posts: 38 Member
    I am in this too!

    Name: Sasha
    Starting Weight/Date: 131.0 - May 8, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 131.0 - May 8, 2014 (will update tomorrow since that is my weigh in day)
    Goal Weight/Date: 121 by. August 23, 2014

    I am 4'10.5". My first goal weight is 121, which is the highest weight I can be at a "normal" BMI. Once I make it to 121, I will see how my body looks and feels and may try to lose a few more pounds. I have several motivations to keep me going to my goal. 1st motivation is a wedding I am going to on 5/17/14. 2nd motivation is a wedding my husband and I will both be in (we are obviously close with the bride and groom and will therefore see the pics a lot) on 8/23/14, 3rd motivation is a wedding my husband will be in on 9/26/14, and final goal is a trip to Kauai my husband and I will be taking in late November. My ultimate goal for November is to wear a bikini and feel good. We'll see. Please feel free to add me. I am on most days :)
  • Ashley3364
    Ashley3364 Posts: 5 Member
    First post and first challenge! I turn 30 in August (and it's obviously important to look hotter in my 30's than 20's) and am going to Kauai for 10 days in October for my anniversary. My goal is to get in shape, feel healthy and look hot in a bikini. I'm not as concerned about the number on the scale, but my approximate goal is 15 lbs.

    Name: Ashley
    Height - 5'4"
    Starting Weight and Date - 137, May 8
    Goal Weight and Date - 122, September 15
  • kris10ukblue
    kris10ukblue Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in, too! I'd like to get back near my pre-baby weight by the time my daughter turns 1.

    Name: Kristin
    Starting Weight/Date: 168 May 8, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 168 May 8, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 145 September 1, 2014
  • dollforlife
    dollforlife Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all...I'm looking for some support. Sign me up!
    Heaviest weight 219 lbs 2007
    Starting weight/date 136 lbs May 8
    Goal weight/date 116 lbs September 20
    UGW 110 lbs
  • juniormints74
    juniormints74 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm in!

    Name: Deb
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight: 190 lbs.
    Current Weight: 157.8 lbs.
    Goal Weight (for September) 137 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 lbs.
  • tihi18
    tihi18 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm in too! I have about 25 I want to lose altogether.

    Name: Tiffany
    Starting Weight/Date: 159 - May 7, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 159 - May 8, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 142 - September 15, 2014
  • 0nlyM3
    0nlyM3 Posts: 5
    I'm so in =) Glad that you started this.

    Name: Shirley
    Starting weight/date: 219 lbs May 3
    Current Weight/date: 212 lbs May 8
    Goal weight/date: 172 lbs September 20
    UGW 130 lbs
  • samatarhooyo
    samatarhooyo Posts: 3 Member
    me too add me in my goal is 20 by sept
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I'm in!

    Name: Michelle
    Starting Weight/Date: 185 - May 8, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 185 - May 8, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 160 - September 13, 2014
    Height - 5/2

    Anyone can add, I always need support and love supporting others.
  • kittley
    kittley Posts: 73 Member
    Yay I'm in, have a big holiday/vacation coming up on the 1st of September so have set my goal slightly sooner. :) good luck everyone

    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight: 170.6 lbs (February 2014)
    Current Weight: 158 lbs
    Goal Weight for August 30: 140 lbs
  • laurie858
    laurie858 Posts: 91 Member
    Almost 70 people have posted and joined this challenge/discussion. I know we all have our own personal goals within this challenge and beyond. The weight loss goals in this group range from 10 - 25 pounds. And our "deadlines" range from as early as June and as late as November. Most of us are in the 20 Pounds in 5 Months group.

    If we all lost 20 pounds, that'd be almost 1500 pounds combined!! Amazing!

    How's everyone doing so far? Off to a good start? I know I am!! First two days were really great, and below my calorie intake goal. Today I will probably go over, but I've planned accordingly and will workout at the gym extra this weekend to try to make up for it.

    Remember, you can weigh in and post as often as you like. Try to at least check in once a week. I'm keeping track of everyone's progress, and if it's ok with you, I'd like to post the top "losers" from time to time.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    :smile: Im in!!
    Name: Autumn, 35, mom of 3 boys
    SW: May 8th- 155
    GW: Sept 15-130
  • Deni3069
    Deni3069 Posts: 13 Member
    I have 20 lbs to go to reach my goal of 140.00 I was actually giving myself until August 2nd since that will be exactly 2 years.
    It really seems like the last 20ish lbs are the hardest does anyone agree?
    Any tips to get out of a plateau?

    5/8/14 = 157.5
    9/14 = 140

    Name: Denise
    age: 40
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    I'd like to be down to 140 by sept. 19th! It's about a 23lb loss. I love all the support I can get, I'll add you
  • I'm in! It's my 30th at the end of Sept so this is great motivation!

    Start weight / 8 May = 163
    Goal weight = approx 143 (happy to weigh more if I have the muscle tone!)

    Bring it on :)
  • BigWhompy
    BigWhompy Posts: 14 Member
    Joining this party! Works perfectly with my ideal timeline. :)

    SW: 290
    CW: 220
    9/8/14: 200
    GW: 190
  • Ashley3364
    Ashley3364 Posts: 5 Member
  • sashafischang
    sashafischang Posts: 38 Member
    Updating today since I weigh in on Fridays:


    SW: 131 5/8/14
    CW: 130.6 5/9/14
    GW: 121 by 8/23/14
  • NRD1130
    NRD1130 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in.

    Name: Nicole
    Starting Weight/Date: 142.6 - May 5, 2014
    Current Weight/Date: 142.2 - May 9, 2014
    Goal Weight/Date: 135 - October 1, 2014
  • Dagnova
    Dagnova Posts: 68
    Updating today since I weigh in on Fridays:


    SW: 131 5/8/14
    CW: 130.6 5/9/14
    GW: 121 by 8/23/14

    Well done Sasha! :)

    My Friday update:
    SW1: 234 (early 2013)
    SW2: 200 lbs (May 7 2014)
    CW: 196 lbs (May 92014)
    GW: 180 lbs

    Yeah the progress is crazy. I must say that my SW2 (the starting weight of this challenge) was a spike in my weight - it just happened to be my weight on the day this challenge started. So I lost that extra weight and a bit more. Next week I hope to be below 195! :)

    If I get below 190 I will be lighter than in over 5 years. Something to look forward to! :D Oh and I am getting loads of compliments from people that I am in such good shape! Great to hear! :)

    Hope it goes well with you all too!