Starting over again with 100+lbs to lose

I had tried to start a weight loss journey about a year ago, but everything in my life conspired against me, and I didn't have the fortitude to stick with it.

But now I'm back!

I am 250lbs and I'm looking to be 145lbs give or take 5. (I'm 5'9''-5'10''ish) At my highest weight I was at 286, but changes in medication brought me down to 250.

About me, I'm 27, I work as an online teacher, teaching university level English. I hope to start teaching biology soon, too! I have 2 cats, Malcolm and Khloe, and a husband who is very supportive. I enjoy running, video games, writing, and translating Japanese comics into English. I hope to pick up kayaking as a sport now that I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

I'm happy to meet everyone!


  • TraceyLee1102
    TraceyLee1102 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi good luck on your weight loss journey! Glad you are back and ready to stick with it. I am a newbie as well (only on day 12) but there is lots of support and resources here.

    Kayaking around the lake my sister in laws cottage is on during the summer is one of my favorite things to do. It's so relaxing
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Welcome back, you're doing the right thing and forget about quitting in the past and focus on your return.

    Take baby steps, your goal right now should be to lose no more than .5 to 1 lb per week, with 2 lbs being the max. At lb per week you will lose 4 lbs per month on average (maybe more) and 48 lbs per year. I know that seems like a slow rate of weight loss but it'll be easier to do and you can't knock losing 48 lbs in one year, you'll look and feel amazing.

    Remember, it took time to put on the weight and it'll take time to take it off. Any diet you persue that is overely restrictive or too intense in general is doomed for failure. Enjoy the foods you like but measure properly and always record (even on the bad or break days) and you'll slowly start to make smarter decisions and start losing weight with less effort than you might think.

    I recommend making your goal a 2-3 year goal, then maintaining your weight by still recording and continuing to work out and build muscle mass. I recommend this plan because it is my plan, and I also have 100lbs to lose and so far I'm doing ok (despite a few rough patches here and there). Down 20 lbs from when I started about a year and a half ago.
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you for the post.

    I'm trying for 50lbs this year, since 52 weeks in a year of 1lb should be doable. Anything extra that I get will be a nice bonus. And hopefully in 2 years, I'll be nearing the goal.

    I'm training for a 10K. I can run a 5K quite comfortably, so right now I'm working on feeding my body with fuel, rather than just eating.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    That's awesome, great goal. I'll wish you the best++
  • Alannah780
    Alannah780 Posts: 32
    Add me too!