looking for friends and support

Hello, my name is Vanessa and I have been on a roller coaster for 4 years. 4 years ago I lost 80lbs from just running. After that year I developed shin splints and a heal spur. So that made me slow down my running and I was at a loss at how to stay as active as I was. I ended up gaining 60lbs of my 80lbs and now starting to try it again but with less running and better eating habits. I started a boot camp class that I LOVE. I have no problem working out but my issue is what I am eating. When it comes to eating, I become overwhelmed and at a loss of what I should eat. I am unsure what are good carbs and bad carbs, sodium, proteins and all of that.
I would like help on keeping me disciplined on my eating habits. I do really good for a week or two days then I just bomb! Then I go through the emotions of regret and guilt.
My goal is to be comfortable with my body and get to fit into clothes that I like! not settle for the clothes that fit my body. I have always been a bigger person in weight and have struggled with weight for most of my life, but I want that to change...
Any support would be appreciated and welcomed!
Thanks for your time.


  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    Feel free to add me and honestly it's eating at a calorie deficit. I'm at work right now but if you add me I'll take a look to give you suggestions. Remember there aren't really bad foods (well there might be but it's for medical reasons that they're bad for a specific person or type person) only bad portion sizes. There's also an article about guide to sexypants. Search for it as it's very good and informative.
  • Destinie30
    Destinie30 Posts: 9
    I'm not sure I'll be a lot of help in regards to ideas of healthy foods, but I can be here to support you in your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me!
  • ladyofbugglake
    ladyofbugglake Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Vanessa,

    Nice to meet you. I think alot of us struggle with this. We start eating good for a few days and then we get off track and end up having to start all over again a couple of months later.

    Here is what is working for me: start slow!

    For the next 3 weeks, your only goal will be to track your food. It doesn't matter what you eat, just track. During the first 3 weeks, you don't have to worry about what you eat or if you stick to the calorie goal. As long as you are tracking, you are doing good.

    There are days where I can been 1500 calories over my goal (yikes!), but I still tracked. The purpose of this period is simply to get you in the healthy habit of tracking your food.

    If you are like me, you will find that the longer you track, the more you actually want to hit your calorie goal. It becomes like a numbers game.

    At the end of 3 weeks, you can add another "healthy habit" to your list. Just one. It could be "I will eat within my calorie goal at least 6 days out of the week." Or something else.

    Don't overwhelm yourself too much with good carbs vs. bad carbs. Scientists don't event agree on that stuff. Just take a first baby step--tracking-- and go from there. That simple.

    It may seem frustrating to start slowly, particularly if you are putting alot of pressure on yourself to lose weight. I had to force myself to relax and stop pressuring myself. I like tracking as a first goal because it produces an immediate sense of control and accomplishment but is pretty easy to do.

    Keep us updated!
