Anyone saw success and had the scale NOT EVER MOVE ?

Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
Hi just a question for people who got where they wanted:
Did you get to your goal while "looking " good but the scale remained the same ?
I ask because im concerned as I've been on this for 3 weeks now and havent lost a single pound
Exercising 5 times a week and measured but not a huge difference too maybe 1 inch overall? But I do feel my clothes fitting better , I know its just so weird ...I'm comfusrd really dont want to give up to the scale as usual :(


  • Yes, I lose inches b4 pounds but I am also trying to build muschle, I was a size 4 at 140 pounds and my jeans fit perfect meanwhile when i was 125 and didnt workout they where snug, inches is what matters not the number on the scale. =-) I am back down to 125 now and alot more tight and healthy then previously was.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Those are NSV in MFP parlance - non-scale victories. I get those most days I go to the gym in the form of new PRs.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    I wont say that I've hit my goal, but since I dropped the first ten pounds my scale has only moved 1 pound in the last 5 months. However, the progress pictures that I have taken show a remarkable change. My suggestion would be to start taking pictures of yourself once a month. If you keep at it you will see changes!
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks a lot !
    Im trying my best to stick with it this time i've gave up a lot in the past because of the "mean" scale
  • soniable
    soniable Posts: 1
    You r gaining muscle while loosing fat. 1 pound of muscle is much smaller than one pound of fat! U r heading in the right direction. Keep up the good work!
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Inches and photos over the scale!!!!

    Pictures are great to see your progress... Friends will notice too, We don't always see changes on ourselves, but others do : )
  • katherinephipps1
    katherinephipps1 Posts: 4 Member
    I started my fat loss mission in 12 weeks ago. Not a single pound off, but 12 inches off. I am more toned and I am a dress size smaller. The scales mean nothing. Always measure from inch loss and how your clothes fit!
    Keep up the good work. It does work!!
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
    I started my fat loss mission in 12 weeks ago. Not a single pound off, but 12 inches off. I am more toned and I am a dress size smaller. The scales mean nothing. Always measure from inch loss and how your clothes fit!
    Keep up the good work. It does work!!

    Thank you ! That really inspired me :)
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    I havent lost any weight in 5 months, however, im almost down 2 sizes. I am on month 11 of this journey. First 2 months I lost about 35 lbs, then over the next 3 months lost about 10 lbs and then fastforward today

    I have managed to lose about 26 inches overall. :) went from a 2xxl shirt to now a medium.

    Scale sucks. I hate it. I just want for it to say under 200.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I recommend taking frequent photos, because even the tape measure doesn't tell the whole story. I measure at my belly button and also at my natural waist, but it's my belly overhang that has been shrinking the most, which is affecting the way my clothes fit. I never measure there, so if I was relying strictly on "inches lost", I may have been discouraged.

    Photos, photos, photos!
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
    I recommend taking frequent photos, because even the tape measure doesn't tell the whole story. I measure at my belly button and also at my natural waist, but it's my belly overhang that has been shrinking the most, which is affecting the way my clothes fit. I never measure there, so if I was relying strictly on "inches lost", I may have been discouraged.

    Photos, photos, photos!

    That's so true!
    I figured out that that happened to me too ...
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    A couple of years back I lost about 1 stone & then I started going to the gym 4-5 days a week doing cardio, resistance & weight. For the following 2-3 months at the gym, I barely lost any weight at all on the scales, but I did drop a dress size during this time. I didn't take measurements or pictures - It was just that I could finally fit into clothes that I had not been able to wear for a long time.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Yep, don't listen to the scale! So far I have lost 1 inch on my waist and two inches on my hips, but I only lost one pound. I'm deciding that the scale doesn't matter :)
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
    A couple of years back I lost about 1 stone & then I started going to the gym 4-5 days a week doing cardio, resistance & weight. For the following 2-3 months at the gym, I barely lost any weight at all on the scales, but I did drop a dress size during this time. I didn't take measurements or pictures - It was just that I could finally fit into clothes that I had not been able to wear for a long time.

    Thats really nice, thank you !
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
    Yep, don't listen to the scale! So far I have lost 1 inch on my waist and two inches on my hips, but I only lost one pound. I'm deciding that the scale doesn't matter :)

    Me too lool :)
  • nicupson
    nicupson Posts: 19 Member
    Phew! Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Working hard but not seeing the scale move is a bit of a bummer, but overall everything is fitting and feeling better. :smile:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I agree with those saying to use photos as proof. I am at my goal weight, but not at my goal body. Tape measure is good if you want to get smaller, but if you simply want definition where there was none before, pictures are going to tell that story better than anything else.

    I don't have any problems with my waist size, but I want some abs definition. I have seen success just in that by just lifting heavy. I'm sure the tape measure will tell the tale soon, but for now, the only noticeable difference is what I see in the mirror (and my strength). And for me, that's the goal anyway.
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    My scale has moved a bit but a hugs difference in the way mass is distributed.. 5 inches down in the waist...
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