If you could change one thing about your body?



  • 1990sophia1990
    1990sophia1990 Posts: 225 Member
    wish i had long slim legs
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I wanna be.... more kryptonian.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    just one bit?? hmmm the bit inbetween the soles of my feet and my chin...
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    My abs for sure.. I have come a LONG way in 15 months so I am hoping that will come too!
  • licorice_tea
    licorice_tea Posts: 59 Member
    My metabolism! If I could burn through food like some of my naturally under 10% body fat friends, I would be awash with joy! I am such a foodie.
  • Azcosby
    Azcosby Posts: 150
    No so much change, but repair my Supraspinatus so I can chase my bench PB again
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    just one bit?? hmmm the bit inbetween the soles of my feet and my chin...

    No way Mrs! :flowerforyou:
  • carolinetayloruk
    carolinetayloruk Posts: 73 Member
    There are actually a few things even though i'm not anywhere near as unhappy with my body as i used to be

    Broad shoulders - I've hated my shoulders ever since i was told i had 'man shoulders' when i was a teenager.

    My stomach - Its the shape i hate more then anything, i've got this dent in it that always makes it look like my trousers don't fit even when they are hanging off me. Sadly its genetic, as the majority of females have it in my family so i don't think its going to go away anytime soon

    My height - I am the shortest in my family by a long shot so have a massive complex. I don't want to be much taller, just an additional 5cm or so would do just to bring me up to an average height. Preferably i'd like this extra height to appear on my legs
  • sheilanavora
    sheilanavora Posts: 15 Member
    There are two things I'd change which are my arms and neck, but if I HAD to choose only one, I'd choose my neck because I'd have an easier time finding something to cover my arms.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Longer hair
  • KellyCPalmer
    That means there are two main options, if you want to lose weight:
    eat less or do more physical activity.
    The best way to lose weight is a combination of the two.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    My weight.

  • KellyCPalmer
    Thinking of his manners , eat slowly, inelegant , which can not only thin , but also help repair your stomach. We have to spend 20 minutes in the stomach to digest the food before it is gratifying to transmit to the brain. If we eat too fast, the heat will be on "full " information is not communicated to the brain before too . They are " full of" I used to eat a little slower in the pause between courses , seven full- time to stop , less consumption of 100 calories per can , about 200 meals twice a day the card, and one can lean 10 kg . Dine with everyone , you can prevent a wolf man in hiding , is a good way to eat a little slower.

    Parts of ******** relatively easy to accumulate body fat, so try these sites is the most effective way to lose weight locally. Local diet to succeed , the key is the position should be in place to try to exert muscle fibers in place. While clear goals , what they want to reduce the time is decreased four weeks , will be able to make him see the surprising changes .
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    My weight.


    So change it.
  • rainbowfaye
    rainbowfaye Posts: 68 Member
    I have a huge mole under all this hair. I'd get rid of it and see what it's like to have a shaved head. Actually, it's probably best if this wish didn't get fulfilled.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Stretch marks
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I'd go for an Einstein level intelligence before I'd change anything outward, but if we're just restricting this to outward, my belly has got to go!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Tell us whats your worst flaw? As for myself id say my broad shoulders.

    I've been told by a few men that they find broad shoulders in women attractive! I love my broad shoulders.

    I'd love to have some definition in my upper legs. Working on it.

    I love my broad shoulders too.

    I'm kind of torn about this question (i.e. what I would change about your body). If the only factor was doing squats, then I'd like slightly shorter femurs and longer shins to get a mechanical advantage in squats that I lack and is currently doing my head in with regard to ideal form for squats. However, I know enough about biomechanics to know that this would make make me lose a mechanical advantage for a lot of other things like skating, walking/running up stairs, hills etc, doing step-ups and shorter femurs would also mean shorter thigh muscles which would probably negatively affect my deadlift somehow. So I think I'll just keep myself the way I am and just figure out ideal squat form for me. And I think it's cool that my tibia/femur ratio and radius/humerus ratio appears to be in the neanderthal range rather than the cro-magnon range (which matches my broad shoulders, short height and mahoosive rib cage).

    Anything about your how your body is (not including actual medical issues) could be a flaw or an asset, depending on your attitude. Some things you can change, e.g. if you're obese you can lose fat. But things you can't change you can either let them depress you for the rest of your life or you can choose to like those things about yourself and avoid a whole lot of misery.

    Always considered myself a bit of a science geek, but I never thought about calculating the mechanical advantage of the various levers that my body has, now I am going to have to do the math. :laugh:

    well I didn't do it all by myself... mostly I got my info from palaeoanthropology discussion (neanderthal v cro-magnon limb proportions and the related biomechanics) and articles on weight lifting (i.e. how ideal foot placement for squats varies depending on how proportionally long your femurs are) plus noticing that my own limb proportions and biomechanics match those of neanderthals. And I think I could be considered as evidence for the neanderthal admixture hypothesis.
  • rikracer61
    rikracer61 Posts: 208
    remove loose skin after massive weight loss
  • myuhmaya
    myuhmaya Posts: 71 Member
    I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a balle. I wish I had a girl so I could call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and six-four impala.