New year--New me

I'm Sarah, and I have tried to lose weight so many times before. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds. I am determined to achieve my weight loss goals this time around. Encouragment is very much welcomed!


  • jbars11
    jbars11 Posts: 71
    Hi Sarah!!

    I'm new too! I can't tell you how many times I have tried to lose weight before....I swore this was my here goes nothing.

    GOOD LUCK =)
  • Determined120509
    Good luck to you too! We should keep up with eachother for encouragement!!
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    hello :) well done on making a start. ive got 30 to lose to and im tellin myself this is the yr ill do it lol.
    we can and will do it :) x
  • keky389
    keky389 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi My name is Alexys Alfonso.. I'm 21 years old. I joined myfitnesspal a few months back and I loved it! it really helped me keep my calories on track and I managed to lose a couple of pounds. However about three months into using the site I fell of track and its been three months that I haven't been on the site. Well it's a new Year 2011 and I recently just graduated college this december and I decided that 2011 I'm starting fresh and I am going to go all the way this year. Everytime I set weight loss goals for myself I never meet them. Year after year I say I'm going to but I some how get discouraged and I never get to where I want to be.. This year it's all going to change! so Im back on myfitnesspal and would like to make many friends on here so that we can help eachother get there!.. A little support and encouragement goes a long wayyyyy! add me :) & Happy Newyear!
  • Kendra7107
    Welcome Sarah!
    I think you will love this site, it's easy to use and fun. :happy: Whenever you need some support and motivation just reach out, someone is always around to offer a few words of encouragement if needed. :-) You have come to the right place.

    I've tried other fitness sites in the past but many of them are cumbersome and filled with pop ups and take forever to navigate and fill in information. This one is great as everything is at a glance so for those of us that have hectic work days, it only takes a minute or two to log in food and track weight and exercise.

    You can make it happen, just stay the course!!!
    Take care, Kendra
  • Kendra7107
    Welcome Back!!
    I too had a tough November and December but it's all in the past. Don't look back!! Just keep moving forward and focus on the positive!! YOU CAN DO IT!! :-)
    Happy New Year!!
  • mhayes13
    mhayes13 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Sarah -

    I did this site once before with great success but then completely fell off the wagon – it can work, just be honest with your food and exercise entries. People on the site are great for support. We are all in this together.

  • kacoulter
    You gals all sound very motivated. Like all of you, I too have tried many, many times to lose weight and am VERY determined to lose it permanently this time. I have lost over 13 pounds since December 21st, but I am trying to lose 67 pounds. Good luck to all of you!!!!

  • Determined120509
    wow! Kim, how did you lose so much so fast?? keep it up!
  • live4something
    live4something Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    Congratulations on making such a great decision to become a healthier you! I started on 8/23/10 and absolutely love this site. I also have the app for my Droid phone which makes tracking my food and exercise very convenient. Everyone on here is so encouraging and motivating. It has been so great to go on this journey with all of my "pals" at my side. Best of luck to you! Just keep your eye on the prize!
  • aeshippen
    You can do it girl!! Keep in touch if you want a buddy! I need the encouragment as well. I want to loose 50 lbs and have my cute dancer body but you can do it ! My theme is one day at a time! :) xoxo